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Inspiration that got me to Dublin

I am seen by many as a geek and this is a moniker I wear with pride, but I am not a single dimensional person. I also am very committed to personal development, family and community. One of the people I look to as a role model and inspiration is Bill Gates. My decision to seek out a role in Microsoft was not solely based on the software and solutions we build nor the fantastic company atmosphere, opportunity and challenge the organization provides. I was motivated by the one-time leader, his dedication and personal belief structure and in particular the philanthropic endeavors he has chosen to take with success.

Today I read the 2011 Letter from Bill Gates where he discusses the year that passed, the work that has been done and the work ahead for the Bill an Melinda Gates Foundation. I urge you to take a look, it is empowering and reminds me of the great things that come from our software beyond the business solution. The site includes a video introduction from Bill or you can just read the document from the link below




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