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RSA 2007 Day 4 (Part 2) - Where's Larry?

RSA Tip #1: Want to know how to clear a keynote hall?  Book Larry Ellison from Oracle to speak and have him not show up.  To be fair to Larry, he has the flu.  I'm really disappointed because I've never seen him speak, and was hugely curious on what he was going to talk about and if he was going to lob any "Thompson-esque" jabs at buying security solutions from OS providers (er, Microsoft). 

Here's a shot of Larry's stunt double

I particularly liked his "it's about secure products, not security products" sound bite.  I'll let folks like Michael Howard comment on that one <g> 

HA! So, now the demo is underway of "Oracle Secure Enterprise Search" (aka the Oracle branded Google-esque web-based search engine)  Turns out it was meant for Larry, so they didn't know his password.  Turns out it was a simple one like "Welcome1".  Then, their search results an "apparent" inside document about the EMEA product pipeline and then slides showing standard Oracle bar charts of their growth in the IdM market. These would have likely been props and punch lines for some Larry jokes/jabs.

Some more folks are heading out (again). 

Wow.  I feel bad for these guys because they are just the "plan b"

I guess I'll need to wait until next year and/or a better flu shot.

Switching gears...I delivered my booth theater presentation on the network security advancement in Windows Vista and Windows Server "Longhorn".  Good crowd this time and some great questions around Policy-based QoS (which I only covered in a sidebar) and lots of interest in our IPsec improvements and scenarios.

The gang manning the "Policy-driven Network Access Solutions" pod are excited by all the interest in Server and Domain Isolation (that IPsec thingy Bill and Craig talked about).  I've been working for some time on this (among others) scenarios and it is insanely great to have such a venue to show this off at by two MS executives.

Shameless self-promotion plug #1: Okay, enough about me.  How about listening to me yap on a podcast from the show floor?  Check me out on the "Virtual RSA" site on MSCOM:


Here's my podcast.

Up next is the new CEO of my old stomping ground of CA, inc.  More to come later.