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Only 232 More Shopping Days Until the 2008 Global Launch Wave!

Well, I'm back from my blogging hiatus post-TechEd, etc.  I only hope my loyal readers haven't found more interesting things in the far reaches of the Internetterweb to fill the void I have left over the last few months. I know things like Live Earth and the video of Michael Moore taking CNN's Wolf Blitzer to task are just minor substitutes for my blog postings. 

Okay, enough of that.

Great news went out on the wire this morning via Kevin Turner's (COO of MSFT) keynote address to the 2007 Worldwide Partner Conference in Denver, CO:

In anticipation for the most significant Microsoft enterprise event in the next year, Turner announced that Windows Server® 2008, Visual Studio® 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server™ 2008 will launch together at an event in Los Angeles on Feb. 27, 2008, kicking off hundreds of launch events around the world.

That's right Window Server 2008 fans, our "brand new day" is set for February 27th in Los Angeles.  Yup, we'll be launching a wide range of new server software offerings like Windows Server 2008, the next release of Visual Studio, and a new edition of SQL Server.

Pretty cool, eh? 

To help you keep track of those important shopping days, checkout this cool Launch Wave Countdown Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget.  There's even a version you could added to your website as a public service to those who do not yet have Windows Vista installed.

Well, I'll be back on the blogging trail, so watch out!  However, I must admit that Michael Moore thing was pretty neat <g>.

-- hama