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SQL Server 2005 setup fails if network name of the NIC includes a comma

Is your SQL Server 2005 installation blowing out while trying to install a clustered instance? And are you seeing the following output in setup's log file?

Running: InstallSqlAction at: 2006/1/16 19:50:38
Installing: sql on target: HOSTETCLN101-01
Waiting for remote setup(s) to get ready
Remote setup(s) are ready
Clustered feature detected: SQL_Engine
Clustered feature detected: SQL_FullText
Loaded DLL:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\sqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
Transact package threw an exception.
Error Code: 0x80070057 (87)
Windows Error Text: The parameter is incorrect. Source File Name: sqlchaining\highlyavailablepackage.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Mon Aug 29 01:18:42 2005
Function Name: sqls::HighlyAvailablePackage::manageVsResources
Source Line Number: 478

---- Context -----------------------------------------------

If that's the case, let me inform you that this is a known bug in the current version of the product which has already been fixed in SQL Server 2008. For SQL Server 2005, for the moment, you'll have to drop any existing commas from your NICs names, before attempting the installation.
