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TechEd: Developers - Good times to be a SQL Developer

Folks, these are good times to be a SQL Developer!
Over the next few days more than 3500 developers will be heading to Barcelona Spain for the TechEd: Developers event.

I'm very excited about the strong SQL Server line-up we will have and in addition, some really good news came in last-minute!

  • We are now 100% final, locked-down and confirmed!
  • Thanks to YOUR feedback, we will bring some additional content, including:
    • SMO by Bob Beauchemin (yes!)
    • SSIS Scripting Development by the man himself, Donald Farmer!

I'd like to thank all the people who sent me open & honest feedback on the SQL Server Track agenda at TechEd: Developers. We worked hard to incorporate your feedback, needs and desiratae. On behalf of the entire TechEd Europe content team and speaker staff : THANK YOU!

We are committed to bring you the highest quality technical SQL Server content during next week's European TechEd: Developers event.

Below you'll find the complete SQL Server track listing, breakout sessions and whiteboard discussions and demos extravaganza sessions included.

If you are in Barcelona next week and plan to attend the SQL Server sessions, please drop me line and we'll catch up. I'd love to hear what you think about SQL Server, what you like and what you'd like to see differently. As usual, my email addy is guntherb (at) microsoft dot com.


Again, thank you for your interest in SQL Server technologies and hope to meet you in person in Barcelona! Guntherb.


SQL001 DEMO: biTunes – Building an end-to-end Business Intelligence (BI) Application with SQL Server 2005 and… iTunes!

Frederik Vandeputte

Wed Nov 8 13:30 - 14:45

SQL Servers 2005 gives you all the tools you need for building end-to-end BI applications. In this 100% demo driven session we walk through the complete SQL Server 2005 BI stack. We'll use SQL Server Integration Services to import the iTunes (yes, that's right) music library. We'll build an OLAP cube on top of our MP3 library with SQL Server Analysis Services. Finally we'll use SQL Server Reporting Services and Excel 2007 to reveal information you thought you could never retrieve from iTunes. Come and take a walk on the BI-side…

SQL301 Coding SQL Server 2005: Plan Guides and Plan Forcing

Bob Beauchemin

Thu Nov 9 17:30 - 18:45

Most database professionals avoid query hints unless they're really necessary, but when you do need them they can make an enormous difference. The query engine is constantly being improved, but you may be one of the few that wants to return to an older query plan. SQL Server 2005 has a few new query hints, but includes quantum changes known as plan guides and plan forcing. Plan guides allow you to insert hints into code that you can't change directly, such as code generated by packaged products. Plan forcing allows you to use the XML representation of a query plan to instruct the engine to use a specific plan. This session shows how both of these features can be used to increase plan control when you need it.

SQL302 Metadata Solutions for SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS)

Donald Farmer

Fri Nov 10 10:45 - 12:00

What does metadata mean to you? A critical part of everyday Business Inelligence (BI)? A check-box when completing proposals? Something that sounds important, but somehow never quite seems to get the attention it deserves? This session introduces the Metadata Samples Pack for SSIS - a shared source, extensible metadata tool that enables you to move beyond traditional metadata management to incorporate metadata intelligence into your BI applications. Demos include how to use the samples as they are shipped, but also how to extend and embed the technology for your own needs.

SQL303 SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services: Deep Dive

Richard Tkachuk

Wed Nov 8 17:00 - 18:15

SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services includes a re-architecture of the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Data Mining engines from SQL Server 2000. In this session we explore the semantics of the Unified Dimensional Model (or UDM) including explanations of what it is in the dimension and data structures that make calculations so flexible and query response so fast. This will be followed with a demonstration of building a cube, how multidimensional expressions (MDX) are used to query the result, and how the structure of the cube is exposed programmatically in native and managed environments. We'll end with a demonstration of building a mining model and querying the result with Data mining expressions (DMX).

SQL304 Upgrade Benefits of SQL Server 2005 for Developers

Don Vilen

Tue Nov 7 11:30 - 12:45

Power to the Developer! SQL Server 2005 provides myriad benefits to the Developer, including enhancements to Transact-SQL, XML, SQLCLR, VSTE-DP (Visual Studio 2005, Team Edition for Database Professionals), SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Service Broker, Query Notifications/Cache Sync, and others. In this session we’ll discuss these various areas that provide improved productivity for developers and greater availability, scaleability, and security for your applications.

SQL305 Building Connected Systems Using SQL Server 2005 XML Features

Dave McMahon

Wed Nov 8 09:00 - 10:15

This session takes an in-depth look at sending and receiving data to and from SQL Server as XML. It will take a look at why this technology is so useful, and some real-life examples of how this technology has been implemented. Dave will look in depth at extracting SQL data as XML using the FOR XML syntax assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the various modes and demonstrating the technology using an XML powered web-site. He will also show how to get data into SQL Server using OPENXML and the XML Data Type/XQUERY and how these technologies map hierarchical data to relational data. Finally he will show how SQL Server 2005 offers a new way to access this XML data using SOAP based Native Web Services. This is a level 300 session and attendees are assumed to be familiar with SQL DML and SQL DDL syntax in SQL 2000 and/or SQL 2005.

SQL306 Embedding Rich Reports in Your Application with the Report Controls in Visual Studio 2005

Carolyn Chau

Thu Nov 9 15:45 - 17:00

The Report Controls in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 allow you to embed rich, interactive reports into your smart client and ASP.NET applications. These controls are fully integrated with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to leverage features such as security, caching and delivery. They also work in local mode (not requiring Reporting Services) to enable embedded and offline scenarios. This session shows how easy it is to integrate these controls in a variety of development scenarios.

SQL307 Building Ad-Hoc Reports using the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (SSRS) Report Builder

Carolyn Chau

Fri Nov 10 09:00 - 10:15

SSRS includes new Ad-hoc reporting capabilities via the new end user Report Builder tool. Come and learn about the architecture behind Report Builder, see the capabilities of the Report Builder client demonstrated, and understand how you can easily build business data models for end users.

SQL309 Developing Client and Mobile Data Solutions with SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition

Steve Lasker

Wed Nov 8 10:45 - 12:00

SQL Server Everywhere Edition is a compact database for rapidly developing applications that extend enterprise data management capabilities to the desktop and mobile clients. Ideal for distributed and embedded applications, it delivers essential relational database functionality in a small footprint while providing the same programming model and management interfaces of SQL Server. This session explores how you can leverage SQL Server Everywhere Edition as a local data store for client and mobile applications. We will cover designer support within Visual Studio, deployment options including ClickOnce, and the ADO.NET programming model including updatable cursors using the SqlCeResultSet. Come and learn more about how to empower your users with Windows Client Applications that work anywhere your users are.

SQL310 Synchronizing Data with a Server in SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition

Steve Lasker

Wed Nov 8 13:30 - 14:45

SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition ships with two synchronization technologies, allowing you to synchronize data from the local data store back to a server. Such synchronization is a key enabler for allowing users to access their data offline, and synchronize changes with a central server when the user is back on the network. This session will cover the architectures and sync options available today, including Merge Replication and Remote Data Access. Come and learn more about how to empower your users with applications that work anywhere your users are.

SQL311 Security in SQL Server 2005: What Developers should know

Don Vilen

Fri Nov 10 15:15 - 16:30

SQL Server 2005 includes a large number of security enhancements, from data encryption and key management to advanced context impersonation. In this session, we walk through the major improvements in the security space and show you how to get the most out of the security features in SQL Server 2005.

SQL312 T-SQL Querying: Tips and Techniques

Stephen Forte , Richard Campbell

Wed Nov 8 10:45 - 12:00

Take your queries to the next level! This interactive session focuses solely on advanced querying techniques to get the most out of your SQL Server. See a series of real-world examples to extract data from your databases in ways you've never seen before. Techniques demonstrated include an ultra-fast way to do crosstab queries in SQL Server, running totals and ranking. Along the way you'll get some insight into how SQL Server works and the new capabilities in SQL Server 2005.

SQL313 Extending SQL Server Integration Services 2005 (SSIS) with Script

Donald Farmer

Thu Nov 9 17:30 - 18:45

The Integration Services feature of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 brings together data from diverse sources in a high-performance data integration platform, to enable users to work across multiple applications that may not have been designed to co-operate. In this session, you'll learn how .NET scripting in SSIS can enable you to easily add new, fully-integrated functionality to achieve your enterprise data integration needs by building practical and useful Script Tasks and Script Components.

SQL401 SQL Server Error Handling: T-SQL, SQLCLR (Common Language Runtime) and Clients

Bob Beauchemin

Thu Nov 9 13:30 - 14:45

In SQL Server 2005, both T-SQL and SQLCLR procedures can use Try-Catch constructs to intercept and process exceptional conditions. This is a big change for both server and client/middle-tier processing, as client and middle-tier received and processed all errors directly from SQL Server. In addition, both T-SQL and SQLCLR error handling don't catch every type of error or allow the ability to directly re-throw all errors to reproduce SQL Server 2005 behaviour. This session looks at the mechanism in depth and attempts to provide a comprehensive and consistent error handling strategy that works for all procedural code and clients.

SQL402 Implementing the Service-Oriented Database Architecture (SODA) with SQL Server

Bob Beauchemin

Wed Nov 8 09:00 - 10:15

This session will cover building an application architecture that takes the purpose and usage of the data into account, using scale-out techniques and services. You can build a database application as services from the ground up or implement individual operations as services. SQL Server 2005 Service Broker is an infrastructure that uses asynchronous activation programs, which are built using SQLCLR or T-SQL. SQLCLR programs have the capability to be moved off-database (external activation) if needed for maximum flexibility. See how to build services using SQL Server 2005 that allow you can scale as your transaction and query volume grows.

SQL403 Understanding Interactions of Transactions, Batches, Nested Procedures, MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) and SQLCLR (Common Language Runtime) in SQL Server 2005

Bob Beauchemin

Thu Nov 9 10:45 - 12:00

Most errors in SQL Server do not automatically roll back transactions. The interaction between SQL batches, transactions, errors, timeouts, and procedure nesting can be complex. SQL Server 2005's MARS and SQLCLR features, introduce additional ramifications, and client-side timeouts which have often been misunderstood. This session will shed light on the interaction of all of the behaviours that can cause inconsistencies in programming and intermittent surprises for Database Administrators (DBAs) and programmers.

SQL404 SQL Server 2005 Cache Sync/Query Notifications in Depth

Bob Beauchemin

Fri Nov 10 13:30 - 14:45

SQL Server 2005, ADO.NET 2.0, and ASP.NET 2.0 combine and provide a solution to an age-old development problem - keeping a data cache automatically up-to-date with minimal overheads. This is known as Cache Sync when implemented in ASP.NET and backed by Query Notifications in the database. In this session, we'll look at the "sweet spot" for this feature, how it works inside the database, and how to use it to minimize database resource utilization.


SQL405 SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS): Performance and Scale

Donald Farmer

Thu Nov 9 15:45 - 17:00

In this session, learn the architectural patterns that derive the highest scale and performance from SSIS. Walk away with a full set of strategies for planning high performance and scale implementations and a range of practical techniques for measuring performance and for identifying and tackling bottlenecks in your data integration processes.


SQL406 Developing SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Powered Applications

Richard Tkachuk

Thu Nov 9 13:30 - 14:45

Come and learn how developers can take advantage of SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 to build applications that help users make better decisions, faster! In this session we explore how simple and complex analytics can be added to your applications using Analysis Services 2005. We'll explore how simple report-like queries, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), ad hoc browsing and predictive analytics can be added to ASP.NET applications. Along the way, we'll describe the ins and outs of ADOMD.NET, XML/A, Data Mining Extensions (DMX), Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), and other important aspects of Analysis Services that developers need to know. Those interested in this session should also consider attending the SQL Server Analysis Services Deep Dive session to learn about the Analysis Services intrinsics/internals.


SQL407 XQuery Deep Dive: How to Write and Optimize Your XQuery

Stephen Forte

Thu Nov 9 09:00 - 10:15

SQL Server 2005 provides deeply integrated native support of XML. Besides storing the data as XML, it provides XQuery support as the key to unlock the information stored inside the XML document. This session gives you an introduction to SQL Server's XML and XQuery support and it demonstrates how to write and optimize your XQuery expressions. In particular, it discusses the use of XML Indices and how to read XQuery generated query plans.


SQL408 SQL Server 2005: Advanced Indexing Strategies - Part 1

Kimberly Tripp

Tue Nov 7 14:15 - 15:30

In this session we look at a fast-paced collection of indexing tips and tricks based on an already optimized base table structure. How you create your base table - as well as cluster it - has a big impact on that table's performance. Once the base table structures have been defined and you have to further improve system performance, where do you look and how do you do this? In this session we will talk about targeting both the known and finding the unknown performance problems. Once you know where the problems are we'll go through numerous options to improve the performance using indexes. This session is very fast-paced with a lot of tips and tricks for various search arguments (SARGs), aggregations, and joins. Additionally, this session will look at a couple of design techniques that help to improve both performance and availability by leveraging new SQL Server 2005 features.


SQL409 SQL Server 2005: Advanced Indexing Strategies - Part 2

Kimberly Tripp

Tue Nov 7 16:00 - 17:15

In this session we look at a fast-paced collection of indexing tips and tricks based on an already optimized base table structure. How you create your base table - as well as cluster it - has a big impact on that table's performance. Once the base table structures have been defined and you have to further improve system performance, where do you look and how do you do this? In this session we will talk about targeting both the known and finding the unknown performance problems. Once you know where the problems are we'll go through numerous options to improve the performance using indexes. This session is very fast-paced with a lot of tips and tricks for various search arguments (SARGs), aggregations, and joins. Additionally, this session will look at a couple of design techniques that help to improve both performance and availability by leveraging new SQL Server 2005 features.


SQL410 SQL Server 2005: Optimizing Procedural Code

Kimberly Tripp

Tue Nov 7 17:45 - 19:00

Now that we've just spent two sessions talking about Advanced Indexing Strategies - are your stored procedures using them? In this mini series where we focus on database code, you need to make sure that your Advanced Indexing Strategies aren't going to waste. In this session we will talk about plan caching and Optimizing Procedural Code as well as how to see whether or not your plans are being re-used. Are your stored procedures being re-compiled - too much or not often enough? In this session, you will learn when recompilation is good v. bad. If you use stored procedures (and you want them to scale!) then you need to be here!


SQLWD01 SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) – The Top 10 Tips

Donald Farmer

Fri Nov 10 13:30 - 14:45

An informal, but informative, session describing, discussing and solving the top 10 tips that SSIS users need to know. Come prepared with your questions!


SQLWD02 The Doctor Is In: Tell us what hurts in SQL Server 2005

Don Vilen

Fri Nov 10 09:00 - 10:15

SQL Server 2005 has great new developer functionality but we need you to tell us what we're missing. What are your pain-points as a developer and the scenarios that go with them? We may make some suggestions as to alternatives and workarounds, but primarily we'll take your feedback back to the SQL Server product group for analysis. After all, it is customer feedback that is the primary driver for getting new features into future versions of SQL Server. If you can't attend, please provide your feedback on SQL Server via the https://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/productfeedback/default.aspx site.


SQLWD03 A Day in Life of a Query – What happens when you type GO?

Paul Randal

Wed Nov 8 15:15 - 16:30

Have you ever wondered what goes on under the covers while a query is executing? This session will follow the execution of a query inside the SQL Server 2005 Engine, from parsing down to the disk, touching on a bunch of the internal components. Think of it as a fast-paced tour of Engine internals from someone who's been in the code… Come prepared with your questions!


SQLWD04 The Query Governor: SQL CLR in Action

Richard Campbell , Stephen Forte

Thu Nov 9 17:30 - 18:45

See how .NET takes SQL Server 2005 to a whole new level! In this Whiteboard Discussion learn how to build a query governor, a set of tools for evaluating whether or not a query should be run. Most query governors are simple limiters, automatically cancelling queries when they run too long or aborting queries with too high of a cost. The CLR makes it possible to programmatically evaluate the cost of a query without executing it! Combined with some techniques for determining the state of the server, you can build a governor is flexible and smart. This interactive Whiteboard Discussion makes it easy to explore different applications of this technology beyond the query governor.


SQLWD06 Best Practices for Architecting Reporting Services Report Models for Ad-Hoc Reporting

Carolyn Chau

Fri Nov 10 10:45 - 12:00

Do your users require self-service reporting? Are you ready to move forward with Report Builder but unsure of how to build a robust Report Model to enable end-user independence? Have you built Report Models but need to know how to move to the next level or solve design issues? This session provides prescriptive guidance about using the new Model Designer to build robust Report Models that will facilitate diverse reporting needs and overall yield better reports. Gain a better understanding of model auto-generation and the manual steps of model design and editing. Leave with a greater confidence in Report Model design concepts and allowing you to deploy Report Builder widely in your organization.


SQLWD07 Occasionally Connected Systems, now and into the future!

Manikandan Thangarathnam

Thu Nov 9 09:00 - 10:15

Today's workforce is increasingly mobile and having the right data, in the right form, at the right place, in the right time is crucial to effectiveness. The offline capabilities user experience of an application like Microsoft Outlook allows users to be more productive. Come and see how Microsoft is providing a new generation of application architecture that helps developers more easily build offline experiences for users. Also see how Microsoft will continue to invest with future product releases of SQL Server and Visual Studio.


SQLWD08 SQL Server Everywhere Edition and Express Edition… How do I choose?

Sitaram Raju

Thu Nov 9 10:45 - 12:00

If you're feeling confused between SQL Server Everywhere Edition and Express Edition, or wondering about where they fit in with Jet (database engine for Microsoft Access), this is the chalk and talk for you. Come and learn more about which scenarios each product was designed for and get guidance on where we think they should be used. Bring your questions!


SQLWD09 Solving your SQL Server 2005 Manageability Challenges with SQL Server Management Objects (SMO)

Bob Beauchemin

Tue Nov 7 14:15 - 15:30

Did you know that SQL Server Management Studio was primarily written in managed C# code using the SMO object model? Do you have any applications that you would like to develop to manage your SQL Server 2005 environment in your corporate environments (automation, disk space checks, WMI events, configuration etc)? Come to this interactive whiteboard discussion to discuss the SMO potential and get your SMO questions answered!


You access the agenda & event info online here.


Thanks so much!

