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kostenloses Training: Microsoft Webcast: The Microsoft Perspective on Windows Server and Linux for Server Operating Systems

Den folgenden Webcast habe ich leider erst heute zugeschickt bekommen. Trotz der kurzfristigen Ankündigung, denke ich aber, dass dieser Webcast absolut interessant sein könnte.

Da der Webcast in englisch stattfindet, habe ich jetzt auch die Einladung einfach so übernommen, und nicht in´s Deutsche übersetzt:

Language(s): English.
Product(s): Windows Server.
Audience(s): Technology Decision Maker.
Duration: 60 Minutes
Start Date: Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2007 20:00 (Wien, München, Berlin und Zürich :-))

Event Overview

Today, many IT organizations have turned to x86-based hardware as a means of improving price performance from earlier UNIX and mainframe environments. On x86 servers, the two most commonly considered server operating systems are Windows Server and Linux. But how do these operating systems compare when it comes to core requirements such as cost, reliability, security, and interoperability? In this webcast, we separate fact from fiction and provide an overview of how Windows Server and Linux match up in key IT and business requirements.

Presenter: Phillip Friedman, Group Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation
Phillip Friedman is a group product manager in the Microsoft Platform Strategy group, where he is responsible for understanding and communicating customer decision criteria as customers consider Windows Server and Linux as a server operating system platform. Phillip spends much of his time working with customers as they evaluate server operating systems and conducting research projects to develop quantitative, comparative data between Windows and Linux. Prior to joining Microsoft, he worked as a quantitative marketing analyst at Digitas and an Internet solutions consultant with Cambridge Technology Partners. Phillip began his career as a Web applications developer at Microsoft.

Zur Anmeldung einfach hier klicken

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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    ... schneller, preiswerter, stabiler, sicherer und skalierbarer. Viele Gespräche in Fachkreisen über

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Der Webcast vom Donnerstag zum Thema: "Microsoft Webcast: The Microsoft Perspective on Windows Server

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    werde mir das recording ansehen. sitze gerade an der FH und höre einen vortrag von IBM - und bekomme hier eine klare sicht auf die rosige zukunft von linux ;) eine gute möglichkeit zum ausgleich für mich, dieser webcast. wir müssen mal reden ob ich dich auf die FH bringen kann, brauchen mal eine microsoft minded session ;)