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Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Products

In the 2008 Portal Magic Quadrant, Microsoft remained in the Leaders quadrant, moving a great deal towards the right on the vision axis and closing the gap between us and IBM. We were placed on the same level for the ability to execute axis as last year. We are also ahead of Oracle and SAS in both vision and ability to execute, exhibiting momentum against them as well.

Gartner gives Microsoft credit for the explosive demand SharePoint has experienced over the past year, listing SharePoint’s significant adoption by enterprises as a strength. In fact, SharePoint’s explosive growth is also referenced in the market overview section, offering yet another proof point of the significant impact the product has made in the industry.

Gartner also calls out that Microsoft is successfully fostering deployments through Enterprise licensing agreements, use as team-based collaboration document management driving use for other initiatives, as well as SharePoint Online as a SaaS horizontal portal as being key strengths for the company.

