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Convergence of my two worlds: FireFox and CardSpace

I've been meaning to write this out for a few weeks...

FireFox has had an extension which allows CardSpace to be used as an Identity Selector on Windows, written by Kevin Miller (with some assistance from yours truly :D) for some time now.

Kevin has joined Microsoft since then, and become a little too busy with his new Role to keep rolling on upkeep, and Axel Nennker and Andy Hodgkinson have stepped up to continue development and take it into the future.

They, in spite of me not mentioning it, have actually put out several releases in the last year, and are in constant contact with the CardSpace team and getting access all the information they need.

Kevin and I are quite excited that Axel and Andy stepped up to do this, we'd like to have continued ourselves, but sometimes it's hard keeping up with the projects that aren't the day job.

Thanks Axel and Andy!
