Featured Forum Thread - Small Basic August Challenges
Small Basic is a Microsoft language + IDE that teaches kids and learners how to code! It's the easiest way to learn actual text/syntax-based coding:
And we have an MSDN forum dedicated to it! This is a fun place where teachers and students come together to learn and explore Small Basic:
And each month a Small Basic Community Council member, LitDev, hosts a thread full of challenges. Here are the August Challenges:
This month's Small Basic challenges include a Text, Math, and Game challenge...
Text Challenge
Write a program to perform a 'find and replace' feature for text in a file.
Maths Challenge
Write a program to calculate display numbers with either a fixed number of significant figures or fixed number of decimal places.
Game Challenge
Write a breakout type game
This thread is great, like it is each month! People post their solutions and then have a discussion, asking questions, building on each other's programs (it's really easy to collaborate on Small Basic programs), and learning from each other!
Check it out:
A big thanks goes out to LitDev for hosting these each month!
May the Forums be with you,
- Ninja Ed
- Anonymous
August 17, 2016
The comment has been removed- Anonymous
August 18, 2016
It would be cool if we could do something like this in other forums.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
August 18, 2016
UPDATE: I fixed the link to the Small Basic forum. Thanks!