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MSDN Office Developer Center – Just Published (8/15/2007 – 8/31/2007)

Whew! The editors and writers of the Office Developer Documentation group are on vitamins! You will find tons of new content related to Open XML, SharePoint Products and Technologies (checkout the BDC stuff written by Jo-Anne West), Project 2007, Groove 2007, Access 2007, the new Communications Server 2007 SDK, and more. So much content for only a couple of weeks, but I'll let you see the list by yourself.

The following content was published in the last two weeks…

Publishing Date





Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Attendee Feedback (wmv file) https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289855

2007 Microsoft Office System  

Doug Mahugh 


Technical article: Manipulating Word 2007 Files with the Open XML Object Model (Part 2 of 3) This is the second in a series of three articles that describes the Open XML object model code that you can use to access and manipulate Microsoft Office Word 2007 files.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb739835.aspx 

2007 Microsoft Office System

Frank Rice 


Technical article: Publishing Visio 2007 Solutions Learn about publishing content to Microsoft Office Visio 2007 by using a Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) file and the Visio Solution Publishing Tool.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb677166.aspx 

2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Visio 2007  

Saul Candib 


SDK: SDK: Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Use the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Server SDK to create Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server applications that customize and extend the functionality of Office Communications Server 2007, and to manage Office Communications Server 2007 deployments.


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007

Microsoft Corporation 


Technical article: Best Practices: Common Coding Issues When Using the SharePoint Object Model Learn about common issues encountered by developers who write custom code by using the SharePoint object model.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb687949.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

Windows SharePoint Services  

Scott Harris; Mike Ammerlaan


SDK: SDK: Access 2007 Developer Reference This reference contains conceptual overviews, programming tasks, samples, and references to guide you in developing solutions based on Access.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb149076.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System


Microsoft Office Access 2007  

Mike Stowe 


Technical article: Manipulating Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007 Files with the Open XML Object Model (Part 1 of 2) The Microsoft SDK for Open XML Formats Technology Preview is a library for accessing Open XML Format files. This article, the first in a series of two, describes the Open XML object model code that you can use to access and manipulate Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 files.https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb739834.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Frank Rice 


Technical article: Importing Project 2007 Tasks from Excel 2007 Using a Managed Code Add-In Learn how to develop and deploy a managed code add-in for Microsoft Office Project 2007 that imports task data from Microsoft Office Excel, using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with Visual Studio Tools for Office.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb738433.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System


Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Microsoft Office Project 2007

Visual Basic

Visual C#

Visual Studio Tools for Office  

Jim Corbin 


SDK: SDK: SDK for Open XML Formats (Japanese) Microsoft SDK for Open XML Formats のテクニカル プレビューへようこそ。2007 Microsoft® Office system では、Open XML 形式と呼ばれる、XML に基づく新しいファイル形式を導入しています。Microsoft Office Word 2007、Microsoft Office Excel® 2007、および Microsoft Office PowerPoint® 2007 のすべてが、この形式を既定のファイル形式として使用します。Open XML 形式はオープン スタンダードであり、ZIP と XML というよく知られたテクノロジに基づいているため、開発者にとって便利です。Microsoft は、WinFX テクノロジの一部として、これらのファイルにアクセスするためのライブラリを System.IO.Packaging 名前空間で提供しています。 この SDK は、System.IO.Packaging API に基づいて構築されており、Open XML ドキュメントを操作するための、厳密に型指定されたパーツ クラスを提供します。


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Microsoft Corporation 


Code sample: Sample: Project 2007 Add-in: Importing Tasks from Excel 2007 Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Office system (3.0) includes templates for developing Microsoft Office Project 2003 and Project 2007 add-ins. Learn how to develop and deploy an add-in that imports tasks from Excel to Project.https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/6/E/86EC44A2-2C41-4AE8-81C8-DC7DF2917186/pj12ImportProjectAddIn.exe


2007 Microsoft Office System


Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Microsoft Office Project 2007

Visual Basic

Visual C#

Visual Studio Tools for Office  

Jim Corbin 


API reference: Developer Guide: Excel Services and Excel 2007 Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 Job Submission Developer Guide The Excel Services and Excel 2007 Windows Compute Cluster Server (CCS) 2003 Job Submission Sample Developer Guide shows you how to build an integrated solution to improve the performance and reliability of Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbooks. The sample demonstrates how you can use a compute cluster to improve workbook performance when running a parametric sweep by using Windows CCS 2003 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb463068.aspx

2007 Microsoft Office System


Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007  

Microsoft Corporation 


How-To article: Visual How To: Adding Custom Galleries to the 2007 Office Fluent User Interface Learn to add custom galleries to the 2007 Office Fluent user interface (UI) with only a few lines of XML and programming code. https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb736142.aspx

2007 Microsoft Office System  

Frank Rice 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 00: Open XML Architecture (Presenter Plus) In this module, you will learn about the architecture of the Open XML File Formats and the main concepts that apply to the all three main document types.



2007 Microsoft Office System  

Doug Mahugh 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 03: WordprocessingML Basics (Presenter Plus) In this module, we cover the essentials of creating and reading WordprocessingML documents. We talk about document architecture, the main document part, paragraphs, runs, text, images, hyperlinks, and tables.


2007 Microsoft Office System

Doug Mahugh, Chris Predeek 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 06: SpreadsheetML Basics (Presenter Plus) In this module, we talk about spreadsheets and core concepts of SpreasheetML documents.


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Doug Mahugh, Chris Predeek 


Technical article: How to Create a Database Connection by using the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor Learn how the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor automatically generates the XML metadata for the LOB system, making it easy to create an application definition file for the Business Data Catalog. https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb736296.aspx


Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007  

Jo-Anne West


Technical article: How to Create a Database Connection by using the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor Learn how the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor automatically generates the XML metadata for the LOB system, making it easy to create an application definition file for the Business Data Catalog. https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb736296.aspx

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

Jo-Anne West 


Technical article: Building Server-Side Document Generation Solutions Using the Open XML Object Model (Part 1 of 2) Learn the basics of the Open XML architecture and WordprocessingML. Discover the advantages of creating document packages and manipulating document parts by using the new Open XML object model.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735940.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

Microsoft Office Word 2007

SQL Server 2005

Visual Basic .NET

Visual C#

Visual Studio 2005

Erika Ehrli Cabral 


Technical article: Building Server-Side Document Generation Solutions Using the Open XML Object Model (Part 2 of 2) In this second part of a two-part series, continue to explore the architecture of a server-side document integration solution. Discover the advantages of creating document packages and manipulating document parts by using the new Open XML object model.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735939.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

Microsoft Office Word 2007

SQL Server 2005

Visual Basic .NET

Visual C#

Visual Studio 2005  

Erika Ehrli Cabral


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Welcome to Open XML Training (Presenter Plus) If you are new to development with the Open XML File Formats, take a look at this Open XML Online Training series.



2007 Microsoft Office System  

Doug Mahugh 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 01: XML Programming in .NET (Presenter Plus) In this module, we focus on how to use XML in .NET. We talk about some of the tools and methods you can use to read, write, modify, validate, and query XML in .NET.https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289845


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Microsoft Corporation 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 04: WordprocessingML Advanced (Presenter Plus) In this module, we talk about WordprocessingML advanced topics and builds on our understanding of the basics of WordprocessingML. Topics covered include, styles, documents, glossaries, subdocuments, document sections, headers, and footers.https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289848

2007 Microsoft Office System  

Doug Mahugh 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 07A: SpreadsheetML Advanced (Presenter Plus) In this module, we talk about SpreadsheetML advanced topics and builds on our understanding of the basics of SpreadsheetML. Topics covered include formatting options, anatomy of the styles parts, styles and themes, named ranges, comments, and pivot tables.https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289851

2007 Microsoft Office System  

Doug Mahugh, Chris Predeek


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 09: XSLT and Open XML (Presenter Plus) In this module, we explore how XSLT can take a piece of XML and convert it into another format using XSLT in .NET. We also explore business scenarios where we use XSLT to create documents.


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Chris Predeek 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Mindjet Demonstration (wmv file) https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289856


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Microsoft Corporation 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Digital Signatures (wmv) https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289857



2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Corporation 


Technical article: How to Create a Web Service Connection by using the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor Learn how to create a Web service connection for the Business Data Catalog in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 by using the Microsoft Business Data Catalog Definition Editor tool for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb737887.aspx


Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007  

Jo-Anne West 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 02: Open XML Packages (Presenter Plus) In this module, we show you how to build Open XML parts using the Open Packaging Convention and the System.IO.Packaging API.


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Chris Predeek


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 05: Custom XML (Presenter Plus) In this module, we talk about Custom XML support in the Open XML File Formats and show you what you can do with your schemas.https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289849


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Chris Predeek 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 07B: DrawingML (Presenter Plus) In this module, we talk about DrawingML, the vector graphics format used in WordProcessingML, SpreadsheetML, and PresentationML.https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289852


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Doug Mahugh 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Open XML Developer Workshop (wmv file) https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7289855


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Corporation 


Technical article: Best Practices: Integrating Data Using Groove Data Bridge Review the recommended best practices for configuring, monitoring, troubleshooting, and programming against the Microsoft Office Groove Data Bridge 2007 (GDB). This article focuses on using the Groove Data Bridge as a data integration point between Microsoft Office Groove 2007 workspaces and line of business applications.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735434.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Groove 2007

Microsoft Office Groove Server 2007  

Jesse Howard 


How-To article: Visual How to: Inserting Excel Charts into PowerPoint Programmatically insert a Microsoft Office Excel 2007 chart into a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb676881.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007


PowerPoint 2003  

Joel Krist 


How-To article: Visual How To: Building List Definitions with Event Receiver in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 introduces extended support for working with list events. The new event-handling support provides developers an even richer platform for developing custom integration points and building new types of applications on top of Windows SharePoint Services.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb736146.aspx


Visual Studio Tools for Office

Windows SharePoint Services  

Joel Krist 


Technical article: Manipulating Word 2007 Files with the Open XML Object Model (Part 1 of 3) The Microsoft SDK for Open XML Formats Technology Preview is a library for manipulating Open XML Format files. This series of articles describes the Open XML object model code that you can use to access and manipulate Microsoft Office Word 2007 files.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb656295.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System  

Frank Rice 


Multimedia content: Video: Open XML Developer Workshop: Module 08: PresentationML (Presenter Plus) In this module, we talk about PresentationML, which is the main schema for the presentation format used in pptx files.


2007 Microsoft Office System

Doug Mahugh, Chris Predeek 


Technical article: Best Practices: Archiving Workspaces Using Groove Data Bridge Review the recommended best practices for configuring, monitoring, troubleshooting, and programming against the Groove Data Bridge 2007 (GDB). This article focuses on using the Groove Data Bridge to archive workspaces.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735433.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Groove 2007

Microsoft Office Groove Server 2007  

Jesse Howard 


Code sample: Sample: 2007 Office Sample: Building a Server-Side Document Generation Solution Using the Open XML Object Model This code sample accompanies the MSDN article "Building Server-Side Document Generation Solutions Using the Open XML Object Model".https://download.microsoft.com/download/4/f/2/4f26b60a-eaed-4cfb-a217-9dd614509ed6/2007OfficeBuildingServerSideDocumentGenerationSolution.exe https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=16EFD28B-8825-4057-8EA6-076E9DE1368D&displaylang=en


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

Microsoft Office Word 2007

SQL Server 2005

Visual Basic .NET

Visual C#

Visual Studio 2005  

Erika Ehrli Cabral


Technical article: Using Web Services Helpers to Access Events in Groove 2007 Reduce code complexity when accessing Microsoft Office Groove 2007 data by creating or using custom wrappers around the Microsoft Office Groove 2007 Web Services API.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735441.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Groove 2007  

Bob Novas 


How-To article: Visual How To: Designing InfoPath 2007 Forms for Mobile Web Browsers Learn how to create a mobile-friendly view of a Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 form template, add managed code to detect the user's environment and switch views accordingly, and then publish the form template to InfoPath Forms Services.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb687717.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007  

David Gerhardt 


Technical article: Using Web Services Helpers to Access Data in Groove 2007 Reduce code complexity when accessing Microsoft Office Groove 2007 data by creating or using custom wrappers around the Microsoft Office Groove 2007 Web Services API.https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735441.aspx


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office Groove 2007  

Bob Novas 


Download: Visual Studio 2005 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Version 1.1 CTP (Visual Studio 2005 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, version 1.1 CTP)Tools for developing custom SharePoint applications: Visual Studio project templates for Web Parts, site definitions, and list definitions; and a stand-alone utility program, the SharePoint Solution Generator. This CTP is not recommended for use in production systems.https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/4/3/943facc5-9b78-401a-8c2c-e4261a3fc4f3/VSeWSSctp.MSI


2007 Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2005

Windows SharePoint Services

Windows SharePoint Services v3  

Microsoft Corporation 

Have fun!
