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New “WCF Essentials” best practices series

Maybe you have decided WCF is the right technology for your next project because it has the power, productivity, and flexibility you need. But you might be a little nervous that your team will be able to get up to speed quickly and make the right design choices in applying WCF to you project.  Or maybe you just used WCF successfully for you last project, but wonder if there are things you could have done better.

Either way, you will want to check out the new series of articles that we are releasing to the WCF Dev Center called WCF Essentials.  The goal of this series is to give you “best practices” guidance on the big things to think about so you can apply WCF “correctly”.  We will be releasing this guidance as series of articles or ‘chapters”, roughly one chapter every other week.

This series is written by Michele Bustamante from IDesign, who has been working with WCF and advising customers on how to apply it since the early beta.  Her book Learning WCF: A Hands-on Guide is one of the best resources around for learning WCF.  Michele also recorded a series of web casts that start with the basics and cover a broad range of WCF topics.

So this guidance is coming from a great source and has been reviewed by other WCF experts.  But we realize that “correctly” and “best practices” are subjective terms, so to encourage community feedback and discussion we will be starting a thread on the WCF Forum for each chapter.  Please use these forum threads to ask clarifying questions and to offer your own suggestions for best practices in each area.

Chapter 1 covers the basics and gives and overview of some of the topics that will be discussed in following chapters.  And be sure to participate in the forum discussion thread for this chapter.