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Using STRACE and HTTPREPLAY with Firefox

Some people have asked me if the STRACE and HTTPREPLAY tools can be used with other browsers than Internet Explorer like Mozilla Firefox. The answer to this question is "Yes". You can generate a STRACE log with Firefox by creating the following batch file (straceff.cmd) file in the c:\program files\strace directory :

@echo off
set FFPATH="%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
runelevate withdll /d:%STRACEDLL% %FFPATH% about:blank

Running the above batch will create a STRACE log that you can subsequently use with HTTPREPLAY. This allows to do funny things like generating a STRACE log using Firefox and replay it with Internet Explorer (or the opposite)... Note that, since FireFox relies on his own SSL layer (it doesn't use the EncryptMessage/DecryptMessage APIs), STRACE logs generated using Firefox only contain clear text HTTP.
