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How to setup Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 for CRM Email Router

In order to setup your Dynamics CRM Email router to work with Exchange EWS Webservices, you should proceed as follows:

Configure your CRM email router profile to use Exchange Webservices, either 2007 or 2010.



Choose the "Other Specified" option in the Access Credentials dropdown.

Then, add permissions to this account so it has enough rights to poll the CRM users' mailboxes.

Use the Exchange Server Add-MailboxPermission cmdlet to add permissions to a mailbox. An example that you can take from the article above is this one:

This example will grant CrmRouterSvc full access to Ellen Adam's mailbox.

o Add-MailboxPermission -Identity "Ellen Adams" -User CrmRouterSvc -Accessright Fullaccess -InheritanceType all


o https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb124097(EXCHG.80).aspx

To confirm the permissions have been assigned, use the command:

o Get-MailboxPermission useraccount

[replace useraccount with CRM user mailbox account and confirm the CrmRouterSvc account is part of the Access list]

The CRM Email Router account must also have Exchange Impersonation permission on all the mailboxes that this Incoming Profile will serve.

If you are using Exchange 2007, the first step is to add the permission for the CRM Router Service account to impersonate the user.

o Add-ADPermission -Identity " Ellen Adams" -User CrmRouterSvc -extendedRight ms-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate

Then you should run the following commands in each and all the CAS roled Exchange Server machines:

o Add-ADPermission –Identity (get-exchangeserver).DistinguishedName –User (Get-User –Identity CrmRouterSvc | select-object).Identity -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-EPI-Impersonation

After you have applied the command, you can check in that same machine if the settings are applied. To do that, go to "Active Directory Sites and services” > click on “Active Directory Sites and Services” and in the “View” menu, select the “Show Services Node” option.

Then, expand the tree until you reach the name of the Exchange Servers with CAS roles. Right click on its name and click properties.

In the security Tab, you should now have the CRM Email Router Service account with the permissions set for " Exchange Web-Services IMpersonation", "Send-as" and "Receive-as".

In Exchange 2010, the quickest way to configure this is by running the following CmdLet:

o New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Name: "CRM Email Router” -User: "CrmRouterSvc@YourOrganization.com" –Role:"ApplicationImpersonation"

[Change the user and organization names above to match yours, but use the same format as shown]


o https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb204095(v=EXCHG.80).aspx

After you have done these changed, go to CRM Email Router Configuration Manager, Load the Data and Test Access. Your CRM Email Router should now be working with your Exchange Web Services.


Gonçalo Antunes