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Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 0.1 Full Text Search Quick Find Performance Feature


The short video presentation for Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 0.1 Full Text Search Quick Find Performance Feature is now available.

Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 0.1 KB and download link are below:

Update 0.1 for Dynamics CRM 2015 KB

Update 0.1 for Dynamics CRM 2015 download

The link, short description, and preview of the content of the video is below:


Describes the new Full Text Search Quick Find feature released in 0.1 (Rollup 1) for Dynamics CRM 2015 On Premise.

A brief overview of how the end user will benefit from the new feature, the performance improvements and results from test carried out on Full text Search in CRM 2015 and infrastructure of the feature.

Full-Text Quick Find from 0.1 Update:

  • For On Premise only
  • Turned Off by default. Must be enabled in System Settings (as per below image)
  • Text based FIND columns use SQL full-text indexes.
  • Fields that contain ALL words in the search text are returned.



Dynamics CRM Support’s Performance Results comparing Non- Full Text Search and new Full-Text Search:


The performance increase is seen with wildcard searches, e.g. searching for *ski to find Alpine Ski House. With Full Text Search the wildcard is not necessary but the record is returned and much faster since it uses an index.

If you perform a search for something else that did not previously need a wildcard, performance would be about the same (e.g. searching for an account that starts with Contoso).

Benefits of Full-Text Quick Find:


  • No need to use a wild card
  • Significantly faster performance compared to searches that used wild cards
  • Compared to not using a wild card in the past, performance is about the same
  • Will return forms of a word
  • Pluralisation ( “mouse”, “mice”, etc…)
  • Tense ("drive", "drives", "drove", "driving", and "driven“)
  • Can use quotation marks to limit the search to an exact match


For full details of the Full Text Search in 0.1 Update, please watch the short video here

Dynamics CRM 2015 0.1 Update Note:

Included in the release of 0.1 Update is the CRM 2015 OrgDbOrgSettings Tool. When you download CRM2015-Tools-KB3010990-ENU-amd64.exe from here, extract the files to any folder location, such as to the C:\OrgDBSettingsTool folder, open the OrgDBOrgSettingsTool folder and open the OrgDBOrgSettingsTool.exe.config file for editing.


Best Regards

EMEA Dynamics CRM Support Team

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  • Anonymous
    April 18, 2015
    Thank you so much for this helpful feature!

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2015
    How shall we manage the index if our CRM is being used by Multiple Languages?  Although our system is set to English, our Chinese, German, and other offices use their native language in the CRM fields.  How do we handle word-breaking?  Also, is there any further information on if CRM is controlling the daily index rebuild - or should a DBA configure the Full Text  Index maintenance once CRM has created it?

  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2015
    We have crm 2015 on-premise update 0.1, and we have enabled "Full text quick find" feature in SystemSettings, but still system doesn't react the way this article describe. We also verified SQL server catalogue size, but it is 0. Does any one know How to Trigger this feature or troubleshoot this feature?? I also checked Windows service "SQL server Full-text Filter Daemon" service and it is running as well. I checked Event viewer and other logs both on CRM & SQL servers, but no luck. Any assistance , please let me know.  

  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2015
    Just installed CRM 2015 on-premise update 0.1 and this feature is working on one test environment very nice. It increased search speed drastically. It did pretty good job on default wild card character, but what i find is below:-

  1. it works only with full words. i mean if i search for "plit" instead of "split", it doesn't return anything. if i search for "orld" instead of "world". it doesn't work. so it uses wildcard only for full words which is completely strange. Not happy.
  2. Also when we search for "A B C", it returns all sorts of other results, but it do not return records with exact "A B C" word. I mean i found this full text feature messed up search for words including spaces. it does some guffy reaction with word with spaces which is not correct.
  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2015
    Anyone have feedback or information regarding hose the server performance is affected when full text search is enabled? Thanks...

  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2015
    Anyone have feedback or information regarding hose the server performance is affected when full text search is enabled? Thanks...

  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2015
    Is this coming to CRM 2013 On-prem this fall?

  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2015
    I have the same issue that Nick has reported.  I can see that there is a full text catalog in the organisation database, however there are only 2 tables listed for indexing which related to KB articles.  Somehow I managed to get this feature working in 1 organisation and I can see in it's full text catalog there are quite a lot of tables listed.   Has anyone identified how to ensure the full text catalog is populated with the required tables for quick find?  

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2015
    It is really disappointing to see that the query generated to do that "quick" search still use the LIKE operator which involves a FULL TABLE SCAN of table ActivityPointerBase : SELECT "email0".[ActivityId] AS [ActivityId]        FROM [Email] AS "email0" WITH (NOLOCK)        where ("email0".Description like 'privilèges de John Tow%') The description column (which is in the ActivityPointerBase table) is nvachar(max) datatype and cannot be indexed as is. You will deduce from that comment that this supposed "quick" search is in fact very very slow (timeout)because our ActivityPointerBase table has more than 1 million records (55GB). To be honest, I don't understand how this modification can improve performances.

  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2015
    With such better performance, it's odd that this is not enabled for CRM Online. It's a good step for on premise. Also a shame it is not included for Notes. FWIW, the current need to use * for searches is nearly universally hated b y end users. Almost every customer I have complains about having to use * for searches. From a user experience perspective, I have to agree as using an asterisk or similar characters for searching is a techy thing and not a typical end user thing.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2015
    Has anyone figured out how to get the the full text catalog to populate all the tables and fields? I only have two tables in my catalog after I turned it on in CRM.