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MSDN Embedded Pages have been Revamped

The new and improved MSDN site for Windows embedded products is now live. The entire site has been overhauled to improve content discoverability and functionality.

Highlights of the Site to Check Out

  1. Robust ‘Learn’ resources:  Check out the intuitive navigation and vast content under the ‘Learn’ Tabs. Not only can you find learning materials by content type, version and learning level, but if visitors just want to see all the ‘White Papers,’ ‘Virtual Labs,’ or ‘Sample Code,’ they are easy to find in the left hand navigation. 
      (CE Learn  |  Standard Learn  |  POSReady Learn)
  2. New ‘Tips’ search tool:  Search the dedicated database of 120 CE Tips or 250 Standard Tips.  This search application not only combs through the titles but also the body copy of each Tip.
    (Found under the ‘Learn’ Tabs:  CE TipsStandard Tips)
    Easy access to ‘Older Versions’ :  Direct links to content for all previous product versions within the Library, Downloads and Learn.  Also includes comparison tables and feature details. 
    (Found under ‘Getting Started’ on right pane of product home pages:  CE Older VersionsStandard Older VersionsPOSReady Older Versions)
  3. Consolidated Windows Embedded Community Access (CE CommunityStandard CommunityPOSReady Community | Enterprise Community

Let us know how you like it. Enjoy!

- Lynda

Technorati Tags: XPe,Standard 2009