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Guidelines on Comments

As the community participates in the E7 blog, we want to offer some guidelines on how we are going handle comments in general.  Our primary goal is for this to be a place for open discussion about Windows Engineering, so we don’t want to have lots of overhead and process.

We love comments.  We know everyone on the Windows team will be watching for comments and is looking forward to the dialog.  We will work to make sure that Microsoft employees represents themselves as such, especially if they work on Windows.

Things we want to see in comments:

  • Lots of good interesting responses on Windows and the posts on E7Blog
  • Keep it on topic
  • Keep it respectful
  • Keep it fun

Things that will get comments edited/deleted:

  • Offensive or abusive language or behavior
  • Misrepresentation (i.e., claiming to be somebody you're not) - if you don't want to use your real name, that's fine, as long as your "handle" isn't offensive, abusive, or misrepresentative
  • Blog-spam of any kind

We hope these rules will keep the discussion lively and on topic. 

Steven and Jon


  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2008
    I look forward to all the upcoming information but... who forgot the RSS feed? This feature is almost required for blogs today. I'm sure you know we're all too busy to refresh our browsers in order to find out if a new post has been published.

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2008
    parithon: Look on the right side for "Syndication", also the site is advertising the feeds in the autodiscover way many readers support.

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2008
    This will really help in the development of Windows 7. Much like Long Zhegs site http://aerotaskforce.com users can join, post their suggestions or comments and others can eirther rate up down or be neturl on the topics. Instead of reading through long blog comments or reading thousands of e-mails the site will help you a lot more as people will vote on an topic. The Higher the number the more people like it, hence more of a reason you should add it. I would start early, or at least by beta 1. This is the only other way to get good feedback from non-beta testers as you'll see how many agree or disagree on an idea. Log-ins can be based on your passport ID and site moderated by the windows team it self. let me know what you think of this idea. Dont see why it wont work.,,

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2008
    Awesome, I expect there will be some very exciting news coming out of this blog.  Looking forward to it and I also subscribed to the RSS feed!

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    I also agree with the postings above. In the windows 7 release, everything should be about performance, production and datasecurity. Save the eye candy for the home editions, and focus on disk, network and cpu throughput. Try to ensure in the next edition that one process cannot take all cpu power or disk throughput - crippeling the whole os while doing that. See what you can do about write behind failures on a busy network; slow throughput is always better than dataloss. Impress us, and outperform XP on the same hardware!

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    Will there be a version of Windows 7 without the protected process architecture? The inability to debug and independently verify protected processes on secure computers prevents us from using Vista and Server 2008. We have no need for 'premium content' playback.

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    One thing I think would be very interesting would be, maybe, including a 3D desktop. So whatever you see on your screen could be just one part of a bigger 3D space, and you cold have several windows open and you could just change the portion of what is currently seen. I've seen something like this on a presentation of Sun, I think, you had eight views and you could just swicht between them and the windows could be made transparent, so you could see whatever was below them. You could also put notes on the window's back and other things. It was interesting, but what I'm proposing is one step further: you wouldn't have just eight views of a cube, but rather you could look anywere along a X and Y axis. I don't know if adding a moviment along a Z axe would add more interesting possibilities, but you could try. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    Personally, I would HATE the idea of any significant development effort being spent on eye-candy or 3D desktops.  IMO, the last two versions (XP and Esp. Vista) have suffered from the fact that "how it looks" seems to have taken precedence over "how it works".  Granted, a lot of fine infrastructure works was done in both versions, but a quick glance at the "unkept promises list" is heavily weighted toward internal features that had real value. Being a developer, I also wish the look and feel were more loosely coupled with the core OS and could more easily be altered. A solid kernel paired with a solid SET of GUI shells (as in Linux) would allow for more tailored user experiences (steak vs sizzle, if you will), as CJ and others above have suggested.

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    Just to clarify a bit, as I meant to address Fabio's 3D idea. Personally, I just can't grasp why such an interface would be of value to me, or to the vast majority of users. It would seem to me that a user would have to be engaged in a significant number of tasks (all of which would have to be semi-active if not fully active) to have the need for such an interface. For most users, including some hard-core ones with 10-15 windows active at all times, the "lazy-susan approach" of the alt-tab, with enhancements to provide a solid means of supporting multiple desktops, is more than sufficient.

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    Agree with all the above here's what I would love to see:

  1. 1 SKU! just WINDOWS no pro, no home just windows
  2. How about run Windows Ontop of a Hypervisor !  now there is something that can change everything.  Think about this, No need to provide ANY backwards compatibility in Windows 7 running ontop of a Hypervisor or HyperV at the core.  Why? Because you can simply run that in a second VM !  
  3. Sell Microsoft Branded Hardware with the Real Windows Experience.  MS is in control of how everything performs, functions, acts, etc.  Very similar to Apple in that respect and MS should be allowed to operate in the same level as Apple.  Yes, other 3rd party vendors should still be allowed to sell there hardware but the new primary HW Vendor should be MS.
  4. Think Application Virtualization:  We should be encouraging single binary executables that includes everything a program needs to run.   This improves security, since you no longer have to worry about what Area of the C: Drive programs are installing to, and how much registry access is the program allowed to get to.  See Vmware's Application Virtualizaion technologies to get a better idea.  
  5. Think Context Senstive Scripting!  Similar to SQL Server 2005 when you right click on a specific object and do a task like create a table you can tell it to create you a script for a task.  Now, apply that to windows in general, you are creating a new user accout in windows but want to script it! we'll RIGHT click! and select an option to create a script for that task.
  6. X64 BIT ONLY! DONT even think x32 .. DONT DO IT! you have to go x64 only sometime and hey if you listen to me on point #2 it doesn't matter! you can run x32 for backwards compatibility
  7. Touch ! Touch ! Touch ! hey its the wave of the future so just get behind it whatever way you can.
  8. GIVE Businesses a REASON to upgrade.  All I have heard in the past 2-3 years is there is NO business reason to upgrade to Vista.  So Give them one! Keep it simple, quick, reliable, and most importanly secure
  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    Lots of good interesting responses on "Wndows" and the posts on E7Blog. I'm surprise nobody caught it. "Wndows" or "Windows". I can already see where Windows 7 is heading..

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2008
    Yes .. All this is good for maintaining a blog in smooth operation and to better understand the ....

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2008
    As important as 64-bit is to the very near future of all levels of users, I want to speak up for insuring that future releases of any software by anyone utilize the incredibly powerful (and relatively inexpensive) use of dual quad-core CPUs: in particular, the Intel Xenon X5400 series. To my knowledge Microsoft already has implemented (or soon will) exploitation of these multi-core CPUs. Heck, even 2000Pro will let the user assign applications to each of 16 cores! However, we need true multitasking and utilization of the parallel processing nature of these new, remarkable Intel chips. RogueWave offers the software answer; and I hope that everyone takes a few minutes to review their white paper on the subject: http://www.roguewave.com/campaigns/multicore-whitepaper/ Finally, it is interesting that more and more "home-brew" or "custom-built" supply sources such as TigerDirect offer excellent information and advice about the use of Dual Quad Core CPUs. I just purchased a Dell with the relatively inexpensive option of 3.2MHz Intel Dual Quad Core processors, so the very near future is here now with truly incredible things on the horizon at Intel, Dell and its competitors, and, of course, Microsoft. The ideal would be X64 and multicore utilization by all Microsoft software with a simple GUI "switch" to customize Microsoft's OS and software for downward compatibility--much like what you already allow us to do with running older applications such as 98, etc. Sincere appreciation to you guys for creating this blog! Joe.

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2008
    The next operating system 1 its should be only 64 bit : Now the majority of cpu is 64 bit 2 the windows  os must be one sku with 1 price and to be modular. Each user in the setup process can choose the packets that want to install 3 build the kernel totally from scratch no compatibility with old applications (compatibility kills innovation ) I think it’s time for Microsoft to look ahead and innovate 4 build in the kernel virtualization technics so the old applications run through virtualization 5 flexible ,for example when a user runs a game the aero user interface automatically turned off and when the user exit from the game the the aero turned back on the kernel  grew a lot because every windows new version  the code base is the previous version the code extended a lot through the years and  became not easy to control and to debug and to create more innovative things leave back applications ,make a new  flexible reliable ,modular ,secure  kernel , application compatibility can be through virtualization   the kernel  should have parts 1  windows core kernel  with patch protection 2  windows user kernel   All the applications and drivers should install in the windows user kernel and the core kernel should interact with user kernel

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2008
    I second the "1 SKU" suggestion. I've had dual processor machines since NT 3.5. I swear Windows had better thread management back then, somewhere along the way something changed. And, why does Windows swap so much still? On a 2 gig machine, it wants to swap when there's plenty of memory around. Has anybody looked at the swap algorthim in the last decade?

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    ...isn't that a description that would encompass most of the Apple Mac OS? Not that that's a bad thing, but just ensure that the concepts are what users (predominantly corporate) want and construct it bottom up!

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    microsoft with windows vista version did a big leap into the security part of the operating system. But the big problem about windows as an operating system is that the kernel grow a lot as a resault the system in not flexible and is resource hungry microsoft with windows nt in the past had made an incompatible os ,but it was very stable compared to windows 95 and truly 32 bit compared to windows 95 Now the technology of cpu's make possible to build an operating system truly 64 bit and more secure more reliable and more flexible microsoft can build inside the kernel virtualization techniques so old application should run properly via virtualization and without compromise the kernel at all so the operating system work more reliably windows need a kernel more flexible and more modular a kernel better than nt ,NT KERNEL is old for me its a waste of time to work to a new operating system trying to patch and to fix bugs of a previous operating system and to design just a new user interface please don't make windows 7 based on windows vista kernel

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    I agree with most of what I've read so far, my short specific list is;

  1. 2 flavors, Business and Home
  2. Run Windows on top of Hypervisor!  
  3. Give me away to turn off the balloons.  I don't know how many people it helps but it's just a pain for me.
  4. Like everyone on these comments have been saying, give businesses a reason for upgrading, 64-bit cpu and multi-core performance.  This means stuffing your mouths with your own dog food, like the MS parallel computer initiative. Remember performance, and most importantly security over eye candy! By CharlesCanale@hotmail.com
  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    I dissagree with # 1. I'd like to see only 1 Os with all the features. Why the need for two? 1 is all we need.

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    Okay, I'm just a User, not an engineer but I think I would like to vent some ideas for Windows 7. It looks good, however, consider looking at those "fake versions" of Windows 7 on Youtube. Some of those ideas are worth looking into. I do agree with not changeing the Kernal from Vista. Too many changes will leave your current users frustrated. Honestly, changing the kernal and registry is extremely frustrating because I have software for XP that's not compatible with Vista that I really liked. I don't like the updated versions of the 3rd party. Having an OS with the capabilities to use old software we love would be great.   When developing the OS, keep full integration of your other products in mind for expansion (i.e., Zune, Windows Mobile 6 or 7 soon, xbox 360, etc). Don't let the competitor, the one whos name begins with an "A" beat you in ease of use and integration. You have more partners, integration should be your greatest strength. When one person buys a product, instant integration should happen. If I had a PC with Vista Ulitmate and I bought a Zune, it should be automatic to sync and integrate with out question. Having different versions of the OS is okay but too many version for too many reasons can confuse the customers. I think you should have W7 Home, W7 Professional, W7 Ultimate. That's it! With the Ultimate (this will take you on a loop) Should only be sold with Microsoft Computers. Yes, get into the hardware business. Zune and XboX is doing well, why not? Besides, the only real way to ensure the hardware quality is set for the OS is to make the hardware yourself. Buy a company like Shuttle or someone small and make your ultimate exculsive to Microsoft Brand Computers. These computers should come loaded with everything, including Office - Limited edition. Make the Machine compatible with Xbox games. Back to the subject, consider these ideas for W7. I look forward to the touch screen experience. Also, inform your partners of how many computer now are strong enough to support W7 and don't want to get another computer. HP, Dell, Acer, etc need to consider making touch screen monitors and software NOW so people can buy them. Make them compatible with NOW computers. No one wants to buy a new computer for the touch screen, Surface experience.  The economy is awful, we are interested in saving, not spending.

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    One operating system would be nice but would need to be marketable to both home users and business users.  I would like to see something rolled out where you have the option during installation to customize per the 'user' installation from home to business, from ALL eye candy - to no eye candy, to help baloons or none...my point here is customizing to the user from novice/home user-advanced/business user in one installation.  Also, noted above, 64 bit with 32 bit backward-compatibility, IMO 32 bit can't totally be written off here as a large number of software companies/hardware manufacturing drivers are still only offering support to 32 bit after a  few years of 64bit being available.  But, just like other operating systems over the years have done will soon write off old technology and advance to newer 64 bit.  Keep performance over 'appeal'.  Realistically thinking appeal is nothing without performance...and that is what the past two operating systems(Vista & XP) have marketed.  Both OS' have appealed to home users, more so vista, but performance has been subpar to the interface (candy look) and takes numerous tweaks and work arounds to get satisfactory results with either operating system. There will be lots of ideas and hope to read others opinions for relative insight and exchange of ideas while microsoft works on the new OS. Cheers!

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    Can I upgrade my Licens Win Vista to Win7? (to use my licens number for windows 7)

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    What's to improve and implement in Windows 7, compared to Windows Vista: PERFORMANCES: I want windows 7 64 bits, is very much faster than windows vista 64-bit, or much faster loading applications, when much faster, much faster loading applications in systray, much faster throughout short Because windows vista is especially slow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMPATIBILITY ': I want windows 7 64-bit is also much more compatible windows vista 64-bit applications with native 64-bit and then later with those 32-bit! GUI: I want windows 7 has a graphical user interface very much more beautiful windows vista but at the same time much more efficient, more optimized,immediate and consistent, compared to GUI windows vista !!!!!!!!!!!! I stress, animations really advanced that in view windows vista are insufficient, in consistency, SUPERBAR similar to OFFICE 2007, large icons, applications, applications to be launched and applications in the systray, all integrated into SUPERBAR through the SWITCHING of BUTTONS relating to each of these functions, as in OFFICE 2007 !!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not want more windows 7 icons scattered applications that fill the desktop, the desktop should be cleaned !!!!!!!!!!!!!! In addition, the FLIP 3D windows vista, want to be eliminated in windows 7 because it's not useful, not necessary. Integrating in windows 7 a function of switching between windows much more useful and efficient optimized !!!!!!!!!! CODE: In addition I want the code of windows 7 but is very much optimized windows vista 64 bit, so do windows 7 an operating system, very fast, that takes as few hardware resources than windows vista, big optimization in energy saving!!! and code generally. Then Directx 11 in windows 7 exploiting the GPGPU really well, for the computation massive graphics, physics, artificial intelligence, all through the GPGPU, not only of the games, but all the heavy applications, such as 2D-3D applications, scientific, multimedia and better optimization for multicore CPUs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, I hope that windows 7 is issued to you in the market no later than CHRISTMAS 2009 and not in 2010! I say this also because so MICROSOFT, it will be good in Christmas 2009 sales windows 7. Not repeating the mistake of windows vista, issued in January, but on the contrary, repeat a date similar to the issue of the Far windows XP, in October, in the case of windows 7, October, November 2009!!! Sorry for my english. Thanks MICROSOFT !!!!!

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2008
    I hope that the directx 11 integrated into windows 7 also allow the games for PC's, to achieve real quality graphics in real time, equal to the quality graphics prerendering!!!!

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2008
    I definately want a business OS, not a one size fits all like Vista. I know you've got different flavours in Vista, but seriously, the Business Vista loooks like it was made for a CEO who never uses his / her computer. Business should be streamlined, no games, no animations, no fancy pants extra's. It should run as fast and as efficiently as possible.

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2008
    As I read through the comments, I have to change my mind and go with one size fits all but during the set up have either Home or Business as a selection. I am sure there is a way to have one OS to suit the CFO and all the IT personnel in a business organization and suit the couch potato Gamester with all the bells and whistles.  Make the Home be the Ultimate. I really like the looks of my Vista Ultimate and how my desktop has the running water and the Bitlocker Drive Encryption. Consumers don't want to pay extra for those things. It's Microsoft - They already expect the best.

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2008
    Correction CFO should be CIO :-)

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2008
    They could have different modes under ONE OS. Like a Bisniess mode that you want... other modes for other

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2008
    Hi, Maybe I'm oversimplifying things but why can't Microsoft just skin Windows onto a UNI* like OS? It would seem to be a way to win hearts and minds and solve a lot of perceived problems with the way things are done now. If I'm not mistaken MS is a UNI* license holder anyhow and even had their own release called XENIX. In my opinion if MS just does the same old with NTFS under Windows with 7 the grief is just going to be the same.  It would seem to me to be a good time to do something radical.

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2008
    no more NT please? why would it be beneficial to rehash the same old thing? Vista is already there and new and requires a lot of further development to further NT, so what's the point of making another one from the ground up? I heard about a side project for a windows alternative of sorts, which is apparently geared towards correcting the flaws of existing OS's like unexpected application interactions, etc. Also, a lot of the features which people want could be added to Vista anyway. We certainly need something new; something that has virtual machine capabilities that can work on the fly with the ability to have older apps work in the OS as they're supposed to, but have newer tech which can allow software to run even more independently than before. With the amount of RAM people can have these days it should be purely 64 bit. It would be beautiful to get everything working quickly and smoothly.

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2008
    at http://www.aerotaskforce.com/t/all is a list with features that some windows user want to get fixex/extended/modified in newer versions. i found some interesting items that would be nice in my opinion.

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2008
    i hope i can post my ideas here... i am webdeveloper and some upgrades btw. new features for copy, paste, cut would be nice. -> "when the user markes some text and he has allready some text in his cache (ram), he can change the text in his cache and the marked text." or when the user markes a text and he pressed the shift button the marked text will be in uc or lc mode.

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2008
    Shouldn't most of above comments be in the Engineering Windows 7 Stream?

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2008
    Since the launch of Windows Vista, I as well as others have noticed short falls of the new OS, it lacked most of the "WOW" pormised well before day one (launch). I like others were beta testers of Windows Vista and repeatedly send feedback to Microsoft asking for this to be fixed, that the be added or whatever to be removed, but we all can agree or disagree that our comments fell on deaf ears and to that end we had come to expect that we were not going to succeed in anyway. Yes Microsoft did listen to most of the feedback but the user perception didn't change and the short falls were still evident at the time and still are.. Windows Vista uses to much system resources to do every day tasks, the same tasks that Windows XP can do without a sneeze Vista seems to sneeze, cough and splutter and no matter what remedy you give it to cure it's ailments nothing works long term, Microsoft seems to find short term solutions or claim to have found a cure only for it to end up with more symptoms to the cost of users. Is there an obligatory light at the end of the tunnel, well there could be and that it for Microsoft to listen to its customers and users and say "right time to do this properly, the users want speed, we'll give them speed" etc. Example - I send off a suggestion to Microsoft regarding Disk Defragmenter, i set it up get in running and close all Disk Defragmenter windows and let it do it's thing, but there is no way to tell if this application is running or what the status is, except to open Task Manager and check the running processes, so i recommended that a icon be made available next to the system clock on the Task Bar so that when a user runs Disk Defragmenter they can hover over the icon and check the status but this had/has fallen on deaf ears to which it wasn't even included in Service Pack 1. So please don't automatically reject suggestions or assume that a particular problem is irreproducible, research everything to the fullest ability before a conclusion is made and hopefully everything and caught every and save Microsoft future embarrassment. We all know Windows Vista's short falls were caused by the Longhorn development reset but this souldn't have happend in the first place, lessons to be learnt.

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2008
    Fast, easy i dont want something that devours my memory. As easy as possible. Something like windows xp or even 98SE. What do most people use the computer for? i for one dont use it to show off what i can do with a touch screen, or how cool my aero works, i intend to work on it and possibly play games, and thats hard cosidering that i have to spend lots of money on memory and power. keep it simple, and safe at leat one version, like lenalfred said; we want to save and not spend, and to add not spend alot or u wont be in business. Keep in mind that flashy thing don't make things better. keep also in mind that more than 60% of windows users dont even know how to change their resolution on the screen...moreover how to uninstall an app.

  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2008
    On the topic of comments, Mine aren't appearing for some reason :S It goes straight to the blog index after I click submit. Is there a character limit? Hope this post works..

  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2008
    Sorry belay that. yeah there was a character limit. Just split it up into multiple comments.

  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2008
    Really hope that it ain't just another eye candy such as vista is.

  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2008
    I forgot to add word wrapping to the customizable tool bar. Some times my description is too long, but necessary, and I do not want a really wide vertical tool bar. So word wrapping would make the tool bar width smaller.

  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2008
    What i'd like to see above all else is a pure 64bit multitasking OS as others have suggested prior to my comment, make it small (small enough that it could be ROM'd if required for that instant on feature), make it VERY fast BeOS can boot in 15 seconds on my PII 350MHz system with 256Mb ram why has a MS OS never been able to match this? Forget about backward compatibitilty MS Office can be re-compiled for windows 7, Business users don't need much else, if they do then it's upto the software house to re-write their code for the OS. If all else fails Vista is still available off the shelf.

  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2008
    Since Windows Media Player comes with the OS, Please consider unifying Windows Media Player and Zune Player. We would like to see one play all (mp3, mov, mpeg4-movie, real movie/real audio, etc.) I hate having WMP, Quicktime, Real Player, and Nero.  Also, please consider making WMP burn music CDs with texted tracks so when you play the cd on other devices, the song title appears.

  • Anonymous
    August 28, 2008
    Dear Team Windows 7, place other goals which I consider essential to have a successful windows 7 operating system:

  1. Start the possibility through tools developed by you or third parties, enabling easy to integrate once and for all, fixes and service packs in future Windows 7 operating system, so as it was in the past with Windows XP, through instruments like Vlite or Nlite !!!!!!!
  2. I repeat once again, the merger team on the performance of the operating system, in order to have a Windows 7 64-bit Edition in particular, very fast, in every area of use, very fast in the boot, very fast in opening one or many applications simultaneously, very  fast everywhere, like or more clearly superior in performance to Windows Server 2008!
  3. I reiterate also that the team focuses on improving markedly, so excellent compatibility of Windows 7 64 Bit edition, with all applications to 32 and 64-bit In particular (since the users migrating from now on Windows Vista 64-bit, Massively). This is because Windows Vista 64 Bit Edition Service Pack 1 is still cumbersome and incompatible with some applications such as those for the 3d image processing, photo editing and 3D applications, in fact Windows Vista still often goes in crasch !!!!!!!! This must be definitively resolved in Windows 7 64 Bit edition !!!!!
  4. Going back to the GUI, I hope that the changes made to Windows 7 give a GUI, fast, efficient, intuitive and above all,  consistent coherent!!!! The ideal would also have a Taskbar or  Superbar  style of  RIBBON OFFICE 2007, with appropriate modifications, optimized for the use of an operating system like Windows 7 !!!!! Finally I would like to stress once again that it would be very successful, release available on Windows 7 Market no later than Christmas 2009 !!!!!!!!!! Please, team, even for the good of Microsoft and success selling Windows 7, it released on the market by November, up in December 2009!!!!!! If it released in early 2010, would be very  very  harmful for users and company (believe me even though I am nobody, a user any )!!!!!!! Do not repeat the mistake the date of release of Windows Vista!!!!! Repeat, if possible, a roadmap identical to that which has been in the past for Windows XP,  October 2001 ................ in the case of Windows 7, October, November 2009 for Sale Market International and European !!!!!!!! Listen to a poor idiot as spokesman Italian many users, but for different reasons (thanks to the work that  doing)    I know well as not commit  business and  technics  mistakes!!!!!!! Thanks  Microsoft and Dear Windows  7 Team!!!!!!! Excuse me again for my English is not perfect!!!!!!!
  • Anonymous
    August 29, 2008
    PERFORMANCE: Should without question be the number one priority. It's always been one of the top bragging points about my previous Windows. Make it run fast and do your best to get as many driver companies on board right away. CUSTOMIZATION: Before the OS is installed and after the OS is installed (Like your "TweakUI" program but with many more options). I want to chose not just graphic things but background programs and additional software to get rid of, as well as many of the annoying (to me) features that TweakUI helps with. A clear explanation of such processes would also help users in making their Windows faster as well. By doing this you only need one version, even though I assume your reasons for many versions comes down to making more money. **Maybe, if you have time or in a release all on its own, you could also throw in something that allows people to do major tweaks on the GUI (much like StyleXP does). It could be the Windows 7 Bonus Pack that has all the fancy bells and whistles for people who like to have that type of stuff on their Windows Copy. People could create and share their own Windows desktop themes, icons, screen savers, boot screens, login screens, widgets, etc.

  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 02, 2008
    Would be very pleased that in windows 7, windows explorer, is a double panel for a huge efficiency in file operations (copy-shift-size-paste), in the style of some programs thirds as:::: Total Commander of Ghisler: www.ghisler.com. Thank you!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    September 03, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2008

  1. Display Resolution Independence
  2. Windows Virtual Desktop inbuilt
  3. Customizable Windows Environment (should be able to disable all graphics elements from windows) (Allow users to create their own environment)
  4. Multiprocessing enabled tabs in internet explorer
  5. System management specifically device memory management.
  6. Ability to multitask between OS's.
  7. Crash recovery (includes driver recovery / roll back patches / IE crashes)
  8. Graphics Configuration based on DX1*
  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2008
    I look forward to the hopefully new things included in Win7. The biggest feature I see a lot of people wanting is performance. Requiring a monster of a computer to run any OS is counter productive. Many people are put off by not only buying a new OS, or upgrading but also having to make major improvements on their computers to handle it. I would also like to see better multiprocessing capabilities, we have these super processors with 2 and 4 cores but the software has not kept up with the hardware side. If you need any more beta testers let me know, I have a few systems available in our lab. Thanks for your time.

  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2008
    how come my comments don't get posted?

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2008
    Again, the key points of windows 7, must be: Performance and compatibility: I mean that people expect from  windows 7 Kernel Core not only benefits the boot, but a windows  7 Very fast  in all scenarios. That is, very fast, very fast in opening all applications, very fast development of each process and also support the extreme multicore CPU and GPGPU , very fast in all scenarios!!! Also an improvement exceptional compatibility, especially windows 7 64 bit, in all scenarios, both 32-bit and 64 bit. Gui: Also expected as obvious by the team Windows 7 experience, a graphical interface, as promised, exceptionally efficient and pleasant! All this is expected to be Windows 7, as in Windows Vista that is absent: Vista is slow and cumbersome! Also remember, waiting for Windows 7 on the market, at the latest November 2009. Release windows for sale 7 by this date is very important to its success. Thanks !!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2008
    Dear development team of windows 7, among the many suggestions, I would like to suggest to focus on the development only of windows 7_64 bit edition, excluding windows 7 to 32 bits. Now it is time the 64-bit, all the hardware is a 64-bit,applications are mostly 64-bit, memory Ram is cheap, so pointless to insist on 32 bit on windows 7. Take only the 64-bit edition, also because on windows 7 64 bit, we also run 32-bit applications. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2008
    Dear Team of Windows 7, with my comments, I want to summarize definitively what people and users want in Windows 7! The final imperative is:

  1. Windows 7_64 Bit Edition, Super Super fast and Super Super light with Super massive exploitation and optimization for Multicore CPU and GPGPU in all fields!!! ( This point is very very important).
  2. New graphical interface, much Renewed and Super Efficient! Thanks Windows 7 Team!!!!
  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2008
    Hi just my 2peneth on a feature request! In the new display options/multiple monitors section I'd like to see the option to extend the taskbar across all screens. Preferably also displaying the taskbar tabs for each running program on the screen that they are open on rather than just the lefthand one (I think that makes sense!). thanks!

  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2009
    So, hello , Windows 7 Team. I do write  a Report use of  windows 7 64 Bit edition Beta Build 7000 after 10 day of use. ( My hardware system is build so: Cpu Intel Core 2 Quad-chipset intel x38- 4 GB of ram -   Vga Card Ati HD 4870 - sound card : Creative sound blaster X-Fi-  2 hard-disk hitachi dekstar in RAID 0 configurations). I write you where improve windows 7 64 bit edition , in  different areas. Naturally i mean at windows 7 64 bit edition, because windows 7 32 bit , for me but in general for people and professional user , are not important. My Beta version of windows 7 are 64 bit!! So:

  1. Improve read compatibility  of windows 7 installation image , with serial ata optical drive , because in some case , the windows 7 installation , return error , or dvd image block for some time and after continue installation. So improve experience installation, with improvements of optical drive compatibility if necessary!!!
  2. Gui: in general, in this beta the gui is good . What do  are improve , is the speed response of windows 7 64 bit gui , in particular speed of open-close window , many window simultaneously , eliminating lag and micro lag , when window are open or closed. Some time when open programs ( windows live photo for example or window explorer ) simple windows , windows 7 """things""""  not is responsive , and  for  some second  , the window are blocked .....in other words there are lag or latency ( and in this time the circle cursor  is blocked for some second, before window are ready)!!! Fix IT ...repeat,  Fix it.....no lags for these simples operations!!!!!!!!!!  It's  important , very important!!! Naturally i hope that Team reduce at maximus possible , video memory use of Aero Gui , with maximus optimization code for Api Direct write-direct 2d-direct animation-direct 3d-OPEN GL , so that all windows 7 GUI Interface , are do accellerate ONLY in VGA CARD ( no CPU Use for GUI) , and with extreme optimization of VGA Resources Use. P.S: I  will also submit your attention in OPEN GL Areas  : because my software 3d used for test in windows 7 64 bit , ( i tested LUXOLOGY MODO , AUTODESK SOFTIMAGE XSI , MAXON CIMNEMA 4D AND OTHER SOFTWARE THAT USE VIEWPORT ACCELLERATE IN OPEN GL) , ARE NOT ALSO GOOD IN WINDOWS 7 64 BIT EDITIONS . BECAUSE THERE ARE LAGS AND VIDEO CORRUPTIONS IN OPEN GL VIEWPORT. SO IMPROVE AT MAXIMUS POSSIBLE COMPATIBILITY AND PERFORMANCE IN OPEN GL AREAS!!!! IN 3D SOFTWARE THAT USE VIEWPORTS ACCELERATE IN DIRECT 3D ( BUT THERE ARE FEW SOFTWARE 3D THAT USE DIRECT 3D ACCELERATION) THE SITUATION IS BETTER THEN OPENGL AREAS ;;;;;;;;; BUT ALSO IN DIRECT 3D AREA , THE SITUATION DO IMPROVE VERY MUCH!!! IN OTHER WORDS, PERFORMANCE AND COMPATIBILITY DO ARE IMPROVED MUCH IN 3D AREAS!!!!!!!!!!
  • Anonymous
    January 24, 2009
    Hello Windows 7 Team!!!!!!!!!!! Attenction Attenction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RED ALERT FOR YOU !!!  MANY BUSINESS USER ARE VERY WORRIED FOR THIS BAD BUG !!!!!!!!  INVESTIGATED AND FIX THIS BUG on WINDOWS 7!!! THIS BUG IS PRESENT ALSO ON WINDOWS VISTA , AND NOT YET RESOLVED FROM  2 YEARS AGO !!!! FIX  IT  DEFINITIVELY  ON WINDOWS 7  64 BIT EDITION !!!!! Attenction, i write you , for a BUG VERY CONSISTENT , in Windows 7 64 Bit, with LUXOLOGY MODO  Software!!! Attenction, Fix This BUG , it's Veru Bad for Me , and Users that work with LUXOLOGY MODO  3D  Software !!!! I don't Know why , this Program NOT WORKING and CRASCH in windows 7 64 bit , Same as it predecessor Windows Vista 64 Bit!!! ( THE REASON CAN BE ATTRIBUTED FOR DRIVERS OPEN GL-SYSTEM - 64 BIT OR OTHER) !!!!!!!!!! DO MAKE TESTS , MANY  MANY TESTS IN OPEN GL AMBIENT, BECAUSE THE CAUSE CAN BE OPEN GL API BUG ON WINDOWS 7 !!!!!!! But  FIX THIS  BAD BUG , because BUSINESS HOUSE THAT USE LUXOLOGY MODO , ARE VERY WORRIED !!!!! For help Windows 7 TEAM , to Fix This SERIOUS BUG IN LUXOLOGY MODO SOFTWARE ON WINDOWS 7 64 BIT , I  POST  A LINK That CONTENT a VIDEO OF BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REPEAT : FIX IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OTHERWISE , THE GRAPHIC USERS THAT WORKING WITH LUXOLOGY MODO , CAN BE MIGRATE TO APPLE MACINTOSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY System IS : CPU: Intel Core Duo Quad Vga: ATI HD 4870 RAM : 8GB DDR2 Chipset: Intel X38 VGA Driver : ATI PRERELEASE DRIVER FOR  WINDOWS 7  BETA . N:B : I Have Run LUXOLOGY MODO IN Windows Vista and Windows XP Compatibility, but the Bug is always PRESENT!!!!!! FIX  FIX  FIX  THIS BAD BUG  !!!! Thanks !!!!! VIDEO LINK  OF BUG : http://www.vimeo.com/2942334

  • Anonymous
    February 14, 2009
    Hi, I could not find any other forum to post this so here it is. I keep installing different version of Windows over n over agian due to varaious reasons. Each time I plan for a reinstall, I have to backup all my settings and document fodlers. Could you possibly provide a feature to relocate the C:Users fodler to a different location altogher. I do not mean the individual MyDocuments or My Pictures etc. The entire profile location should be able to move to a different location of my choice. It could be an option after I install Windows or a prompt during the install. Whenever I resintall the OS, it should be carefull enought not to overwrite any of my existing documents and just use those folders. This will save me a lot of headaches. Can this be incorporated?? Please! Shreedhar

  • Anonymous
    February 14, 2009
    Hi, I could not find any other forum to post this so here it is. I keep installing different version of Windows over n over agian due to varaious reasons. Each time I plan for a reinstall, I have to backup all my settings and document fodlers. Could you possibly provide a feature to relocate the C:Users fodler to a different location altogher. I do not mean the individual MyDocuments or My Pictures etc. The entire profile location should be able to move to a different location of my choice. It could be an option after I install Windows or a prompt during the install. Whenever I resintall the OS, it should be carefull enought not to overwrite any of my existing documents and just use those folders. This will save me a lot of headaches. Can this be incorporated?? Please! Shreedhar

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2009
    The post from Bruce brings up a good point. Perhaps it would be beneficial to install a base OS on a single drive or partican and the remaining files on another driver. The thought being that the base OS would always be available and can be protected with a higher amount of rights than the other files. The remaining files can be backed up on a regular basis, perhaps to external drives or other online storage areas. This would make for an easy restore and a greater chance of always having your base OS up and running.

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2009
    i can't watch movie with viet sub on wmp or wmc. how can i do?pleaz!!!

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2009
    Dear WINDOWS 7 TEAM , i write to say you to another bug of Windows 7 64 bit Beta  Build 7000 . I want to emphasize , that this Bug of DWM , is present also in Windows Vista Operating system !! It is an old Bug present IN WINDOWS VISTA AND WINDOWS 7 BETA   , with any Graphics cards, also WITH POWER GRAPHICS CARD , with any driver. The system RECORDS A DEGRADATION  IN THE TIMES OF ANSWER of the dwm.exe. FIX THIS BUG IN WINDOWS 7    IN ORDER ALWAYS , BEFORE  WINDOWS 7  RC  BUILD !!!   PLEASE !!!!!!! IT IS A DEGRADATION AND SLOWER DEGRADATION OF RESONSIVENESS OF DWM.EXE !!! FIX IT  !!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2009
    Well, I another way to evidence this changes and improvements , in Windows 7 64 Bit exepecially RC Build: Absolute Performance : Improve Very very well Boot of windows 7 Improve very very well preview of open applications in Supertaskbar ( when mouse is passed over preview of open programs , the preview of programs it does not follow in real time , the advances of real applications operations), Fix this bad bug , it seems being a bug or lag latency of Direct 3d. In other words , eliminate all Lag or Latency or slow performance Of Api Direct 2d-Direct Write- Direct 3d , for fast desktop composition in all scenarios !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Complete All Api: Graphics Infrastructure: Direct Write-Direct 2d- Ui Animations- Direct 3d , for extreme performance to end ALL lAGS OF AERO INTERFACE in windows 7 64 bit!!!!!!!!!!! Complete all api and module for Support Multicore and many core Machines extreme scalability , in windows 7 64 Bit !!!!!!!!!! And in the and i note for you another way, that in windows 7 64 bit, Directx 11 for GpGPU and Api and Module for Multicore , do are the imperative Voice!!!!!!!!!!!! Optimize code and bugs of all setions: Interface ( no lag , fast , usability , all extreme) Fas Speed on ( Boot , many many applications open contemporary , " see Many and multicore optimizations" , with alla Api of case) Eliminate Bugs relative to Supertaskbar , with usability supertaskbar extreme !!!!!!! Thank you !

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2009
    Well, I another way to evidence this changes and improvements , in Windows 7 64 Bit exepecially RC Build: Absolute Performance : Improve Very very well Boot of windows 7 Improve very very well preview of open applications in Supertaskbar ( when mouse is passed over preview of open programs , the preview of programs it does not follow in real time , the advances of real applications operations), Fix this bad bug , it seems being a bug or lag latency of Direct 3d. In other words , eliminate all Lag or Latency or slow performance Of Api Direct 2d-Direct Write- Direct 3d , for fast desktop composition in all scenarios !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Complete All Api: Graphics Infrastructure: Direct Write-Direct 2d- Ui Animations- Direct 3d , for extreme performance to end ALL lAGS OF AERO INTERFACE in windows 7 64 bit!!!!!!!!!!! Complete all api and module for Support Multicore and many core Machines extreme scalability , in windows 7 64 Bit !!!!!!!!!! And in the and i note for you another way, that in windows 7 64 bit, Directx 11 for GpGPU and Api and Module for Multicore , do are the imperative Voice!!!!!!!!!!!! Optimize code and bugs of all setions: Interface ( no lag , fast , usability , all extreme) Fas Speed on ( Boot , many many applications open contemporary , " see Many and multicore optimizations" , with alla Api of case) Eliminate Bugs relative to Supertaskbar , with usability supertaskbar extreme !!!!!!! Thank you !

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2009
    Dear Windows 7 Team !! In windows 7 beta , for change fonts in all voice of system ( menu , palette , icons fonts , ecc) , it's necessary change font for all these VOICES , one for one. Well, in RC , finally , it's great , if do make possibility to change fonts , of these VOICES , in ONE only STEP , same as change wallpaper background desktop , or Theme desktop ; by gallery theme , all customizations , Wallpaper , Theme and Fonts of all VOICES of desktop. Naturally , in the end , focus your power , in  Great Performace and rock Stability , COSTANT IN TIMES , in Windows  7   64 Bit  Editions !!!! And imperative : Fast ( Multicore and GPGPU With DX 11 ) !!!! Rock Rock Stable !!! And Rock Security !!! Thank you !

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2009
    I did not have much luck turning off those features. I am getting the error "Failure configuring Windows features. Reverting changes...".

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2009
    Hi, I meet a tricky trouble. For GSA-U10N dvd-rom, V.1.05, it can work well in the first 3 days and then cannot browse any files. If you inset a DVD/CD with auto-install soft, it can install/setup. However, after that, you cannot view any detail of DVD/CD. I tried several times to reinstall WIN7 by format HD, but the problem is it. Could someone have any ideals? However, WIN7RC seems no big problems to work on the most computers/laptops/netbooks that I have tried.

  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2009
    Hi, This is for the Windows Team... It will be cool if there is a favorite Documents Functionality (not recent documents) Hope someone listens....

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2009
    Hello, Like Windows 7 (using the RC version)al lot better than most versions before. Only on problem. SOmtimes when deleting or copy files it seems to stuck, also after a download (big file) is stucks a long time at 99%

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
    I think it's great to have as many themes as possible. Well done! "Only 15% of the beta users kept the default theme. 77% of the beta users created a custom theme by changing one or more elements of the inbox themes." Please, can you tell this to the Office builders who arrogantly removed all customization options from Office? You have proven that people want to customize, and that they do customize when they know about it!

  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2009
    Where can I get a detailed version comparison? The one at the MS store site is just a checklist. It doesn't provide enough information.

  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2009
    As Windows 7 pre-order offer at reduced cost has ended in the US and is about to start in Europe and Japan etc; when will it be available via MSDN subscription? I can find no information regarding this?

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2009
    90% of the time when I attempt to post on these forums, I get bounced back to a higher level after clicking Submit. It makes no difference whether I use IE or Firefox. No error message is posted so I don't know if it's a page code issue, an illegal character, a limit on characters posted or a server spam filter. I've tried breaking posts into smaller amounts and very occasionally they get through, but I can't tell if my efforts to post the entire message are flagging a spam filter. Perhaps a more user-friendly form??? Please???

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2009
    Dear windows 7 team , I write for say you that it is strange , that a new windows 7 operating sistem , have a new limitation !!!! Now in september 2009 , out new hard disk drive of 2 TB of capacity. well if I will make a raid 0 configuration of two or four hard disk of 2 TB , for great capacity; I will have a total capacity of  2 TB x 2 = 4 TB or 2 TB x 4 = 8 TB . Well if I decide to install windows 7 in one primary partition of  2 TB , with limit of MBR , i can't make this !!!!!!!!!! And this is very ugly for a new operating system !!! In other words , FIX THIS NEW LIMIT  IN WINDOWS 7 !!!!!!!!!! WITH ALL THESE LIMITS , WINDOWS 7 APPEAR OLD , VERY OLD UNTIL YOUR BEGIN !!!! FIX ALL LIMITS IN SERVICE PACK 1 OR UNTIL IF POSSIBLE , BECAUSE HARDWARE EVOLUTION IN 2010 WILL BE  ENORMOUSLY AND WINDOWS 7 RISK TO BE OLD , VERY OLD AND inadequate and not to the step with the times!!!!!!!!!!!!! And in the end , I repeat , FIX THE MEMORY CONSUPTION OR MEMORY LEAK OF WINDOWS EXPLORER PROCESS , WHEN MORE WINDOWS ARE OPENED!!!! ELIMINATE ALL LIMITS IN ALL REMAINING AREAS OF NEW WINDOWS 7 , THAT SEEMS VERY OLD WITH THESE LIMITS!!!!! OTHERWISE , PEOPLE WILL NOT BE  SATISFIED , AFTER WINDOWS 7 ON MARKET , OVERALL BEGIN OF 2010 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIX ALL THIS LIMITS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2009
    Dear windows 7 team ! it is with my great sadness that say you that windows 7 RC is very very ugly !!! with passing of the time its quality is degraded!!! Now , new blu screen of dead at LOG-ON screen: In event viewer, this is the message that appear: "Performance power management features on processor 0 in group 0 are disabled due to a firmware problem. Check with the computer manufacturer for updated firmware. "Performance power management features on processor 3 in group 0 are disabled due to a firmware problem. Check with the computer manufacturer for updated firmware. "Performance power management features on processor 1 in group 0 are disabled due to a firmware problem. Check with the computer manufacturer for updated firmware. The total performances of the system are very bad!!! windows 7 x64 is identical if not much worse of windows vista x64 !!!!!!!!!!!!! ERRORS ON ERRORS ON WINDOWS 7 64 BIT , HUNDRED OF " HAS WORKINK STOPPED WITH MORE APPLICATIONS ALSO AT 64 BIT , THAT ARE VERY SLOW!!!! Been making a very bad system (other that great quality, painful quality) arranged all with SERVICE PACK 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST LISTEN TO ME !!!!!! HARD JOB IN SERVICE PACK 1: IMPERATIVE GOALS IN WINDOWS 7 X64  SERVICE PACK 1: TRUE RIABILITY IN:

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2009
    Dear Mr. Sinofsky and DEAR  WINDOWS  7 X64  TEAM. I WRITE YOU FOR LATEST TIME . I WRITE FOR SAY YOU  SOME ADVICES AND IN PARTICULAR , TO SAY YOU SOME VERY IMPROVEMENTS  , THAT YOU WILL MAKE IN WINDOWS 7  X64 VERSION ONLY. You  must listen to me, please, for mercy, for the good of windows7 x64 and naturally for future diffusion on market of windows 7 x64. As you can see, I insist only on windows 7 x64 , because this version is very buggy , with more problems of varied nature , in different areas. And because imminent future speak only 64 bit and you are push on 64 bit only. Seems that in windows 7 , you are concentrated only on 32 bit version. Well that all will be change immediately , with you hard job on windows 7 x64  for Service Pack 1. Used your time for windows 7 x64 and not thing at windows 8 , because if you improve very well windows 7 x64 , it will be a power resource in 2010 ! Some advices list:
  1.    Performance: Improve performance of windows 7 x64 , in multitasking ambient , some times gpu acceleration and cpu multicore use not is good.
  2.    Improve speed of preview of files in folders !
  3.    Improve system to prevent fragmentation files on hd mechanical drives and register structure!
  4.    Improve cache and superfetch , because windows 7 x64 , not is costant in time in performance ( load applications , preview of files , load more applications in same time)
  5.    Fix the some bugs , ( windows explorer crasch when more istances or windows are opened , because consumption more memory and same memory are not released fast , but very slow).
  6.    Improve same windows explore crasch, when a remote folder are not disponible.
  7.    Fix  latency of preview of videos and movies , opened in taskbar , overall the preview , not follow in real time the advance of movies in window !!
  8.    Fix  bug compatibility with drivers video that some times determines blu screen of dead , in particular I notice when more hd-movies ( 3 or 4) are opened in same time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9.    Fix bug of blue screen of dead that are caused from firmware motherboard incompatibility or intel cpu  incompatibility !!!! I now paste some errors in my windows 7 x64 RC ! Find you a good solutions for these bugs and low performance in windows 7 x64 , if not in RTM in Service pack 1 !!!
  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2009
    A system install would only have on the primary drive the following folders, Windows + subs, Temp, and I believe Documents and Settings + subs that only relate to core system info. All other folders including Documents and Settings/My Documents.. /My Music.. /My Pictures and so on

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2009
    The thought being that the base OS would always be available and can be protected with a higher amount of rights than the other files. The remaining files can be backed up on a regular basis, perhaps to external drives or other online storage areas.

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2010
    What gives with the charge to get a stock ticker.  How about bringing back the Vista version?     My only dissapointment so far

  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2010
    thanks very much for sharing

  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2010
    Greate guidelines :)

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2010
    Can I upgrade my Licens Win Vista to Win7? (to use my licens number for windows 7)

  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2010
    Yes .. All this is good for maintaining a blog in smooth operation and to better understand the ....

  • Anonymous
    July 04, 2010
    The comment has been removed