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For lack of a better word

Remote Powershell Sample Explained...

This is a continuation of my previous post. I wanted to take a moment and discuss the intent of the...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/22/2009

How to call Exchange 2010 cmdlet's using Remote Powershell in code

I have seen this question posed a lot so I decided that I would post a quick code sample here and...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/22/2009

Exchange 2010 Code Complete

Congratulations to the Exchange product team, Exchange 2010 has been released to manufacturing....

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/10/2009

Breaking Change : The System Attendant mailbox has been removed from Exchange 2010

In previous versions of Exchange, the System Attendant (SA) Mailbox was used by the link monitoring...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/06/2009

So what did you say you do here again?

I was recently asked the following questions regarding my blog and it's purpose. I decided that it...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 09/29/2009

How to use MFCMAPI to create a MAPI profile to connect to Exchange 2010

** The following article is for only the Exchange MAPI / CDO download.  Outlook users will not...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 09/02/2009

Exchange 2010 RC has been released

The Exchange 2010 Release Candidate has been released to download....

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 08/18/2009

Streaming backups no longer supported in Exchange 2010

The Exchange 2010 Beta SDK just released and I wanted to call out that using the Backup and Restore...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 06/09/2009

Exchange 2010 Beta SDK Released

Find more about it here: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd877024(EXCHG.140).aspx

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 06/09/2009

ECE's will be deprecated in Outlook 2010

ECE's are now officially deprecated in Outlook 2010. Read more about it here

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 05/05/2009

Exchange Server 2010 public beta has been released!

Exchange Server 2010 beta was released to the public this week. The beta for EWS managed client API...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 04/16/2009

New EWS managed client API

The Microsoft Exchange Team blog has a video about the new EWS managed client API coming in the next...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 03/28/2009

VSTO Samples and How To's for the Outlook developer

I wanted to point out that the VSTO team had created some great content for developing VSTO...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 03/21/2009

How to sign or encrypt a message programmatically from OOM

Q: How do I signal to Outlook to sign and / or encrypt a message from the Outlook object model? A:...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 03/16/2009

Introducing Outlook Live

I know this is a little late but the Exchange team posted a cool video about the next version of...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 02/28/2009

How to enable VSS Logging in Exchange 2007 using Powershell

For some reason I can never remember how to enable logging for the Exchange Writer on Exchange 2007....

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 01/16/2009

Creating Security Label Policy Modules

It seems that every so often I will see a request come in for assistance with creating a Security...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 12/04/2008

COM Interop Advances in .NET 4.0

Misha has some great content about the advances in COM Interop in .NET 4.0. Check it out:...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 11/04/2008

Troubleshooting Outlook COM Addins – Using Instrumentation

At this point, you should have done the following: Confirmed that COM can create your Addin using...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 11/03/2008

Who disconnected my RPC!?

Ryan Gregg has a post out there that is worth a read for anyone who is automating Outlook out of...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/27/2008

Desktop Heap (To Outlook): I am exhausted!

I recently worked on an issue where the customer was getting this error message when attempting to...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/22/2008

Troubleshooting Outlook COM Addins – Using Process Explorer

Process Explorer is another tool in my arsenal when troubleshooting a COM Addin loading...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/22/2008

Troubleshooting Outlook COM Addins – Using ProcMon

As I explained in my first post, Office uses the ProgId found in the office specific Addin registry...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/15/2008

Troubleshooting Outlook COM Addins – Using VBScript

Since Office uses COM to create Addins and _IDTExtensibility2 inherits from IDispatch it is...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 10/03/2008

Troubleshooting Outlook COM Addins - Introduction

I have decided to start a series called ‘Troubleshooting Outlook COM Addins’. I want to outline tips...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 09/30/2008

DevMsgTeam: New Team Aggregate Blog Feed

There are several members of my team at Microsoft that have active blogs with interesting content....

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 07/16/2008

Why doesn't my Exchange Client Extension load on Windows Vista

We had several cases lately where customers are asking this very question. The answer is basically...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 03/14/2008

We're Hiring!

I have some good news, we are hiring! If you like debugging problems, helping customers, and...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 08/23/2007

Who am I...

This is a good blog post which adds more personas to the classic Einstein, Elvis and Mort....

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 07/19/2007

MAPI Forms don't launch when dowloaded from the Exchange Org Form Lib on Windows Vista

After working this issue for just about six months I am finally at the stage where I can blog about...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 07/19/2007

CDO 1.21 User Options Best Practices

I worked a case this weekend where a product used to synchronize calendars between Exchange 5.5 and...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 07/02/2007

Vikas is blogging...

Another engineer from my team is blogging now. Check it out : blogs.msdn.com/vikas/

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 06/19/2007

Oops forgot to delete my sig...

Hi, Another great post by Raymond. Although I have to admit I have been guilty of this on many...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 06/07/2007

VSTO 2005 Addin does not load in Outlook 2003 if UAC is disabled

Windows Vista changes the COM Activation model and will no longer create components registered in...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 06/07/2007

MSPST and Session 0 Isolation don't mix

I had a case recently where a customer was using the Microsoft Personal Storage Provider (MSPST) in...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 06/07/2007

Sorry it's not supported...

Pcreehan had a great blog post recently on what the phrase "its not supported" really means....

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 05/18/2007

Accessing Exchange's Extended MAPI from a 64-bit Process *

As you know Exchange 2007 has moved to the 64-bit space, however Exchange’s implementation of...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 03/22/2007


He is my obligatory first post: My name is Dave Vespa, I am a support engineer for Microsoft PSS. I...

Author: Dave V - MSFT Date: 12/04/2006
