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2006 Year in Review

I started this blog back in February hoping to produce a daily post throughout the entire month. I had about twenty topic ideas ready and I had no idea what I was going to do when those ran out. The long-term goal was to reach 100,000 visitors a month by the end of the year. Well, I'm glad to say that since then there has been no danger at all of running out of topics.

Through the last day of December, I had a post queued up for every non-holiday working day along with several bonus posts for a total of 250 posts during the year. Almost all of the queued posts made it up successfully, a few server upgrades and power failures excepting. June was the first month with more than 100,000 visitors and the typical month now sees several times that.

It's tough to get a true count of exactly how much writing that equates to. I type all of the posts in Word before publishing and running a count across all of those documents says that I've used 99,349 words (from 555,536 characters or roughly 5.6 characters per word). Given that I've updated quite a few posts with additional text since posting, the total count breaks 100,000 words by that metric. However, I think that count is bogus because of all the code samples and output text. I try to make posts between 300 and 500 words every day, so an average of 400 words per article is believable but probably too high. The right ballpark figure is probably 80,000-85,000 words for the year plus a few thousand lines of code.

Speaking of words, the longest posts of original, non-code content have been from the documentation series:

Configuring WCF for NATs and Firewalls (1,446 words)

Choosing a Transport (1,439 words)

Making Sense of Transport Quotas (1,296 words)

This whole series has been among the most popular posts as well, although here is a selection from other categories that have also been popular as measured over the last month (December posts excluded):

Inside the Standard Bindings: NetTcp (Bindings champion)

Pull Not Push (Service Architecture runner-up)

Configuring HTTP for Windows Vista (Answers champion among several other categories)

Net.Tcp Port Sharing Sample, Part 1 (Samples champion)

Building a Custom File Transport, Part 1: Planning (Channel Extensibility champion)

There's no end in sight for blogging in 2007 although I still have to make good on producing a working table of contents. I hope to try that and start editing some of the multi-part series into a single cohesive post within the next few months. This week is going to finish out the series on faults. Next week it will be time again to dip into topics from reader mail for a while.

Next time: Zen Faults


  • Anonymous
    January 02, 2007
    Picking up from last time, we were going to look at consuming exceptions to possibly produce a fault

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2007
    How about book abot WCF where we can find all your blog posts and more

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2007
    A N&N from Brussels Belgium where I am up in the middle of the night (again) with my sleep hours