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Orlando Day 3 (Wednesday)

We have a winner! Yesterday afternoon Mickey Gousset came up to the Dr. International Cabana here at TechEd in Orlando. He had seen the challenge in the blog and collected the names of all the members of Dr. International. Mickey was happy to find out that he was the first person who got all the names right. He won a nice crystal globe award for this excellent detective work. 

Our cabana is well visited and lots of people find out about Dr. International for the first time. We also took notes on what we need to add to our website - there will be lots of work for us in the next few months adding all the requested content. If you are not at TechEd, but you think we really should add some specific content, send us an e-mail. 

Tomorrow we have two really cool talks lined up in our virtual track. Achim Ruopp and Matt Ayers will tell you everything you wanted to know about custom cultures in the .NET Framework. You don't even know what a custom culture is? I can tell you that much that it doesn't have anything to do with opera or classical music - it's all about locales... Anyway, if you know what a custom culture is, or if you want to find out the talk is DEV323 - .NET Framework: Think Global! Custom Cultures and International Data. The talk will be held on 6/09 at 1:30-2:45pm in S310G. The other talk for Thursday is the highly anticipated talk by Michele Leroux Bustamante on ASP.NET 2.0. Michele will show you all the great new features which make you international life so much easier. If you work with ASP.NET this talk is a must-see event. WEB326 - ASP.NET 2.0: Going Global Gets Easier! New Localization Features in ASP.NET 2.0 will be held on 6/09 at 3:15-4:30 pm.