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July ‘Microsoft Messaging and Mobility User Group’ meeting…

MMMUG are getting physical meetings going again. To kick off their first meeting after re-launch, they’re going to have an evening discussing Exchange 2010 SP1 on Thursday July 15th 2010. The event will take place at the BSG Offices at BSG House, 226-236 City Road, London, EC1V 2TT.

As some of you will be aware they recently held a LiveMeeting on the subject, however this will be a chance to dive deeper into the new changes and to bring questions along to discuss in person.
The event is being sponsored by Redgate Software. Alongside their software products they run the Simple-Talk sysadmin website which Jaap Wesselius and Nathan Winters have both written for. Jaap will be the guest speaker for the evening and between Jaap and Nathan, they will cover both the new elements of Exchange Server 2010 SP1 and also answer questions about the process of upgrading from previous Exchange versions.

For more information and to sign up please use the following link: https://www.mmmug.co.uk/3-15th_July_2010_-_Exchange_2010_SP1_26_Migration

Also have a look at the MMMUG Facebook site...