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For why my tables appear like the donkey?

So i wrote up my post on the results of the votes for new C# features and I tested out what the post would look like in a few browsers. I was pretty surprised to see how different the results were. I ended up with the table looking like this in IE:

Table in IE

Like this in FireFox:

Table in FireFox

And like this in Safari:

Table in Safari

And like this in Links:

| Feature                                                      Votes | Feature                                           Votes |                 
| Edit&Continue                                                   31 | Better constraints for generics                      10 |                 
| Better support for nesting other languages in C#                23 | Warnings for certain goto behavior                    8 |                 
| Better control over all code generation.                        23 | Better syntax for casting                             8 |                 
| handling of null events                                         22 | Better mock object support                            8 |                 
| Tuples/Generic lists of variable length                         22 | Better thread debugging                               8 |                 
| Covariant return types                                          20 | Delegates on properties                               7 |                 
| Expose the compiler with a managed API                          19 | Generate field/property/constructor/class/etc.        7 |                 
| intellisense for indexers/conversions                           18 | Fix up usings                                         7 |                 
| tell you when you're using a disposable type unsafely           18 | VI mode                                               6 |                 
| Non-null types                                                  17 | Functions in module scope/Top level functions         6 |                 
| C#=Vb                                                           16 | Better MSDN documentation                             6 |                 
| Error correction/spell checking                                 16 | More flexible color schemes                           6 |                 
| Private backing store for properties                            16 | Better XML serializer                                 6 |                 
| Automatic constructor stub generation:                          15 | Better support for chords/keybindings                 6 |                 
| Pre/postconditions                                              15 | User filtered catch handlers                          6 |                 
| Static import of classes                                        14 | Method scoped variables                               6 |                 
| support for checking enum values                                14 | VS macros in C#                                       5 |                 
| const support                                                   14 | Find code duplication                                 5 |                 
| Support for mixins                                              13 | Read/Edit mode                                        5 |                 
| Virtual operators/operators on interfaces/better operators      13 | IntPtr operators                                      5 |                 
| Nicer syntax for anonymous delegates                            13 | API For accesing the profiler from managed code       5 |                 
| Expose the refactoring engine                                   12 | No regions on interface implementation                5 |                 
| inlined array syntax                                            12 | Warnings for implicit vs explicit implementation      3 |                 
| Managed Add-ins                                                 12 | Fix up doc comments when doing a refactoring          3 |                 
| special constructs for asynchronous operation                   12 | Method virtual by default                             3 |                 
| Collapse all code comments                                      11 | Support for method groups in doc comments             3 |                 
| C-omega support                                                 11 | Expose formatting/colorization engine                 3 |                 
| Generic properties                                              11 | Obfuscator Api                                        3 |                 
| Attributes on local variables and code blocks                   11 | Simplified iterator syntax                            3 |                 
| Better control over completion list (sorting and filtering)     11 | Schema for XML comments                               3 |                 
| First class generics                                            11 | Global exception tracking                             2 |                 
| Better incremental find                                         10 | More flexible interface implementation support        2 |                 
| Better constraints for generics                                 10 | Aspects                                               2 |                 

I was basing the code off of the w3c page on tables. However, of all the renderings, only IE and Links display it like I expected. FireFox doesn't right align the values in the vote columns, and safari borders everything not just through column groups. I also tested on Lynx, which didn't look quite right, and on Omniweb which ended up looking like Safari.

Have I screwed something up royally? I know presentation of the table is up to the final application. However, I'm curious why certain features, like alignment and borders seem to be flat out ignored or treated in different ways. Are html elements like TABLEs something that there is that much disagreement over? Which browser is doing this correctly (or all they all doing it correctly, and that's just life?).


  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    Apparenlt Mozilla/FireFox doesn't support col align because nobody's reconciled it with css2: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=915#c162

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    I've never heard of this Links program y'all are talking about. Does it have anything to do with Lynx?

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    Curt: http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mikulas/links/

    First "Link" off of google :-)

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    Dr. Pizza: What's amazing is that this has been known for years, and never resolved. It just seems like someone should be able o make a decision instead of waffling on it for ages and ages.

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2005
    Your site is realy very interesting. http://www.bignews.com

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2009
    PingBack from http://fixmycrediteasily.info/story.php?id=17587

  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2009
    PingBack from http://patiosetsite.info/story.php?id=995

  • Anonymous
    June 18, 2009
    PingBack from http://adirondackchairshub.info/story.php?id=3788