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The relatinoship between Terminal server and Licensing Server

Issue: we can't see anything about license information from TS configuration console

- The Terminal server & Licensing server are in two different domain



確認此問題跟權限有關係, 這是Terminal License 的一個產品設計

Running Licensing Diagnosis
Licensing Diagnosis must be run by a user having administrator privileges. In a domain, it is recommended that a domain account with administrator privileges be used to ensure optimal usability and results.

Reference: https://blogs.msdn.com/b/rds/archive/2007/11/30/terminal-services-licensing-diagnosis-snap-in-extension.aspx

Meanwhile, these two domain should be two-way trust.


To issue RDS Per User CALs to users in other domains, there must be a two-way trustbetween the domains, and the license server must be a member of the Terminal Server License Servers group in those domains.

Reference: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754625.aspx