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DHCP轉移:從Windows 2000 server轉移到Windows 2003 Server

Please performs the following procedures to move DCHP database form Win2000 to win2003

From the Source DHCP Server

  1. Dump the configuration of the source DHCP server by using the "netsh dhcp server <x.x.x.x> dump >c:export.txt" (without the quotation marks) command from any Windows 2000-based DHCP Server, where <x.x.x.x> is the IP address of the source DHCP server.

  2. To prevent DHCP from starting after the database has been transferred, disable the DHCP Server service:

    a.Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Computer Management.
    b.Double-click "Services and Applications", click Services, right-click the DHCP server on the Services list, and then click Properties.
    Change the "Startup type" to Disabled, and then click OK.

  3. Stop the DHCP Server service by using the "net stop dhcpserver" (without the quotation marks) command at a command prompt.

From the Destination DHCP Server

  1. Install the DHCP Server service:

  2. a. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add/Remove Programs.

  3. b. Click Add/Remove Windows Components, double-click Networking Services (the words, not the check box), and then click to select the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) check box.

  4. Clear the Option definitions off of the destination DHCP server by deleting the following registry key:

  5. Copy the Export.txt file to the destination server, and then rename the file to c:Import.txt.

  6. Edit the Import.txt file with Notepad.exe and replace the IP address of the source DHCP server with the IP address of the destination DHCP server. Perform a Replace on the string "SERVER <x.x.x.x>" with "SERVER <y.y.y.y>", where <x.x.x.x> is the source DHCP server address and <y.y.y.y> is the destination DHCP server address.

    IMPORTANT: Do not just string replace the "x.x.x.x" with "y.y.y.y" as either address may be used in option values within a scope. Save your changes.

  7. If the DHCP database name or path on the Source server is different than the database name or path on the destination server, you must edit the Import.txt file to correct the values for any or all of the following settings:

    AuditLog, DatabaseBackupPath, DatabaseName, and DatabasePath. Note that the default path is typically c:winntsystem32dhcpDhcp.mdb.
    Save your changes.

  8. Load the Import.txt file into the destination DHCP server by using the "netsh exec c:Import.txt" (without the quotation marks) command.

  9. Stop the DHCP Server service by using the "net stop dhcpserver" (without the quotation marks) command.

  10. Delete all of the contents of the %systemroot%system32dhcp folder, including subfolders.

  11. Copy the DHCP database file (Dhcp.mdb) in the:
    %systemroot%system32dhcp folder on the source server to the 
    %systemroot%system32dhcp folder on the destination server.

  12. Start the DHCP Server service with the "net start dhcpserver" (without the quotation marks) command.

  13. Start the DHCP Server snap-in from the Administrative Tools group. Click thedestination DHCP server, and then click Reconcile All Scopes on the Action menu.Click Verify. If any leases need to be reconciled, click Reconcile to synchronize the registry and database.

  14. If the Windows 2003-based server is part of an Active Directory domain, the server must be Authorized.

Authorize the DHCP server

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DHCP.
    Note:You must be logged on to the server with an account that is a member of the Enterprise Administrators group.
  2. In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, expand the new DHCP server. If there is a red arrow in the lower-right corner of the server object, the server has not yet been authorized.
  3. Right-click the server object, and then click Authorize.
  4. After several moments, right-click the server again, and then click Refresh. A green arrow indicates that the DHCP server is authorized.


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