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Exchange 2010开始公测

Exchange 2010昨天已经开始Public Beta。这个版本通过降低管理开销来节省成本,它是下一波设计成即能自有又能云上运营的服务器产品中的第一发。同时,我们也宣布了Office...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/16/2009

Future Desktop Now With Source Code

[On10]If you're like me, you probably got a little giddy when you saw the interfaces in the...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/09/2009

From Joe Stagner: We launched the Windows Web Application Gallery at MIX on 3/18 with 10 open source...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/09/2009


在4月我会进行下列MSDN网络广播: 2009-04-09 微软互联网平台系列课程(1) 隆重推介 2009-04-23 微软互联网平台系列课程(2) Windows + PHP 美丽新大陆...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/07/2009

The Infrastructure Planning and Design team has released a new guide: Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization

This guide outlines the critical infrastructure design elements that are crucial to a successful...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/06/2009

Silverlight 3: What's New with Local Messaging

How to use the Local Messaging feature of Silverlight 3:...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/04/2009

ScottGu: MIX09

【原文地址】MIX 09 | MIX 09 【原文发表日期】 Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:37 PM...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/02/2009

Tim heuer的Silverlight 3新特性指南

Tim Heuer总结了一个详细的Silverlight...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/02/2009


.csharpcode, .csharpcode pre { font-size: small; color: black; font-family: consolas, "Courier New",...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/01/2009



Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/01/2009

Silverlight 3: Video/Audio新特性

大家看到Tim Sneath的Silverlight 3新特性帖子时一定很激动,但是,我们自己怎么来动手操练呢?下面就让我们开始吧: H.264 Support (aka MPEG-4)...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/01/2009

MIX09发布的Silverlight 3新特性

Joe Stegman在MIX09上已经详细介绍了Silverlight 3的新特性(课程:What's New in Microsoft Silverlight...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 03/31/2009

.NET Services 2009年3月版CTP新发,及特性

.NET Services allow customers to easily federate data and messages with its Service Bus, Access...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 03/31/2009

ARCast.TV - Improving User Experience in Digital Signage Solutions with Silverlight

In this interview, Tim Meinhardt, Colin Ploscaru, and Juan Calcagno at TTSS discuss with Zhiming Xue...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 03/30/2009

MIX09: Interoperability 互操作性在MIX09

互操作性毫无悬念的成为MIX09的重头戏。当然无论何时谈论云计算时互操作性总是关键考量。 一些这方面的课程: “Build Applications on the Microsoft Platform...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 03/29/2009

Silverlight 3 Out-of-Browser Support

MIX09已经发布了Silverlight 3 Beta,除了以前提到的新特性,现在Silverlight应用可以脱离浏览器在桌面独立运行。下面是如何做的例子: In order to run...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 03/19/2009

SQL Server 2008 SP1 CTP is now released!

SQL Server 2008 SP1 Public CTP is now released. The bits can be downloaded from here We remain...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/24/2009

欢迎注册参加 2009微软技术创新日-共同展望未来的计算时代


Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/19/2009

Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight

The Patterns and Practices team @ Microsoft have been busy working on helping answer the question –...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/19/2009

Deep Zoom Composer 2009二月预览版

DZC的更新,主要是改善性能和修正问题。其最大的更新是在于DeepZoomTools.dll库的大量改进。如果以前DZC不能处理你的一些场景,现在可以再试试。 Download Deep Zoom...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/19/2009


Microsoft is moving its Developer & IT Professional primary support content (also known as...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/17/2009

引导你探索Internet Explorer 8特性的Video和Fact Sheets

Great new customer facing content is now available around Internet Explorer 8 RC1 for developers...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/17/2009

Hello Windows Mobile 6.5

Microsoft Reveals New Windows® Phones With Marketplace and My Phone Services Microsoft mobile...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/16/2009

New MSDN "How Do I" Video Series on Azure Services Platform

Just published: the first 9 of 40 Azure Services Platform “How Do I” (HDIs) videos . Learn about the...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/12/2009

ScottGu: Moonlight 1.0 发布了

【原文地址】Moonlight 1.0 Release | Moonlight 1.0 发布了 【原文发表日期】 Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:27 PM...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/12/2009

Windows 7 Enterprise企业版的客户价值

Windows 7 Enterprise版是专门按照企业用户的需要进行设计,比如高级的数据保护,提高用户生产率,流线化PC管理等。 Windows 7企业版是Windows...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/12/2009

Resources for Silverlight Charting and others

Overviews (100 level) Silverlight Toolkit Released – More controls! - Tim Heuer's during the PDC...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/11/2009

历史再次重演: Microsoft.com升级到Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta, Windows Server 2008惨遭抛弃

大约在一月,Microsoft.com已经迁移到运行在Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta上的IIS 7.5。正如不很久前发生在Windows Server...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/10/2009

Hyper-V Live Migration Overview & Architecture AND Hyper-V: Step-by-Step Guide to Using Live Migration in Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft released the the documents required to test out the Live Migration using Windows Server...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/05/2009

告别VPN:Windows 7/2008 R2的Direct Access功能概述

是时候向VPN说再见了! Direct Access是Windos 7和Windows Server 2008...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/05/2009


来自TIMS: What Can YOU Do with 10K of Silverlight or WPF Code?   10K字节的Silverlight或者WPF都能干些什么?...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/02/2009

牛逼的Windows 7: Service Controller and Background Processing

各位读者牛年好,希望每个人都已经开始了一个牛逼的牛年。相信很多报道已经确认了Windows 7在性能上的牛逼性,但是,这是为什么呢?C9采访了NT核心组的大牛Chittur...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/28/2009

Silverlight Photosynth of the Inauguration on CNN

CNN has posted a few Photosynth results of the inauguration at...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/22/2009

IIS7技术参考大全上线: iis.net/ConfigReference

[IISBlog] 如果你四处彷徨,追寻如何安装II7某个特性、或者使用IIS...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/21/2009

Windows 7 Logo Program

Something cool has happened with logo testing. It’s simpler and easier than ever before to test your...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/21/2009

MIX09 is only 8 weeks away!

Who Should Attend MIX is for web designers and web developers representing top web sites, web...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/21/2009

ScottGu: Silverlight 和 2009年总统就职典礼

原文:Silverlight and the 2009 Presidential Inauguration | Silverlight 和 2009年总统就职典礼 明天的Barack...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/20/2009

从U盘安装Windows 7 Beta

Update: 此方法同样适用于RC和RTM,以及未来的SP1,SP2... 你可能想在上网本上安装Windows 7...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/19/2009

Windows Server 2008 R2技术资源汇总

这里汇总了评估和学习Windows Server 2008 R2(Win7 server)的一堆doc、ppt及新闻组: 指南和文档 Windows Server 2008 R2 Reviewers...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/19/2009

Interesting organic animation in Silverlight

You'll like this: Denis Dollfus via LMoroney

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/17/2009

TC: 各大浏览器巨头代表会晤 IE8 RC版将在本月到来

[TechCrunch] 今天来自微软(Dean Hachamovitch),Opera(Christen Krogh),Mozilla(Mike Shaver)和Google(Sundar...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/16/2009

视频:Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2中的NUMA支持

这里有一些C9上关于Win7中对NUMA和多于64个处理器支持的视频讲座: Program Manager Discussion Topical Introduction Demo1 - System...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/16/2009

微软硬件的Windows 7驱动

如果你在Windows 7上使用微软硬件,这里有所有微软硬件的Windows 7驱动。32位和64位都有。

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/16/2009

大揭秘Windows 7的30个新特性

资深的平台布道总监,客户端技术达人Tim Sneath最近在他的博客《客户端平台男的冥想》上撰文介绍了Windows 7用户面上的30个新特性。下面就让我们来一看究竟吧:...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/15/2009

Springboard Series: Your Destination for Windows 7

The Springboard Series on the Windows Client TechCenter is your destination for Windowsâ...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/14/2009

IIS7在Windows Server 2008 R2中的新改进

IIS团队刚刚发表了IIS7在Window Server 2008 R2 beta中的新改进。 译自:IISBlog Windows Server 2008 R2包括对IIS7...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/13/2009

IT Pro相关的一些Windows 7资源


Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/13/2009



Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/12/2009

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