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Scott Andersen, Program Manager


My name is Scott Andersen with the Exchange Product Group, working for Todd Wanke. I joined the team in August 2005 after spending 9 years in Microsoft’s Consulting Services. For the past two years I was the senior infrastructure architect for the Central Region of the US, and part of the US Center of Excellence (COE) for messaging. I am also one of the first Microsoft Certified Architects focusing on Infrastructure.


I started my IT career at a Microsoft Partner as a helpdesk professional. Back then I was the Mac guy on the helpdesk. I helped the team that built the partner’s original MS Mail system and eventually became the Mail Admin for the company. As our company acquired (and was acquired) other organizations we ended up with four separate mail systems. I helped design, implement and manage a mail hub solution, using the then Lotus Software SoftSwitch™ box. I was connecting an AS/400, Lotus Notes (using Comm Manager), CCMail, MSMail, Exchange and SMTP mail traffic through SoftSwitch™ box.


I joined Microsoft as an MCS person in the Great Lakes District (part of the US Central Region) in August 1996. Since that time I have had many roles, and have worked with many customers for the most part focusing on Microsoft Exchange and related technologies. I was part of the beta group of MCS professionals who were trained on the old Mesa Notes Application Analyzer after Microsoft purchased Mesa. I was also in the first beta class for the various messaging connectors after Microsoft purchased Linkage Corporation. Last but not least I was in one of the first beta classes for the old Zoomit Via product after Microsoft purchased that product. In 1999 I switched districts (and we switched cities) moving from Cincinnati Ohio where we had been for the previous 9 years, to Indianapolis Indiana.


I have three hobbies, writing, golfing and boating. Before I was at Microsoft I used to publish articles in the old NASPA journal as well as publishing my own journal many years ago. Recently I have been working on some architecture white papers, one of which is here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/architecture/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnbda/html/InArchCap.asp as well as a book for power users of Windows XP here: https://www.microsoft.com/MSPress/books/authors/auth6559.asp. A very long time ago I used to publish poetry under the name “Sandler Boggs.”


Today my focus is on the SWOT Team. SWOT is straight from the solutions sales process (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). We help customers with problems they experience in migrations from Lotus Notes, but more about that later.


Finally something nobody knows about me. I used to be a public school teacher in Bloomington Indiana. During that time I actually founded a teaching society known as the Society of Dead Teachers (DTS). That group is still out on the internet (DTS-L is the Listserv) and continues to thrive.