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Updated MP - OpsMgr 2007 MOM 2005 Backward Compatibility MP Update (6.0.5000.16)

The backward compatibility MP has been updated which is a requirement for the release of the Exchange 2007 MP for OpsMgr07


Details from the download page https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=655cdd06-861e-4342-99b2-8a81e09f6546&DisplayLang=en . Note that the

Note that the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Internal.mp and Microsoft.Systemcenter.2007.mp previously hotfixed and released with the backward compatibility MP download package were previously updated and are available in the Operations Manager 2007 MP.


Updated MOM 2005 Backwards Compatibility MP (6.0.5000.16) includes the following additional functionality:
-Update to allow script generated performance data from converted MPs to be written to the data warehouse
-Update to allow script generated events from converted MPs to be written to the data warehouse
-Update to allow service state events to be written to the data warehouse
Management Pack Release History:
Initial Release 3/23/2007 Version 6.0.5000.0
Updated release 5/29/2007 Version 6.0.5000.1
Updated release 7/10/2007:
- Microsoft.SystemCenter.Internal.mp 6.0.5000.16
- Microsoft.Systemcenter.2007.mp 6.0.5000.16
- System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.Library.mp 6.0.5000.12
Updated release 9/28/07:
- System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.Library.mp 6.0.5000.16
- Microsoft.SystemCenter.Internal.mp removed to System Center Operations Manager 2007 Management Pack Update
- Microsoft.Systemcenter.2007.mp removed to System Center Operations Manager 2007 Management Pack Update