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MP2XMLDumper Version 2.0 - Export OpsMgr MP's to XML using MP name export criteria

In my last post on this subject (https://blogs.technet.com/cliveeastwood/archive/2007/05/25/tool-to-dump-all-mp-s-as-xml-unsealed-to-a-folder-of-your-choice.aspx) I mentioned I'd primarily written this utility to help me in exporting ALL MP's so I could search them for a problem I'd be attempting to find.  The end result was a utility than exported every MP.

The updated will allow you to specify an option -C <part of MP name> , to allow exporting of single (providing precise MP name) or multiple (providing part of MP name) MP files.

Version 1 replaced with 2 and available here : (https://home.comcast.net/~the_eastwoods/MOMDownloads/MP2XMLDumper.zip)


From the help:

Enumerates Management Packs and exports as XML to a path of your choice.
Syntax for local operation: MP2XMLDumper [-C] [MP name criteria] <pathforexport>
Syntax for remote operation: MP2XMLDumper -S <ManagementServername> <domain/username> [-C] [MP name criteria] <pathforexport>
-C [MP name criteria] allows specification of Management Pack/s to export. This can be ANY part of the MP name.

You will be prompted for the connecting users password when using the -S <ManagementServername> <domain/username> options.
The <pathforexport> will be created if it does not exist.
Remote connnections require the assemblies Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.DLL and Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Common.DLL to be present.


MP2XMLDumper c:\MPS - Exports all MP's in unsealed XML format to folder C:\MPS on a Management Server

MP2XMLDumper -C Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD c:\MPS - Exports MP's whose name contains Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD in unsealed XML format to folder C:\MPS

MP2XMLDumper -S OMServer1 Contoso/OMAdmin -C System c:\MPS - Exports System Libraries whose name contains system in unsealed XML format to folder C:\MPS
