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Alert Resolution States / Auto-Resolve settings dialog is not present within the System Center Essentials 2007 UI

The System Center Operations Manager 2007 administrator console contains a settings dialog for Alert resolution states and auto-resolve settings which is not present in System Center Essentials 2007. The console dialog was removed from Essentials to reduce the overall complexity of the UI, but it's an often used feature.  The dialog should be making a re-appearence in SP1.


Here's the dialog from OpsMgr




In the mean time, for those Essentials customers who do need to add new Alert resolution states, or change the auto-resolution times I wrote a command line SDK tool to add/remove resolution states and change the auto-resolution values.  The tool called AlertSettingsTool is downloadable from https://home.comcast.net/~the_eastwoods/MOMDownloads/AlertSettingsTool.zip  and has to be run on the Essentials management server.



For example. To add a new Alert resolution state from the command line run :

AlertSettingsTool -a <resolutionstate 1-254> <resolutionstatedescription>      E.g. AlertSettingsTool -a 150 "Escalate to Exchange Operators"

To list the current resolution states and auto-resolution settings run AlertSettingsTool -q

The utility is unsupported, but simply uses the Operations Manager SDK. For example: https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.enterprisemanagement.administration.managementgroupadministration.insertmonitoringalertresolutionstate.aspx
