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Tools to help 3rd party products check when Client Security was last updated.

Hello World,

My name is Steve Scholz; I am a Technical Security Specialist for the US. Education Team based out of Long Island, NY. I have been working at Microsoft for just over two years and prior to Microsoft I worked for Sybari Software for five years. Recently during a presales opportunity a customer of mine was looking to use Forefront Client Security in conjunction with a 3rd party network access tool. This 3rd party tool does support Client Security, but was not working as intended at the time. So they needed something to use as a temporary solution until the 3rd party tool was fixed. The 3rd party network access tool could read registry values and make a comparison to determine if Client Security had been updated with the specified policy. We have also seen this question on the internal distribution list asked a few times: “How can my customer find out when FCS was last updated so they can script something?” So we wanted to make these tools available.

First, the issue lies in how Client Security writes the SignatureUpdates registry key in FileTime format. Some 3rd party tools (and humans J) have a hard time reading FileTime format. With the help of a few folks in MSIT and the FSS team, the following script and executable was written. These tools will convert the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\1.0\AM\Signature Updates value from FileTime format to SystemTime format, which is easier for most tools to understand.

The script works with FCS supported operating systems with the exception of Windows 2000, because of the WMI limitations in Windows 2000. One thing to keep in mind is FCS changes the permissions on its registry for security reasons, so I have the script writing to a location that is outside of those changes. This is true for the executable as well, but it is hard coded. In the script you can change the output location but you have to make sure the key exists, as this script was not designed to create a key. To change the key, change the value for strKeyPath1 in the script. Make sure the new key has the correct permissions set so the string value can be written and modified.

The executable works on all FCS supported Operating Systems. The only drawback is you cannot change to output location since it has been hard coded. The location is 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront\avsignatureapplied-displayable' on all FCS supported operating systems this was a safe spot where the permissions allowed for writing. The executable can be found on Codeplex other useful FCS tools can be found here as well.

I hope that you find this information useful. Please let me know if you have any comments. Also please check out the Microsoft Malware Protection Center for information on the latest threats and definitions.

//begin code


' LANG : VBScript

' NAME : Convert.vbs

' VERSION : 1.0000 6/30/2007

' AUTHOR : Steve Scholz

' Description : Script to convert FCS AVSignatureApplied key from FileTime Format

' to system time Format and write the value to the registry

' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront “Readable Date”






' Copyright (C) 2007. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


' NOTES: Script to convert FCS AVSignatureApplied key from FileTime Format

' to system time Format and write the value to the registry

' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront “Readable Date”


                Set dtmInstallDate = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")

                Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut

                const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

                strComputer = "."

                                Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_

                                strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")


                strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\1.0\AM\Signature Updates"

                strValueName = "AVSignatureApplied"

                oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue


                high = strValue(7) * 2 ^ 56 + strValue(6) * 2^ 48 + strValue(5) * 2 ^ 40 + strValue(4) * 2 ^ 32

                low = strValue(3) * 2 ^ 24 + strValue(2) * 2 ^ 16 + strValue(1) * 2 ^ 8 + strValue(0)

                                all = (high + low) / 10000000

                                rest = "0000000"

                MyString = CStr(all)

                Length = Len(MyString)

                                NewString = ""

                For Position = 1 to Length

                If StrComp(Mid(MyString, Position, 1), ".") = 0 Then

                NewString = Left(MyString, Position-1)

                End If


                                If Len(NewString) = 0 Then

                                NewString = CStr(all)

                                End If

                dtmInstallDate.SetFileTime NewString & rest

                                ValueString = CStr(dtmInstallDate.GetVarDate)

                strValueName = "Readable Date"


'To change the key, change strKeyPath1 but this key must exist as this script

'will not create new keys but only a String Value under the specified key


'Make sure the new key has permissions set so the String Value

'can be written and modified.


                strKeyPath1 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront"

                oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath1,strValueName,ValueString

//end code