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Tamper protection from the Security Wizard

Howdy everyone! Just wanted to post a quick Yay!! For Yaniv! – Yaniv once again has posted some great information about enhancing your Client Security environment. Please take a minute to read his post (https://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/yanivf/archive/2009/01/09/temper-protection-in-forefront-client-security.aspx).

In his words:

"Every Anti-Virus has a mechanism called tamper protection that helps administrator keep users from mishandling there antivirus settings and services. Forefront Client Security only offers basic control over what the user can or cannot do with the FCS Client Console on his client machine. What the FCS System doesn’t provide is a built-in mechanism to protect FCS services from being stopped or prevent FCS from being removed by the user…."

Go read the rest of his post. Really. You’ll like it. And you’ll be glad you did.