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Windows Firestarter Event coming to the Redmond Campus on September 18th…..

Windows Firestarter(there is also a Developer focused Silverlight Firestarter event same day/same link)

Thursday, Sept 18, 2009
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time

Microsoft Conference Center/ Bldg. 33
1st Floor, Cascade Room, 16070 NE 36th Way
Redmond, WA 98052 – USA

I would love to see people from the the greater Redmond area at this event. There is some great content being delivered and this is a great networking opportunity for all that attend. If you don’t feel like driving from Cooperstown, PA to attend though or you just can’t be there in person, you can follow the link above and register to attend the live simulcast of the full day via Livemeeting.

“But Chris!! I am having my wisdom teeth taken out that day and can’t watch it online either?!?!?!?”  No fear!  The event is being recorded and you will see it start to appear online through a variety of portals.

One thing to note about the event – currently I am listed as the presenter for all five of the listed session. While I would love to deliver all the content for the whole day, I am really just a place holder. We actually have one of our Corporate IT Evangelists, David Tesar, delivering the IE 8 session and Joe Davies of Technet “The Cable Guy” fame delivering Session #2 which should actually be entitled “Windows 7 – Direct Access and other Remote Access Features”. We are also trying to line up other special guest speakers for the event to deliver the remaining sessions. I *will* be there delivering at least one or more sessions though so I look forward to seeing you!

Get fired up!

