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Upcoming MCT Summit in San Francisco….

Perfect Timing!

A few days ago I posted about what I believe to be an upcoming boom in Microsoft and Industry Certifications. Then a couple days later I receive an email from friend letting me know about a training event for Microsoft Certified Trainers that is coming up in San Francisco for October 19,20, 21.


Microsoft is assisting MCTs in North America to offer 3 days of training for MCTs on the latest Microsoft products and technologies.

The summit will be held at Microsoft’s Northwest District office in San Francisco ( 835 Market Street, Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94103 ), Oct 19-21 (W and Th 9-5, F 9-noon).

Presentations for developers, IT Pros, SQL, Office, and Personal Development will be given by fellow MCTs and presenters from Microsoft. This year’s MCT Summit will include sessions to prepare MCTs for teaching Microsoft’s Cloud computing classes. Another feature of this year’s MCT Summit will be half-day hands on labs. We have three fully equipped classrooms for hands-on sessions.

You can find more information and registration information at the MCTSUMMIT.org site.

