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Live Writer + Soapbox + Facebook = My top 3

I'm in the hotel room in Hobart ready for the Partner Roadshow event tomorrow, catching up on email (see view from hotel below - amazing eh?).  Whilst waiting at Sydney airport, I was catching up on my blog reading...


...naturally I started with Steve Clayton's blog, where I saw some postings on my 3 current favourite web tools... the first has really helped with blogging:

Windows Live Writer

Get a real spell checker For Windows Live Writer:

Steve found this via Scott Lovegrove, who describes how to install an "English UK" dictionary for Windows Live Writer (beta 2 is now available for download).  Please note that this is totally unsupported and totally cool. He also hasanother new gem for WLW on his blog.

Microsoft's Soapbox video sharing service is now back to being in public beta. It was "closed" to ensure a solution could be found to the piracy issues of a similar nature to those that have had so much attention on YouTube.

The interface has been updated along with IM integration...



My third app is Facebook, which seems to be the latest web craze which really hit the UK as I left.  For those of you haven't heard of this, it's a mixture between MySpace and Friends Reunited, ideal for stalking.  It's addictive and generated a few interesting news stories, even getting people being fired, but nevertheless good fun.  Check it out: www.facebook.com.

Would you be interesting in networking with other partners this way?  Let me know if so... might be time for a pilot :)

Technorati Tags: Microsoft Partners, Hobart, Windows Live Writer, Soapbox, Facebook