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Your last chance to get awesome prizes for your app!

There are tons of prizes to be won! $2500 grand prize.Would you like a chance to win $500? $2500? a new Nokia 820 phone? Time is running out to publish an app and get great stuff through the developer movement.

The final challenge is underway, Publish as many qualifying Windows 8 apps as you can from May 13 until June 15th, 2013 and for each app you publish you’ll automatically be entered into a draw for a chance to win

What could you win?

  • A grand prize of $2500
  • 1 of five $500 cash prizes
  • 1 of ten new Windows Nokia 820 phones

That’s just the challenge! Remember everyone who submits a qualifying Windows Phone, Windows 8, or Azure app gets rewards!

  • Publish a Windows Phone or Windows 8 app get 5000 points
  • Get a 5000 point bonus for publishing your first app
  • Get 1000 points just for registering for Developer Movement

If you are a few points short of that reward you are after, look up all the ways you can earn points

Aside from the challenge which gives you a chance to win the prizes listed above, everyone gets to cash in their points for rewards!

  • 11,000 points gets you an Xbox 360 Kinect
  • 13,000 points gets you a Seagate hard drive

Check out all your amazing choices of rewards

So dust off that half finished app you started three months ago and finish it up! Or build that app that you’ve been thinking about for the last 6 months but just haven’t gotten around to sitting down and coding. Below are some resources to help you create and publish your app!

Never published an app before?

Never built an app before?

Just looking for a few things to help you build an app faster?


  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2013
    Hey Susan, Quick question about the developer movement.  For the 4th criteria of an applicable app it mentions: Target one (1) or more of the following Windows Phone platforms: (i) 7.5; (ii) 7.8; and/or (iii) 8 Is still still applicable for windows 8 apps? Thanks, Andrew

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2013
    Hi Andrew, If you are asking whether you have to have a matching windows phone app for your Windows 8 app, the answer is no. You can either publish a Windows 8 app, or a windows phone app that targets one of the Windows Phone platforms listed to get rewards through Developer Movement. The final challenge (draw) is specifically for Windows 8 apps.

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2013
    Hi Susan, How long should I wait after submitting applications in the dashboard of the movement of developers? In fact, I've posted since last week, but so far, no change. Thanks. Christian

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2013
    Hello Susan, Please where can I find application GUID ? Is it the code whish compose url ? For example, if url is : apps.microsoft.com/.../f45c13fd-7f1d-4e46-897d-3d58a6a02134 Application GUID == f45c13fd-7f1d-4e46-897d-3d58a6a02134 ? I also whant to know about capture... Is the capture page store where the application appears ? Thanks Will

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2013
    Hi Christian, I think what you are asking, is "If I have submitted my app to developer movement, how long will it take for me to find out fi I received my points so I can claim rewards". I don't have a hard answer but it may be a couple of weeks because we have had a lot of apps come in during the past few weeks and each app has to be opened and reviewed by a member of the Developer Movement team, so we do have a bit of a backlog right now. I would say if you don't hear within 2 weeks, reach out to ask the status. Hope that helps, Susan

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2013
    Hi Will, You've got it, that collection of letters and numbers after the URL is your GUID. Cheers, Susan

  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2013
    Hi Susan, Please, what is the deadline for claiming a prize ? In fact, I still have applications being cerfication ... If I do it after June 15, do I lose my points? Thanks, Christian H.

  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2013
    Hi Christian, According to the website under FAQ - Points and Reward Redemption "The last day to submit points to collect your rewards is on June 15, 2013." If you open the terms and conditions it says "Points are reduced to zero (0) at 11:59:59 pm ET on June 26, 2013" Hope that helps Susan

  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2013
    Hi Susan, Quick questions... Is the draw of the competition has already done? And the winners are known? Thanks Christian

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2013
    Hi Christian, The contest is over, I don't believe the winners have been announced yet. Good luck! Susan