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Double Points for Developer Movement until May 10th!

Developer MovementDeveloper Movement is offering Double points for every Windows 8 app you publish until May 10th and you could win a $500 gift card!

The Developer Movement program which gives Canadian developers points for publishing cool apps to the store has a new challenge!

Until May 10th, for every Windows 8 app you publish

  • You get double the points.
  • You’ll automatically be entered into a draw for a chance to Win 1 of 5 $500 gift cards.

Let’s do some quick math:

  • You get 5000 points for publishing a qualifying Windows 8 app, with the double points you would get 10000 points.
  • You get a 5000 point bonus for your first app
  • You get 1000 points for registering in Developer Movement

So that works out to 16000 points when you publish your first app, so with one app you could get a

  • Xbox 360 Kinect
  • Seagate 2TB Hard Drive
  • Sony 3D Blu-Ray Disc player
  • 10 Rubik’s Cube Mugs and 3 T-shirts

Publish a 2nd app and you would get another 10000 points. With 26000 points you can get

  • Samsung 21.5” LED monitor
  • 6 Star Wars LightSaber Umbrellas and 2 Shaker Blender bottles

If you were on the fence about whether to build that app idea that’s been buzzing around your head, or finishing up and publishing that app sitting unfinished on your laptop, this is a pretty nice motivation to get coding.

Don’t forget students can publish for free, and there is a great Windows 8 Getting Started Guide at DreamSpark.com