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Ethics in IT: Making it Personal—Meet up roundtable Monday June 9th

We assume that our employers, customers, and colleagues are be guided by ethical principles.  So, we may not necessarily think too close to home.  Although it would be difficult to be completely prepared for an ethically challenging situation, however, armed with a bit of knowledge in advance we could defuse the problem before it escalates into a costly mistake.

Members of the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) agree to abide by the CIPS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (Reference: https://www.cips.ca/ethics).  There are five key principles which are strongly encouraged in professional dealings with colleagues, employers, employees, clients and students:

1) Protect Public Interest and Maintain Integrity

2) Demonstrate Competence and Quality of Service

3) Maintain Confidential Information and Privacy

4) Avoid Conflicts of Interest

5) Uphold Responsibility to the IT Profession

There will be a ‘Meet Up’ round table discussion on the above ethical principles on Monday, June 9th in Victoria, BC (https://www.meetup.com/CIPS-BC-British-Columbias-Association-of-IT-Professionals/). 

We will explore some ethically challenging scenarios and consider:

- What would trigger one to speak up?

- And then, to whom?

Findings will be summarized in an upcoming Blog entry.

Blaine Bey, Past President, Canadian Information Processing Society of British Columbia (CIPS BC)