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On The Next AlignIT Manager Tech Talk: Challenges of Today’s Modern Apps

The consumerization of IT means end-users have bigger ideas and higher expectations. Now, IT must rise to the challenge of delivering on those ideas, doing so quickly and frequently. Join Ruth Morton, Jonathan Rozenblit, and guest Mark Mydland for a discussion about how to overcome the challenge, using lessons learned during development of Visual Studio 2012.

THIS THURSDAY - October 11, 2012
12:00 PM ET – 12:30 PM ET

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Featured Guest

Guest Pic - Mark MydlandMark Mydland

Mark Mydland is the Director of QA for the App LifeCycle Tools team, which has just delivered visualization and modelling, unit test, task management, code review, profiler, debugger and Intellitracetm diagnostics into various editions Visual Studio 2012.  Prior to joining the App LifeCycle tools team, Mark was a Group Manager leading a team to ship Visual Studio Test Professional 2010.  Over the past 16 years (9 at Microsoft) Mark has been a developer, consultant and manager in a wide variety of roles and industries.  Over the years Mark has been able to combine a passion for quality with a strong belief in the power of agile methods and short release cycles to help numerous teams to ship better software with higher quality.  Mark graduated from West Point in 1991 and spent 5 years as an infantry officer before launching his second career as a professional computer geek in 1996.

About the AlignIT Manager Tech Talk series 

Jonathan and RuthThe AlignIT Manager Talk is a monthly live streamed video series hosted by Ruth Morton (LinkedIn) and Jonathan Rozenblit (LinkedIn). Each Tech Talk episode airs on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 12:00pm to 12:30pm EST. The show focuses on a range of topics for both infrastructure and development managers and is interactive, taking questions via a live chat and providing answers on air.