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Chat: Brian Cameron, Professor and Executive Director Center for Enterprise Architecture, Founding President FEAPO

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Interview Time Index (MM:SS) and Topic

Since we last talked I understand that you are a new director on the Global Industry Council. Can you talk about that briefly?
"....I'm very excited to be part of that group and part of that dialogue as they discuss setting international standards for technology education and other technology standards around the world...."

Brian, can you share usable lessons from your recent speaking activities?
"....The common trend across all these organizations is their increased emphasis on enterprise architecture, and the issues they are having training and finding enough qualified people with the right skill sets to perform these roles in their organizations...."

What do you hope to achieve in your upcoming work?
"....Over the next year, through the efforts within our Center for Enterprise Architecture and the efforts within the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organization, we hope to continue the evolution of enterprise architecture into a 'real' profession...."

What is the current state of FEAPO and your plans for 2013?
"....Three major initiatives:....An EA Prospective Paper....Guidance on developing internal career paths for enterprise architecture....A partnership with MITRE to revamp and re-launch their Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge (EABOK)...."

Outside of the University, what do you have planned for 2013 and how will the audience benefit?
"....Most recently I've been talking with governments in different parts of the world...."

What do you have planned in your executive programs?
"....We have an executive education partnership with Gartner and we have a program that we've been doing for several years under of the banner of Enterprise Transformation and Integration....We are also in discussions with other analyst firms about possible executive education collaborations.... "

How is this work at Pennsylvania State unique and clearly differentiated?
"....We have a Who's Who list of organizations from around the world from many different industries (public and private), and the process by which our programs have been developed in conjunction with this group is unique....Our programs are very much in tune with the needs of government and industry and will continue to be so through the active participation of this advisory group...."

Since we last talked, do you have any additional stories to share (something surprising, unexpected, amazing, or humorous) from your work?
"....It's just amazing to see the tremendous interest (especially in the past few years), in this area from all corners of the globe...."

You choose the areas - provide your top predictions for 2013 and their implications and opportunities?
"....I'll give you two:....The continued interest and growth in enterprise architecture and the evolution of the field away from its IT roots....I think we are going to see more and more of a convergence between the role of the Chief Architect and the CIO..."

If you were doing this interview, are there any additional questions that would you ask and then what would be your answers?
"....What are the greatest impediments to the continued maturity and evolution of enterprise architecture as a profession?...."

Brian, we will continue to follow your significant contributions. We thank you for sharing your time, wisdom, and accumulated deep insights with our audience.

Music by Sunny Smith Productions and Shaun O'Leary

Brian CameronBrian Cameron is founding President of FEAPO — the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations. In addition, Brian is Professor of Practice and Executive Director of the Enterprise Architecture Initiative in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. Within the College of Information Sciences and Technology, he works with a wide portfolio of companies on a variety of consulting engagements, ranging from systems integration projects to enterprise architecture planning and design. Through his academic work, Cameron has consulted with organizations such as Avaya, AT&T Wireless, Raytheon, Accenture, Oracle, EMC Corp., NSA, U.S. Marine Corps, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and many others.

His primary research and consulting interests include enterprise architecture, enterprise systems integration, information management and storage, and the use of simulations and gaming in education. The main focus areas for his teaching efforts are on senior-level capstone enterprise integration, enterprise architecture, and information technology consulting & storage architecture courses. Dr. Cameron is currently developing new curricular materials for enterprise integration (through funding from NSF), including a textbook to be published by Wiley & Sons Publishing. He has also designed and taught executive education sessions for senior IT executives. Session topics include Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM), Strategic Alignment of IT & Business Strategies, IT Governance, and IT Portfolio Management.

Dr. Cameron currently leads corporately funded research efforts in the following areas: service-oriented architecture and business process modeling, risk analysis and management of enterprise systems integration projects, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation best practices, enterprise storage & information management architecture design, and performance measurement for Enterprise Architecture.

For more on Brian information go to: https://ist.psu.edu/ist/directory/faculty/?EmployeeID=85

Two earlier interviews with Brian: