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[Podcast] CanUX 2007: The Business of Experience

During CanUX, I had a chance to chat with Jess McMullin from nFrom about his presentation on "The Business of Experience." The 10-minute podcast below we chatted about the essence of the presentation, which is Value-Centered Design (VCD).  In the conversation, Jess told me a real-life story of how critical VCD is and recommended designers to focus on both user needs and business goals. His presentation slides can be found here.

Jess McMullinSince 1997 Jess has focused his career on understanding and developing positive user experiences for his clients and their users. Jess draws on techniques from usability, information architecture, and user research to generate client insight to drive innovation and create better customer experiences. His value-centered approach grounds customer experience strategy at the intersection of business goals and customer goals to produce return on investment for clients, and ‘return on experience’ for their customers.

Jess regularly writes and speaks at conferences about user experience. He has contributed ideas and material for several user experience books, including Lou Rosenfeld and Peter Morville’s Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, 2nd Ed. ; Jesse James Garrett’s The Elements of User Experience and Peter van Dijck’s Information Architecture for Designers. His work appears as a case study in Designing Websites for Every Audience by Ilise Benun.


Technorati Tags: CanUX07, CanUX 2007, Podcast, Jess McMullin
