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Step-By-Step: Integration between Exchange 2013 UM and Cisco Unified Communication Manager

Integrating the latest version of the UM board now directly in Exchange 2013 with Cisco telephony system is a hot topic in our projects.

In terms of architecture, the approach with Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 is completely different from the Exchange Server predecessors 2007 and Exchange Server 2010. In previous versions , UM was a role that could be deployed if the need was there. In Exchange 2013 , these roles are combined into two types of servers. components or services can be collocated on the same server or separate two name servers CAS and MBX.

Unified Messaging Exchange 2013 requires the use of multiple TCP and UDP ports for communication between servers Exchange 2013 and other devices. Features and services offered by UM depend on various static TCP / UDP ports and dynamic . Proper functioning is ensured by the CAS server running the service call routing and MAILBOX server running the Unified Messaging service.

Services are:

  • SESworker (GFW )(TCP -In )

  • UMCallRouter (GFW )(TCP -In )

  • UMCallRouter (TCP -In )

  • UMService (GFW ) (TCP -In )

  • UMService (TCP -In )

  • UMWorkerProcess - RPC (TCP -In )

  • UMWorkerProcess (GFW ) (TCP -In )

  • UMWorkerProcess (TCP -In )

    Regarding signage, like the previous versions , Microsoft Exchange 2013 UM only supports the SIP protocol.

    Service call UM CAS server routing uses the SIP protocol transported TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) to communicate with MBC running the Unified Messaging service servers.

    By default, a CAS server listens for SIP requests on TCP port 5060 in unsafe mode and TCP port 5061 Safe mode.

    By default, a MBX server listens for SIP requests on TCP port 5062 in unsafe mode and TCP port 5063 in Safe mode.



    The purpose of this introduction is to highlight the fact that significant changes in the mode of operation of Microsoft Exchange 2013 UM needed review the traditional integration with Cisco environment.

    The context of this step by step:

    • 1 Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

    • 1 Server Cisco Call Manager 9.1.2 publisher and one subscriber

Integration TCP

The test environment:


Step 1: Configuring the Cisco Call Manager:

  1. Creation of SIP profile: Device-> Device Settings-> SIP Profile


  2. Creating a security profile SIP : System -> Security - > SIP Trunk Security Profile


  3. Creation of pilot issue of our voicemail system : Advanced features -> ; Voice Mail - > Voice Mail Pilot


  4. Creating a profile for our voicemail system : Advanced features -> Voice Mail - > Voice Mail Profile


  5. Creating a profile for our voicemail system : Advanced features -> Voice Mail - > Voice Mail Profile


  6. Creating a SIP trunk pointing to the Exchange 2013 server: Device - > Trunk


  7. In our example, a single Exchange 2013 server is present , where CAS and MBX servers are separated, the Trunk 1 must be directed to 5060 CAS server, other ports to the MBX server.

    Creating a routing domain , the goal is that when the CAS server responds fqdn with the Mailbox server , the Cisco phone system can know which answer Trunk

    This was necessary to repeat this step for each Mailbox server environment

    Call Routing - . > SIP Route Pattern


  8. Creating a route pattern to send the desired numbers to Exchange UM

    Call Routing -> Route / Hunt -> Route pattern

    In this example, 6991 is automated reception , in 6999 voicemail.


  9. Configuring a phone test:

    Tests will be carried out with the " Christopher " user with the extension number " 1103 ."

Step 2: Configuration Microsoft Exchange 2013 UM

  1. In the EAC management interface , we will create a specific numbering plan Cisco .

    Unified Messaging -> UM plans , create a dial plan.

  2. Specify the name, type numbering plan ( telephone ) and the number of digits of your dial plan current business , in our example , TCP is the selected mode, the security is " Unsecured ."

  3. By clicking on the " Configure" option , you can customize the behavior of your UM system your needs.

  4. You can set in the " Outlook Voice Access " tab the number assigned to this feature, in our example, " 6999 " will be the pilot number of the voice mail for the Exchange UM dial plan "Cisco" . Different customization parameters of receptions or information messages are also possible.


  5. You can create a dialing "all" removing all restrictions within your tests and assign the different uses of your dial plan.


  6. From the homepage of your dial plan interface, you can customize your strategic , gy default assigned automatically upon creation.

  7. As part of your integration tests, you can also evaluate features offered in the Microsoft Exchange UM 2013.

  8. Creating automated reception, in our example, the number assigned is " 6991 ".

  9. In the EAC management interface , we create gateways representatives both servers Cisco .

    Phone Unified Messaging - > UM IP gateways


  10. Creating the gateway representing the CUCM Publisher with the IP address


  11. Creating the gateway representing the CUCM Publisher with the IP address

  12. The time has come to make your tests. In the EAC management interface , we enable users to benefit from unified messaging features .

    Recipients -> Mailbox , select the desired user.


  13.  Enable unified Messaging, choose the default policy assigned the dial plan .