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Upcoming Presentations

For those of you folks who are planning to be in Munich, Germany between May 5th and 7th, please drop by the TeamConf conference. I'll be one of the folks keynoting the event along with Ken Schwaber ( the mastermind behind Scrum ). I plan on talking a bit more about Team System 2010 and what we are planning for this upcoming release, as well as postulate a bit beyond. ;)

Immediately after that event, I'm rushing back to the states to give a couple of talks at TechEd2009 held in Los Angeles this year.

I'll be giving two talks at TechEd:

"A Lap Around Team System 2010 Architecture Edition ( ARC201 )"

as well as

"Domain Specific Languages with Team System 2010 ( DTL333 )"

The "Lap Around..." talk will be going through many of the features that are present in the 2010 Architecture product that we have been working on, and that I have touched on in previous posts.

The "Domain Specific..." talk will be a drill into much of the work the team has accomplished with the DSL Toolkit and runtime that will be part of the 2010 VS SDK, as well as an integral part of the VSTS 2010 Architecture product.

Hope to see you at one of these events!

