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Do Stored Procedures Protect Against SQL Injection?

When I’ve asked people about their strategies for preventing SQL injection, one response is sometimes “I use stored procedures.” But, stored procedures do not, by themselves, necessarily protect against SQL injection. The usefulness of a stored procedure as a protective measure has everything to do with how the stored procedure is written. Write a stored procedure one way, and you can prevent SQL Injection. Write it another way, and you are still vulnerable. This post will look at one common pitfall that can leave stored procedures vulnerable to SQL injection.

For starters, let’s suppose we have the following (admittedly contrived) login script:

<form method="post" action="injection.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
    Username:<input type="text" name="Username" id="Username"/></br>
    Password:<input type="text" name="Password" id="Password"/></br>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />

    $username = $_POST['Username'];
    $password = $_POST['Password'];

    // Connect to the server.
    $server = "MyServer\sqlexpress";
    $uid = "userName";
    $pwd = "password";
    $database = "ExampleDB";
    $connectionoptions = array("Database" => $database
                               , "UID" => $uid
                               , "PWD" => $pwd);
    $conn = sqlsrv_connect($server, $connectionoptions);

    // Execute a parameterized query.
    $params = array($username, $password);
    $stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, "{call VerifyUser( ?, ? )}", $params);

    // If a row is returned, we have a username-password match.
        echo "Welcome.";
        echo "Invalid password.";

First, note that this example is very similar to the example I showed in this post: What’s the right way to prevent SQL Injection in PHP Scripts? Also note that it uses a parameterized query, which is a very important in preventing SQL injection (see the linked-to post). The difference here is that I’m using a stored procedure, VerifyUser, to determine if a user is valid.

Note: Calling stored procedures using canonical syntax (as shown in the example above) is the recommended practice when using the SQL Server Driver for PHP.. For more information about canonical syntax, see Calling a Stored Procedure.

As I said in the introduction, how that stored procedure is written can determine whether or not my script is vulnerable to SQL injection. Let’s take a look at two ways to write that stored procedure…

The wrong way

Suppose the VerifyUser stored procedure was created by dynamically building a SQL string within the stored procedure, like this:

    @username varchar(50),
    @password varchar(50)
    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(500);
    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM UserTable
                WHERE UserName = ''' + @username + '''
                AND Password = ''' + @password + ''' ';

Now, when I execute my PHP script with this input…


…the SQL that the stored procedure executes is this:

SELECT * FROM UserTable WHERE UserName = 'Brian' --' AND Password = 'any password'


The last half of the query is commented out! As long as my user name matches some user name in the database, I’m in.

By building the SQL query as a string in the stored procedure and concatenating parameter values in that string, I run the same risks that are inherent in concatenating parameter values in application code – I’m vulnerable to SQL injection. I admit that building a query dynamically as shown in the stored procedure above is somewhat contrived, but it is meant to show what is possible (and what NOT to do). Fortunately, avoiding the problem above is easy…

The right way

Now suppose the VerifyUser stored procedure was created like this:

    @username varchar(50),
    @password varchar(50)
    SELECT * FROM UserTable 
    WHERE UserName = @username 
    AND Password = @password;

Now, an execution plan for the SELECT query  exists on the server before the query is executed. The plan only allows our original query to be executed. Parameter values (even if they are injected SQL) won’t be executed because they are not part of the plan. So, if I submit a username like I did in the example above (Brian' --), it will be treated as user input, not SQL code. In other words, the query will look for a user with this password instead of executing unexpected SQL code.

The lesson is the same as it was in this post: don’t concatenate user input with SQL. Use prepared statements.

Once again, that’s my 2 cents.



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  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2011
    I know it's subtle, but I really like the way you call a stored procedure a 'plan.'  It puts me in the right mindset when creating SPs to think of them as plans and not queries.As always, so well worded, Brian!
  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2011
    Using a decent O/RM will prevent the SQL injection attack (by sanitizing input) and remove the burden of writing all those sprocs..
  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2011
    What about input validations and strictly disallowing some injectable characters? Although, a Client side validation will only work for the honest user, A combination of serverside validation will help. Again, Trading off speed or performance for security!
  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2011
    @David - Thanks. I probably should not have been so subtle about the "plan". I was referring to query plans (en.wikipedia.org/.../Query_plan) which can improve performance as well as protect against injection.@Owolabi - IMHO, validation should be done on both the client and the server. Obviously, if speed is the most important factor in your application, you favor one over the other, but that's going to depend on the application. Just my 2 cents.
  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2011
    The author did not comment about input validations because it is irrelevant to the specific topic being discussed, i.e. whether stored procedures can protect against SQL injection. Input validation is a necessary thing, but it's beside the point in the context of this article.
  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2011
    Won't passing parameters into dynamic SQL also protect against SQL injection?  I would have expected this to form one of the 'right way' examples
  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2011
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2011
    Thanks for the questions and comments. I think Andy P summed things up nicely. I tried to point out what he is saying in the post, but I didn't quite say it as eloquently. :-) As Andy P points out, in my example the SQL injection vulnerability is just moved from the PHP script to the stored procedure. His NEVER build dynamic SQL out of EXTERNAL input is a nice, simple summary.
  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2011
    Never building sql by concatenating EXTERNAL input is fine advice ... as far as it goes. The problem is: sometimes developers forget the source of their inputs. Secondary sql injection is a technique whereby malicious code is inserted into a database table where it lies in wait for a naive developer to forget that the source of the data in that table was EXTERNAL.The proper answer to the question of how to prevent sql injection is: always use parameters instead of concatenation.Attempting to sanitize/cleanse input is not a technique for preventing sql injection: it should be more properly thought of as a technique for attempting to detect injection attempts, and should never be the only technique used to secure your application. It is  the first layer in a multi-layer defense.
  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2011
    Bob, I was reluctant to make my (rather long) comment even longer by discussing secondary SQL injection. My view is that the same rule still applies, because anything you're getting from a table is EXTERNAL to your stored procedure (or function, or query, or whatever). Just to clarify, when I talk about EXTERNAL input, I don't just mean somthing that comes in from the internet, or that comes from the user: I mean anything that comes from outside the scope of the query, function or procedure you're writing.Perhaps we can refine the rule to:--   NEVER concatenate dynamic SQL out of EXTERNAL input.--   EXTERNAL input can ONLY be used as a PARAMETER.
  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2013
  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2014
  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2015
    The comment has been removed