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Updated XSDs available for the Office Open XML formats

Some pretty cool news to report today:

XSDs for the Office Open XML formats working draft 1.4

The XSDs for the Office Open XML formats working draft 1.4 are now available. You can grab them from here: https://www.ecma-international.org/news/Ecma%20TC45%20WD1.4%20Final%20Schemas.zip

As you probably noticed, we published the 1.4 draft in both PDF and .docx. The .docx files were created using the 1.4 version of the draft, which means you should be able to validate those files using these newly published schemas. Here are the parts of the draft in .docx form:

If you are interested in learning everything about the formats, but don't want to get into the nitty gritty details that Part 4 contains, I would suggest reading Part 3 (the Primer). It's a great overview of the formats, and isn't nearly as large as part 4. Here's where you can get the PDF version of Part 4: https://www.ecma-international.org/news/TC45_current_work/tc45-2006-337.pdf

Last day in my 20's

I turn 30 tomorrow, and for the most part I was treating it as a non-event. After the Seahawk game on Sunday my wife told me that a friend of mine had called and asked if I wanted to meet up with him to go to the horse track (Emerald Downs). I said "sure: and headed down to pick him up and go over to the track for a few drinks and some gambling. He said some friends from work were having a party up in the club lounge and so we headed up there. The next thing I knew we walked into a suite and everyone was yelling "surprise!"

So, as only she could do, my wife pulled another one over on me. She had reserved a suite and invited all of our friends down for the day. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening hanging out and watching the races, football games, etc. Pretty sweet day (and it made coming into work on Monday much more difficult than usual). Here's a picture of me and my wife in the suite (wearing my "30th birthday" medal):

She also had one of the races named after me. They called it "Old Man Brian", and I'm not sure if I agree with that yet. We also got to go down to the winner's circle for the race and get our picture taken with the winning horse. I should have brought my camera down for that, the horses were amazing.

Not sure how many folks are from the northwest, but the view from Emerald Downs was really great. It was my first time to the horse track, and with a view like this I'm sure we'll head back (even though I lost money on just about every race J):


I'm sorry this is turning into one of those blogs where I talk more about myself than about the actual technologies. I promise I'll cut out the sappy stuff, but I did want to post a picture of the new puppy that's resulted in a couple weeks now of no sleep (she's worth it):



  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2006
    Per Brian Jones, the XSDs are now available from Ecma for working draft 1.4 of the Office Open XML Formats...
  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2006

    Happy birthday!
    Leave it to friends to help you celebrate.
  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2006
    Happy birthday Brian!! Oh and cute puppy
  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2006
    Sandeep: for your second point, I know many people having encountered the same issue (unzip/zip resulting in corrupted file). It was always due to the fact that they zipped the unzipped folder instead of its content (you have to select the [Content_Types].xml, _rels, DocProps and  word folders to rebuild the archive).
    Hope this will help...
  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2006
    Happy birthday!

    Nice picture of your puppy - now I want one too... ;-)
  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006
    Please go back to the old colour scheme !!!
  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006
    Please go back to the old colour scheme !!!
  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006
    Sandeep: I'm glad it helped you. On the two other questions, I'm sorry I'm not in Microsoft secrets ;-)

    Anyway, my feeling about your first issue is that the DOCX files posted by Brian are following the latest ECMA specs, which are not compatible with Word 2007 beta 2 (there must have been some little changes that make Word not recognize them). But that's only an hypothesis... if it is true, we just have to wait for the next release of Word 2007 (beta 3 ?).

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006
    Thanks for the good wishes everyone!

    OK, we're back with the old. :-)

    Jean is correct, the .docx files I've posted are based off the 1.4 working draft of the Ecma standard. The formats have changed since Beta 2, which is why Beta 2 can't open them. Ecma is getting close to wrapping everything up, and the final version of Office 2007 will be able to open the files.

    The existing wordprocessingML format from Office2003 will continue to be supported, but it doesn't have all the new features added in Word 2007.

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006
    Those of you who using Beta 2 probably noticed that the .docx versions of the Ecma working draft 1.4...
  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006

    Thank you so much for clearing it up with me. We are planning to implement WML as concept of concepts which is in a manner similar to DITA implementation. We have been carrying out some tests to check the feasibility of WML 2007 with this concept and I must say we are getting very promising results.  We have been hearing rumors like microsoft will slowly fade away WML (2007 and 2003) standard and will adopt docx completely. If WML 2007 is deprecated by microsoft it would be a major set back to our research.
    To my understanding, docx is WML (2007) in a way as what are pkg:part in WML is being represented as separate files containing references and content in some instances. Therefore it is not possible to get rid of WML 2007 and keep just docx .. or is it ?
    Also, like 2003 reference schemas where we can validate the generated WML file, will microsoft release a copy of 2007 reference schemas so that we can validate WML 2007 too? As the current reference schemas (1.4 draft) I believe are ment to validate and support docx version of WML.
    Can you please give your comments on above statements? Thank you once again. Much appreciated.

    Oh! am sorry ... BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY .. ROCK ON... :)


  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2006
    A happy belated birthday--and my, what nice photos. Elevation change and a dog! Something I have missed terribly the last couple of years here (in Berlin, Germany.)
  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2006
    kbalertz : Description of the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: September
  • Anonymous
    September 21, 2006
    Hi Brian,

    In your last post the schema references you gave, I believe they are to validate separate files (after unzipping docx). Is there any place from where I can grab hold of some sort of consolidated schema  where I can validate entire WML 2007 xml document (which is in following format)?

    <pkg:package xmlns:relationships="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"
    <pkg:part pkg:name="/_rels/.rels">....</pkg:part>
    <pkg:part pkg:name="/word/_rels/document.xml.rels">.....</pkg:part>
    <pkg:part pkg:name="/word/document.xml">......</pkg:part>
    <pkg:part pkg:name="/word/endnotes.xml">....</pkg:part>
    and so on


  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2009
    PingBack from http://debtsolutionsnow.info/story.php?id=10611