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U.S. TC will approve Open XML as an ISO standard

Doug Mahugh just posted about a call this afternoon where the U.S. V1 technical committee reviewed the results of last week’s BRM and has voted to approve DIS 29500: https://blogs.msdn.com/dmahugh/archive/2008/03/07/us-v1-technical-committee-votes-to-recommend-approval-of-dis-29500.aspx

I just got off a 3-hour call with my colleagues on the V1 technical committee, in which I and the other members of the US delegation to the BRM presented our thoughts on what happened at the BRM. Then we all voted on what to recommend to the INCITS Executive Board for the final US position on DIS 29500.

The final outcome: we are recommending that the US maintain its Approve position on DIS 29500. The next step will be for the INCITS Executive Board to conduct a letter ballot to approve this result.

After all the hard work in V1 going back to the beginning of last year, it's great to have finished up our review of DIS 29500 on a positive note. I think the interests of the United States have been well served by the process, and the spec is much better now than when we started.

More details later. For now, I'm looking forward to a weekend at home!



  • Anonymous
    March 07, 2008
    Here's what I don't understand about you people at Microsoft:  Why are you funneling your energies (and I'm sure MILLION$ of dollars) into this whole ISO certification mess, when you should be funneling that money into fixing the way your own products are impossibly complicated using those new OOXML formats?  Here's a glaring example: http://dearmicrosoftofficeteam.blogspot.com/2008/03/excel-pivot-table-compatibility.html

  • Anonymous
    March 07, 2008
    What a shame. To be proud of the recommendations of committee your company turned into drones...

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2008
    Hey on my older comp, I use Office XP on Windows Me. Now I know that Windows Me support has ended, but if can't MS make available an unsupported version of the compatibility pack that works on Windows 98 SE and Me? My temporary solution so far is installing Novell OpenOffice which can save files are OOXML but users of older versions of Office (as old as Office 2000) are also likely to run older Windows versions, can't MS please release a compatibility pack for 9x? I really want to save from Office XP as OOXML.

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 09, 2008
    @someone The compatibility pack used XML features not present in Windows 9x/ME. So for the compatiblity pack to work they should upgrade an unsupprted windows version. That is not going to happen. So upgrade, like everybody else has (Windows ME currently has market share of 0.02%).

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2008
    Hi, Please provide links to the V1, INCITS, and ANSI documents that show the bylaws, principles, and guidelines that provide the authority and criteria used to make determinations about a proposed standard on behalf of the citizens of the USA. Thank you.

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2008
    Not links to V1/INCITS principles but some background information from the blogosphere: " The thing to remember is that the US decision is not made by V1. It is made by the INCITS Executive Board (EB), and they have until March 26th to make their decision. V1, the technical committee, has been heavily stuffed with Microsoft business partners and the 12 of them comprise over half of the committee. Combined they submitted zero technical comments on OOXML. They have voted as a bloc on every technical and procedural vote since they joined V1 last summer. Luckily, the EB is more balanced. They are the ones, for example, that picked the US BRM delegation. So, the EB decision will be the important one. "

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2008
    Well, Anonymous Coward, you seem to have copied and pasted your comment from Doug Mahugh's blog. That being the case, I think it is only fair that I copy and paste his response there to you: "Well, Anonymous, I'm not sure you're going to find many people, in V1 or the EB or anywhere else, who agree with the "perspective" you're providing here. The vote in V1 on Friday was overwhelmingly lopsided.  Let's just say that it was a lot more than Microsoft and Microsoft partners on the Approve side, and many more than the 12 you mention, including people who voted against DIS 29500 last summer.  As for "since they joined V1 last summer" I'll just say that half the votes in IBM's block came from the very last organizations to join V1 last summer, period. As for the balance of the EB being reflected in how they picked the US delegation, many have noticed that after the EB picked a "neutral" HoD (in their second attempt), that HoD was then the lead cheerleader for the anti-DIS 29500 crowd in the days after the BRM, being quoted on the home page of NOOOXML.ORG and similar sites.  Does that make the EB look "balanced"?  The public will have to decide on that."