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Comments from Tim Bray on OpenDocument

I'm sorry to post about this subject with all the other stuff I've been promosing to cover but I just read this and wanted to share my thoughts. I was reading Tim Bray's post the other day about the OpenOffice conference (https://tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2005/10/01/Open-Office-Conference). He brought up a point that I've been asked about seperately a few times related to the lack of formula support in the OpenDocument standard:

Bad Formula Trouble I learned, to my dismay, that the ODF specification is silent on spreadsheet formulas, they’re just strings. This is obviously a problem; much discussion on what to do ensued. I lean to the idea, much bally-hooed by Novell, of simply figuring out what Excel does, writing that down, and building it into ODF v.Next. Mind you, anyone who’s really been to the mat with Excel, in terms of Math & Macros, knows that it isn’t a pretty picture, there are real coherency problems. But it’s good enough and the world has learned how to make it work.

There's also this article on NewsForge titled OpenDocument office suites lack formula compatibility where the following was stated:

The OASIS Technical Committee in charge of this standard explicitly said last January that "while ... interoperability on that level would be of great benefit to users, we do not believe that this is in the scope of the current specification. Especially since it is not specifically related to the actual XML format the specification describes."

Even outside the Committee there is the same opinion: OpenDocument must only be about structure and how to represent content.

Someone asked me in one of my previous posts what my thoughts were on this article, and here's a bit of what I said:

From reading the article, it sounds like the thought was that they would standardize around the presentation aspect of the formats only. It's a bit unfortunate since the result of a formula does affect the ultimate display. In fact, formula results are often the most important part of the spreadsheet.

Did the original StarOffice format have formulas defined in their schema? Did they decide only push some of the schema through OASIS?

If this is an area folks are interested in, let me know. I can post some examples of Excel's schema for formulas...

As I've said before, it appears that there are a number of very similar goals between the Office XML formats and what Sun did with the StarOffice format. In Office, we have the additional responsibility of supporting everyone's existing documents, which means there are a huge number of features we need to support (all of them). The issue here around equations happens to be just one example of one of those types of features that is really important. I'm sure the StarOffice format did have this support, it just didn't make it into the OpenDocument spec.

This is one of those cases where it's important to understand the nuances of someone's design. It appears that as they moved the StarOffice format through OASIS to create the OpenDocument format one of the primarily goals was around display of content. For whatever reasons (time, effort, design goal, etc.), they made the decision that some application information (like formulas, or customer schemas) was not something they wanted to work into the standard. This is an example of where our minimum requirements have to be different.

Presentation-centered formats

In it's current state, the OpenDocument format appears to be focused primarily on presentation of information. I think in that way it has somewhat similar goals to those of PDF. The sections of the StarOffice file format that they decided to take through OASIS were the ones that affected display of the files. You could argue that formulas affect the display, but as long as you make sure all the formulas are calculated before you save into their format you are fine.

Application interoperability

I'm curious what applications that are going to use OpenDocument as their primary format have decided to do about these missing features like formula support. I know a number of them have support for spreadsheets. Formulas are such a key part of a spreadsheet I'm assuming they have to create their own extensions to the format to support this. I'd be curious to know how the applications standardizing around OpenDocument (KOffice and OpenOffice for example) are planning to exchange spreadsheets. I would assume they will take some approach (like transformation) to ensure the interoperability they are going after. That's one of the great benefits of an XML format; as long as it's well documented you can take advantage of it. We've had people get pretty upset at us though when we've had to extend an existing format when there is additional functionality we want to store that the format doesn't support (it's referred to as "embrace and extend"). I think in this case there isn't really a choice. You can't have a spreadsheet without formula support.

I'm sure that the long term goals of OpenDocument do include full roundtripping of all user data and if that's the case I'm sure they are going to work on a proposal for missing pieces of the spec like formulas at some point. Once they do decide on a way to add formula support to OpenDocument, then they'll also need to go back to all the files that get created under the current standard and update them from the proprietary extensions to match the decided upon standard.

Full fidelity formats

I've talk before about how full fidelity formats are really important to us because we want to ensure that all features you want to use can be fully represented. Formulas are an extremely important part of any spreadsheet. In fact one could argue that formula support is the primary reason for using an application like Excel. The Microsoft Office Open XML formats are specifically designed as an XML representation of our full file formats. Everything you can do in our default format is represented as XML. Our formats are primarily designed around viewing, editing and integrating the files with data, formulas, and other application behavior. Collaboration is extremely important to us as well, and it would really be lame if you couldn't collaborate on every aspect of your files (only a subset). This is another example of why we had no choice but to create our own XML file formats if we really wanted to move to XML formats as the default. Otherwise we would have been stuck with something that didn't fully persist all of our users’ features. The key is that we fully document that XML and provide the schemas to anyone that wants to use them. This way as we continue to innovate based on customer needs and demands, we can also incorporate that functionality in the file format and expose it to anyone that would want to leverage it.



  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
    So, what's the problem with storing formulas as strings? That's how they are naturally represented, and it makes perfect sense to store them that way.

    ODF is the way to go at the moment, because there is no other option. There is no other equivalent that that is free to be implemented by any vendor without restrictions.

  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
    While it would be nice if were structured and could be schematized, storing as a string can still definitely work. Is there an agreed upon syntax for those strings that the different applications are using?


  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
    I loved the Tim Bray article, the whole post. What fun. Thanks.

    I agree that they should move to repair this very quickly and simply. I can't believe it happened in the first place.

  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
    I think the whole issue of formulas is pretty much not a major problem for word-processing documents. Spreadsheets yes, but not for the average document like you'd prepare in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer. It makes sense, then, to not let a spreadsheet-specific issue hold up the whole format.

    I don't think anyone should be suprised at how the formula issue is progressing. It's how RFCs have been developed for years, after all. OASIS isn't sure what the right thing is when it comes to formulas that lots of applications will use. They're probably trying to find a representation that'll allow flexibility for non-spreadsheet purposes as well as fit the existing needs of spreadsheets. That's non-trivial. Meanwhile, rather than codify an incomplete and inadequate initial standard, they're leaving it undefined. Strings can be filled in with whatever a particular application needs, and the application can use XML to tag the document to identify it's own format for later detection. When a standard for formulas is settled on, applications can then drop the app-specific tags and representation and use the standard one, with the app-specific tags allowing them to detect older versions of their own documents and upgrade them transparently. That particular trick isn't even particularly advanced, in fact section 2.2 on meta-data in the OpenDocument spec defines how to create application-specific metadata tags for just this kind of thing. If you maintain any kind of coherence between the XML document tree and the internal representation, I can even see how to preserve formulas in the document even if the application can't understand or display them. Same for meta-data tags.

    I'm a C++ hacker, not an XML guru. If I can figure this stuff out, I'm fairly certain the Microsoft Office developers can too. This whole hullabaloo smells like FUD to me.

  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
    ^^^ linky ^^^

  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
    When you're done grasping at straws trying to prove how superior your ClosedXML format is to ODF, can you please explain why you still haven't made clear that all you said about IP problems with ODF involving Sun was a mix of FUD and lies?

  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
    OpenDocument has support by several apps. The Wikipedia article on OpenDocument has more info:

    Support is not limited to OSS offerings. For example: TextMaker 2005 is a closed source application, currently in beta, with some OpenDocument support:

    Adobe, Corel and IBM were behind this standards effort as well. Not just Sun.

    If Microsoft has a problem with the specification, perhaps they should join the commitee. Microsoft is a member of OASIS already AFAIK.

    No one is asking Microsoft to dump Office XML. Just to support OpenDocument, as RTF or Wordperfect were supported.

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2005
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2005
    Yuki: That's been answered here before. As someone who was keeping an eye on the discussion, I can assure you that at the time the questions were quite legitimate. Sun had a rather ambiguous declaration that linked to the W3C policy. That policy, by the way, doesn't guarantee perpetual availability or sublicensing, or GPL compat if that's what you're worred about. The declaration didn't say if they actually had any patents on the format.

    Sun has since moved, pleasantly quickly, to post an updated patent grant.

    I don't really understand why so many people are getting worked up about this. It didn't look like a big deal then, and it doesn't now.

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2005
    Just a minor point, Brian, that in fact reflects on a larger critique I have of the FUD coming out of Redmond:

    You take a small point about missing formula specs and then make a grand claim that OD is "presentation-oriented", and so somehow more limited than MS Office XML. This is just wrong. The spec has a quite clean separation of presentation logic from content/structure.

    Is it as clean as, say, DocBook? No, but that's no surprise. Does it do a better job than your format? Probably.

    BTW, David Wheeler has been working on the missing formula stuff (though I know nothing about it). It's called OpenFormula. That's the nice thing about an open format: people can actually contribute to improving it!

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2005
    Thanks for the comments everyone.

    Bruce, I wasn't trying to turn this into FUD. In reading through those articles it sounded like the OpenDocument committee had decided they wouldn't focus as much on things like formulas and instead focus on things that affect the presentation of the files. I got that from the text in that article I pointed to. I could be completely mistaken though.

    I'm actually curious about what peoples thoughts were around formulas. One could make an argument that using strings for formulas is the right way to go, but in order to have a shared document format I'm assuming they still need to have everyone agree on a single type of syntax for those strings. Otherwise the formats aren't interoperable.

    I'll have to check out the work David is doing around the OpenFormula work. Thanks for pointing that out.


  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2005
    Brian: I think strings aren't the final format for formulas to be represented in. I suspect they'll come up with an XML-tags-based format in the end. For the moment, though, strings let applications stuff their own specific representation in until a standard form is settled on.

    And you weren't mistaken about the committee's focus. They know what they want from presentation, they aren't sure yet what's needed for formula representation, so they're focusing on what they've got a firm handle on while leaving formulas simmer. This is typical of RFC practice (the canonical example of an open process): let everyone try different approaches, see what works and what doesn't, give people time to try combining the best ideas from different approaches and see how those turn out, and then and only then codify into a standard what's been proven to work best.

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2005
    Brian -- I was objecting to the logic of this reasoning:

    <blockquote>In it's current state, the OpenDocument format appears to be focused primarily on presentation of information. I think in that way it has somewhat similar goals to those of PDF. The sections of the StarOffice file format that they decided to take through OASIS were the ones that affected display of the files.</blockquote>

    I just don't know how you can say that. It tells me you probably haven't looked through the details of the spec. That's fine; it's just I object to you making conclusions like the above based on that limited knowledge.

    I've worked with the OD TC, and I'm just an end-user with a passion for one specific piece of the document pie: citations. When we designed the new coding for that, the focus was on really nice separation of content/structure from presentation. And when that makes it into the spec and starts to be implemented, it will mean standardized coding for this that will enable features I don't think are possible with existing tools.

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2005
    Todd Knarr: "This is typical of RFC practice (the canonical example of an open process): let everyone try different approaches, see what works and what doesn't, give people time to try combining the best ideas from different approaches and see how those turn out, and then and only then codify into a standard what's been proved to work best."

    Translation: "ODF standard is a work in progress, and as such is immature."

    You are missing quite a few points:

    1. Standardizing a big commercial office suite on such immature standard is very risky at best.

    2. It's also pointless, since most features, starting with formulas, would require creating non-standard extensions and namespaces.

    3. There is no way to ensure full fidelity between old Microsoft Office file formats and ODF - they are simply too different.

    4. There are more applications in Microsoft Office than ODF is designed for, meaning again completely proprietary extensions and namespaces crammed in a general ODF container.

    5. ODF (or their OOo implementation, which I expect is not too shabby) are s-l-o-o-o-o-w, period. There you go again: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Ou/index.php?p=101

    Need more? Ok, here is the killer:

    6. Until ODF is comprehensive, there is no way to ensure interoperability of office suites. Some features and formatting would always be lost when moving documents between suites. There is simply no way successful commercial application can afford this.

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2005
    Brian, you wrote in part: "We've had people get pretty upset at us though when we've had to extend an existing format when there is additional functionality we want to store that the format doesn't support (it's referred to as "embrace and extend")."

    The extension isn't the problem. The problem is when Microsoft tries to lock up their extensions behind onerous licensing (e.g. Kerberos) instead of working with the people charged with maintaining those standards. It's the same deal with locking up the XML file formats with licenses and patents: totally bogus, dude.

    I'm not a numbers jockey, so spreadsheet formulae aren't that important to me: whatever OASIS settles on will be fine. What's more important is that I be able to move into and out of Office as I please, taking advantage of the strengths of whatever tools I have at hand. I don't require (or expect) that documents look exactly the same in every tool, just that I don't lose important content (in the case of wordsmithing, that's text and structure). Try competing on the merits of your software and file formats, instead of on who has the biggest set of locks, and you'll see a lot of people change their attitude about Microsoft.

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2005
    SDJ: counterpoints:

    1. ODF is hardly immature. It's been in development for quite a while, and is based off of a pre-existing format which has had several years of real-world use and modifications in response to actual problems. In addition, a large number of actual users of documents have been involved in the development specifically to insure that the resulting format met their needs. Given that, it seems to me less risky than depending on a brand-new format, designed within the last year or two, with no real-world experience or direct input from real-world users. Your assertion that ODF is immature has been, as well, thoroughly discredited by any number of others, both involved with OASIS and not.

    2. Hardly pointless, since OASIS is working on those features. Applications that would need, for example, formulas already have an application-specific format that they could continue to use, and they can transparently upgrade to the standardized format when that's finalized (as I described above).

    3. Customers aren't looking for full fidelity with Office formats, they're looking for a standard format that can represent various document formats accurately. They're looking for a replacement for the Office formats, not something that can reproduce them, and fidelity is irrelevant when you're not using the Office formats.

    4. Right now ODF is explicitly designed to eventually cover all the applications that exist in the Office suite. It doesn't yet, but that's not a major problem so far as I described above. The initial target is word processing, and frankly there's more implementations of word processors using ODF than there are implementations of Microsoft Word.

    5. Slow? Practical experience indicates that OpenOffice, KOffice and AbiWord are at least as fast as Microsoft word. In any case, whether it takes 1 second or 1.1 seconds to write out a document that took 4 hours to write and must remain accurately readable for the next 200 years seems to me not particularly critical.

    6. That's the argument "We can't release anything until we've got everything perfect.". This is countered by every bit of software development methodology in the last 10 years, particularly open-source development which thrives on releasing early to get real-world feedback to guide further development. It's also countered by the Internet protocols themselves, which follow the incremental-development model and have almost completely wiped from existence protocols developed on your "get it complete and perfect or it's useless" model.

    I don't have to call FUD on any of these arguments, it's already been called on all of them by many others.

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2005
    I'm going to have to disagree with you a bit there Todd. First off though, I'd like to ask that you please stop using the term FUD when we have disagreements on particular issues. It really doesn't serve a purpose. Just say you disagree and make your point. The way you use the term FUD, it could really apply to anyone that says something or asks something you don't like, and that really kind of takes away any meaning from the term.

    I don't know who the customers are for these applications that are moving to support OpenDocument so I can't comment directly on what they are ok putting up with, but I can say definitively that our customers would not be happy if we moved to a new file format that wasn't even fully defined for all the existing functionality. Of course as you move forward and add new functionality you'll have to adjust the formats, but existing functionality has to be represented.

    I really wish that cross version compatibility was as simple as you suggest, but it isn't. Changing formats from version to version is a big pain. Let's take the formula case here. If we were to go and use method "A" for representing formulas in version 1, we'd be ok for now. But once they come along and say that method "B" is the right way to do it, we'd have a difficult decision to make. When we move forward to version 2, do we output just method "B", or both "B" and "A"? If we don't output method "A", then there is no way for anyone with version 1 to look at our formulas. That isn't really acceptable because we haven't even changed the way formulas work internally, just the way they are persisted. Maintaining cross version compatibility is extremely important. Not everyone is able to always upgrade to the latest version, so you need to take that into account. That's the reason we've stuck with the same binary formats for so long. Only now are we moving to new default formats, and we're actually doing a ton of work to provide updates to the past 3 versions of Office so they can also support this new format.

    You're third point that "customers aren't looking for full fidelity" really blows me away! Maybe you're only talking specifically about customers that want to move to OpenDocument (which is a really small set)? Most customers don't care what format their files are saved in as long as everything works. We think we can do better though and that's why we build the XML formats. We think that Office documents can play a much larger role in business processes. Most customers aren't there yet though.

    Your comments about the speed of OO are a bit surprising. I do know that we've had customers that would refuse to upgrade if the product slowed down, so it definitely is a big deal to a lot of people, even it if isn't a big deal to you.

    Also, as a side note, for those of you folks that claim formulas aren't that big of a deal because they only affect spreadsheets, I unfortunately think you're letting your bias affect you a bit. Excel is one of the key applications in the Office system, and if we told our users that a core piece of functionality in that product wasn't supported (or at least we weren't guaranteeing cross version compatibility), we'd be in a lot of trouble. :-)


  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2005
    Brian: "I don't know who the customers are for these applications that are moving to support OpenDocument so I can't comment directly on what they are ok putting up with, but I can say definitively that our customers would not be happy if we moved to a new file format that wasn't even fully defined for all the existing functionality."

    Not sure if I missed something but could you point me to an example of where you are being asked to move to a new primary file format? I thought everyone was just asking for a way to save in this format (as in the Save As... option)?

    (oh and I see WorkPerfect is to support OpenDocument http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1864843,00.asp )

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    October 07, 2005
    Mark, we've definitely had a lot of requests to move to open, documented, XML formats. The average end user doesn't care, but we've had a large number of big companies ask for this support. The number of people asking for XML formats compared to the number of people asking for OpenDocument format is significantly different. And aside from people specifically wanting the new format, there are also feature requests we get that we will be able to solve because of the new format.

    We also have had a lot of partners request the format change to make it easier to build solutions on top of our files. And as I've mentioned before, even we benefit from it because it allows us to build more rich functionality into the Office System for handling Office documents in a rich and powerful way (workflow, document assembly, etc.)

    I know that it's important for people to understand why we did this work in the first place. I talked about a number of the reasons for moving to the new format in this post: http://blogs.msdn.com/brian_jones/archive/2005/09/29/475340.aspx


  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2005
    Brian: there also seems to be a disconnect on the definition of "open XML format". The "XML format" part seems to be clearly understood. The "open" part, though, seems to be defined by Microsoft as "Publicly described as of the current version.". This is part of "open", but people like Massachusetts are asking for "open" in a more extensive sense:

    a) Must be implementable by anyone, on any platform, for any purpose without having to get permission from any entity (beyond the minimal "You can't call it OpenDocument unless it actually conforms to the OpenDocument spec."). This includes creating documents, not merely reading them.

    b) Can't be controlled by any one entity. No one person or company can change or add to the standard on their own, they have to get support from a wide base including users and competitors first. Equally important, no one person or company can block changes and additions to the standard that do enjoy a wide base of support.

    Massachusetts has pointed out where the Office XML formats fail on both of those points.

  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2005
    Todd Knarr: "As for formula formats, it's easy and I described how to do it earlier (at least in OpenDocument, which accomodates this)."

    I read OpenFormula's RFC attempt, my estimate is it's about 3-4 years from getting to alpha quality. I'd expect that most ODF-based speadsheets would adopt OOo/SO format long before this RFC matures.

    Todd Knarr: "This causes loss of backwards compatibility (old versions can't read the formula representation of newer versions, but can still get the numeric form), but this is traditional with every MS Office version upgrade so I don't see where it can be considered unacceptable"

    And where exactly did you pull this load of [three-letter word that Brian doesn't want in his blog] from? Most version upgrades of Excel maintained both backward AND forward compatibility on formula level. There is simply no other way if you want to keep your customers happy.

    Todd Knarr: "As for "full fidelity", I think what most customers are looking for isn't what you're saying they are. They want full fidelity of appearance and representation."

    Which application, word processor? Perhaps, although I'd rather have my text intact ;) From your perspective PDF is the best format: even that it does not mandate persisting the actual text, it does maintain the "appearence and representation" of it.

    I'd expect most customers would want full fidelity in whatever the major function of particular application is. Who cares about appearence if their models do not travel correctly between OOo and KOffice spreadsheets?

    Todd Knarr: "I have to ask: what parts of Microsoft Office documents can't be represented in OpenDocument?"

    What parts of ODF cannot be represented by a bunch of XML and binary files stuffed into ZIP container? Or by a generic blob of binary data in a single .tgz gile? Same answer - none :) Which does not answer or prove anything about relative values of MSO, ODF and TAR+GZIP containers.

    Love, SDJ

  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2005
    Two posts on OFD and open standards by former Microsoft employee Stephen Walli:



  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2005
    OO's Florian Reuter on various topics including ODF versus Office XML. Reuter thinks OO's X-forms is superior to Microsoft smart forms. He also talks about some of the difficulty in reverse engineering Microsoft formats.


  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2005
    Andrew Updegrove's article (referred to by Eduardo's 2nd link) is an interesting read. He reveals some facts about MA's decision I hadn't heard anywhere else. Everything I had read about it up to this point said "MA chooses ODF". What Updegrove says is that only the Executive Agency (I presume this means the executive branch of government) had made this decision, not the entire state government. But still, tens of thousands of computers are involved.

    I listened to the audio of the Sept. 16 meeting of the committee, and I recall one of the comments made by Jonathan Zuck of ACT was that the standards document looked like "a late paper" (ie. one that was hastily written). I kind of get this feeling from reading Updegrove's article as well, not critiquing his writing, but rather his description of the decision. The enterprise standard clearly states that the Agency must commence migrating their systems to use applications that save to ODF by default, starting in Jan., 2007. Yet, in Updegrove's article he says the committee's FAQ on the subject says that users can continue using Microsoft Office after that date, and can even save in native Office format, but only need to convert to ODF when documents need to be archived. He also says that outside parties (contractors, lawfirms, etc.) can continue using whatever file formats they are now, to send documents to the state. There is no requirement that they change to using ODF in order to submit documents. He also says the standard states (it may have been changed to say this) that the Agency was not going to convert existing documents to ODF, but just leave them in their existing format. He says that only new documents, created in Jan., 2007 and after need to be saved in ODF for archiving. This sounds like a more reasonable policy, given their goals, and given the difficulty in migrating technologies. I just wonder why they didn't say all this in their enterprise standard up front. I think there's been a lot of confusion around the issue, and perhaps the committee that came up with this standard hasn't communicated clearly exactly what their intentions are.

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2005
    Mark: I think you're missing one point: the customer has asked to have the features thus restricted. I think that if, as a business, I make the decision that I don't want certain features in my documents, I want my office applications to tell users they can't use those features.

    Also, regarding the apparent conflict in what formats are allowed, I don't think it's that confused. The Executive Agency has decided that all the documents it keeps and makes available have to be in an open format. Individual users can still use native Office formats for working copies, it's only when the document leaves their computer headed elsewhere that it needs to be converted to a standard format. The same thing for incoming documents, it's just the document implementation of the Internet rule "Be strict in what you generate and liberal in what yiou accept.".

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2006
    As we move forward with the standardization of the Office Open XML formats, it's interesting to look...

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2007
    Andrew Sayers had a great suggestion that I should have a page set up that gives an overview of the blog

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