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CAB to Prism Comparison Available on Codeplex

Our Composite UI Application Block (CAB) customers have been asking for comparison documentation between CAB to Composite Application Guidance for WPF (Prism). You can download the guidance from here. This documentation helps you understand the difference between the libraries to help you plan your migration to Prism.

This figure provides a comparison of CAB and Prism. One of the big items to understand is what happened to work items. The documentation provides a lot of content on this issue.



Table of Contents of the Guidance

Intended Audience
Why Migrate from the Composite UI Application Block to the Composite Application Library?
Moving from the Composite UI Application Block to the Composite Application Guidance
- Application Structure
- Application Startup
- Loading Modules
- Where did the WorkItems go?
- Workspaces and Regions
- Providing Metadata to a View
- Presentation Patterns
- Registering Services
- Wiring Views and Services Using Dependency Injection
- Event Broker
- Commands
More Information
- Emulating WorkItems Using Controllers with Scoped Containers


Check out the guidance and let us know your thoughts. We will take your feedback into account before we publish the guidance on MSDN. Thank you in advanced to your feedback.
