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Business and Marketing Leadership Tips

Below are my blog entries that are related to leadership, managemen, and marketing. The URL will remain as: https://blogs.msdn.com/bgroth/articles/BusinessManagement.aspx so you can revisit it to get my latest tips.  


  1. New approaches to sales and marketing plans

  2. Buzz Marketing

  3. The Future of Marketing (is here now)

  4. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

  5. Your Marketing Message

  6. Brands to be Passionate About

  7. Monitoring the Buzz


  1. Principals for Leadership

  2. Giving Feedback

  3. Active Listening

  4. Selling Your Vision

  5. The Upwardly Global MBA

  6. Strategy Focused Organization

  7. Leadership Practices, Behaviors, and Commitments

  8. Applying Ideas from Good to Great

  9. 'The Leadership Challenge' and 'Execution'

  10. The McKinsey Mind

General Business

  1. Balanced Scorecard
  2. Business Acumen

Tips for a Good Business Plan

What is in a good business plan?

Problem Solving, the McKinsey Way

Customer-Sensing Capability Systems

Executing on your Sales Strategy

Recommended Statistics Refresher Info

The World is Flat


Sun-Tzu and the Art of Business

Organizational Change Management

General Management

  1. Negotiating and/or Meetings

  2. Be Aware of What Is Behind Your Actions

  3. Managing Yourself

  4. Managing Creativity

  5. Hiring Great People

  6. Motivating your Employees

  7. Growing Skills and Driving Careers

  8. MSF Agile

  9. Handbook for a Manager

  10. All courseware from the MIT Sloan School of Management

How to Win Friends & Influence People

Related Stuff About Me 

  1. My Resume so you know what work I've been doing

  2. My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ISTJ

  3. My Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) Results

  4. Six Sigma Green Belt Certification

  5. 360 Degree Review

  6. Why I work at Microsoft

Feel free to contact me at Brian.Groth@microsoft.com and I will try my best to get back to you within a reasonable amount of time.
