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Chinese Voucher Type Priority Number

The field Priority Number(General ledger > Setup > journals--> voucher type setup--> voucher type  ) is to define the sequence how system check the rules in voucher type settings when post Chinese voucher. System will check the voucher type rules by descending sequence, higher number first and then lower number.


As the legal requirement of Chinese voucher types ,system will check the rules of all Chinese voucher type according to priority number settings even if user specify the voucher type in journal. User needs to define the Chinese voucher type rules carefully with the priority settings, if the journal is align with several voucher type rules, it should be with the voucher type with highest priority number. Eg. Cashrec with highest priority number, if your journal is OK with cashrec but be specified as bankrec, then system will regard it as an error


It is not a must but as a recommendation, we normally suggest the default voucher type to set as lowest priority number since the rules for it will be ignored. For system posted journal, system will automatically choose the voucher type. If the default voucher type is set as highest priority, system will always choose this voucher type instead of going through by the priority.