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Code snippets on Test Management APIs?

This post shares code snippets on how to do some common operations using Test Management APIs.

Snippet #1 : – Given a test run, find associated test suite.

// Query results from the run.
ITestCaseResult result = testManagementRun.QueryResults()[0];

// Find the test plan
ITestPlan testPlan = testManagementProject.TestPlans.Find(testManagementRun.TestPlanId);

// Get test point from result.
ITestPoint testPoint = testPlan.FindTestPoint(result.TestPointId);

ITestSuiteBase testSuite = testManagementProject.TestSuites.Find(testPoint.SuiteId);
return testSuite.Title;

(Update 25/8/2012)

Snippet #2:- Find all test plans which are active and where the 'end date' is before a date.

ITestPlanCollection tpc = proj.TestPlans.Query("Select * from
TestPlan where PlanState = 'Active' AND EndDate < ‘2009-10-14’ ");

Snippet #3: - Find test results in a manual test run

// Get the test runs
IEnumerable<ITestRun> testRuns = testManagementService.QueryTestRuns(string.Format("select * From TestRun where TestRunID={0} AND IsAutomated=0", testRunId));

// Use the first test run assuming that there is a valid run
ITestRun testRun = testRuns.FirstOrDefault();

// Find results in the run
ITestCaseResultCollection results = testRun.QueryResults();

(Update 10/8/2012)

Snippet #4: – How to create/update a new test run

// Create a new test run
ITestRun testRun = testPlan.CreateTestRun(true);

// Add the tests that are part of the run
testPoints = testPlan.QueryTestPoints("SELECT * from TestPoint");
foreach (ITestPoint testPoint in testPoints)
testRun.AddTestPoint(testPoint, null);


// Update the outcome of the tests
ITestCaseResultCollection results = testRun.QueryResults();
foreach(ITestCaseResult result in results)
result.Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;
result.State = TestResultState.Completed;

(Update 7/5/2013)

Snippet #4: – How to change order of columns for the parameters?

// Get a handle to the test
ITestManagementService service = teamProjectCollection.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
var project = service.GetTeamProject("MyProject");
var test = project.TestCases.Find(1266064);


// Get the parameters table
DataTable table = test.Data.Tables[0];


// Move the parameter named myparam1 to second column


// Move the parameter named myparam2 to first column


// Save the test

(Update 16/9/2013)

Snippet #5: – How to do bulk edit of test steps?

// Get a handle to the test
ITestManagementService tcmService = collection.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
ITestManagementTeamProject project = tcmService.GetTeamProject("MyProject");
ITestCase testCase = project.TestCases.Find(1257815);

// Iterate through the steps
for (int i = 0; i < testCase.Actions.Count;i++ )
     ITestStep step = testCase.Actions[i] as ITestStep;
     if (step == null)

     // Replace "before" with "after" in the title part of steps.
     string initialTitleDocument = step.Title.FlowDocumentString;
     string updatedTitleDocument = RichTextUtilities.Replace(titleDocument, "before", "after");

     // Replace the title.
     ParameterizedString newTitle = ParameterizedString.FromFlowDocument(updatedTitleDocument);
     step.Title = title;

     // You can update the ExpectedResult also the same as title.


(Update 18/9/2013)

Snippet #6: – How to update the repro steps in a bug?

// Get the bug whose repro steps need to be updated
WorkItemStore store = collection.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
ITestManagementTeamProject project = collection.GetService<ITestManagementService>().GetTeamProject("myProject");
WorkItem bug = store.GetWorkItem(1811);

// Get the test case from which the repro steps needs to be populated
ITestCase tc = project.TestCases.Find(1737);

// Get the new repro steps
string newReproSteps = GetReproSteps(tc);

// update the repro steps 
Field reproSteps = wit.Fields["Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps"];
reproSteps.Value = newReproSteps;

private static string GenerateHtmlString(ITestCase tc)
   string reproStep = "<table>";
   TestActionCollection steps = tc.Actions;
   ITestStep step;

   reproStep += "<tr><td style='padding-right:10px;' >' + 'Step No' + '</td><td style='padding-right:10px;'>' + 'Step Content' + '</td></tr>';
   for(int i=0;i<steps.Count;i++)
       step = steps[i] as ITestStep;
       reproStep += "<tr><td style='padding-right:10px;verical-align:top;'>' + i.ToString() + '</td><td style='padding-right:10px;'>' + step.Title + '<div><b>Expected</b>'+step.ExpectedResult+'</div></td></tr>';
   reproStep += "</table>";
   return reproStep;

(Updated 25/10/2013)

Snippet #7: – How to find tfs test run/case/point details in test methods?

public void TestMethod()
// Get test run ID from current test run
int? testRunID = TestContext.Properties["__Tfs_TestRunId__"] as int?;
// Get the test case
// (If you have associated 1 test method with more than 1 test case, then it
// can return wrong results. Assumption is that 1 test method is mapped to 1 test case only)
int? testcaseId = TestContext.Properties["__Tfs_TestCaseId__"] as int?;
// Get the test point so that you can find configuration etc from the test run.
using (TfsTeamProjectCollection collection = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("myserver")))
    // Get the ongoing run object
    ITestManagementService tcmService = collection.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
    ITestManagementTeamProject project = tcmService.GetTeamProject("myproject");
    ITestRun testRun = project.TestRuns.Find(testRunID.Value);

    // Find the in-progress test. Since updates are pushed async to tfs (default interval is 30 sec)
    // wait for this test to show up in the progress list
    ITestCaseResultCollection testResults = null;
        testResults = testRun.QueryResultsByStatus(TestResultState.InProgress);
    while (testResults == null || testResults.Count == 0);
    Debug.Assert(testResults.Count > 0, "Results should be more than 0");

    // Find the result for current test & get test point from it. here
    ITestCaseResult testCaseResult = testResults.Where(t => t.TestCaseId == testcaseId).First();
    int testPointId = testCaseResult.TestPointId;

    // Now you can get more interesting data about configuration etc & use it in your test method.

(Updated 12/4/2013)

Snippet #8 Create a test run, Mark steps passed/failed, associate attachments with it.

This sample is created by Pradeep and is available here and the important code file is mentioned below.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client;

namespace SampleRunCreation
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Replace project collection with your project collection
            TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("https://myserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection"));

            // Replace project name with your team project.
            ITestManagementTeamProject project = tfs.GetService<ITestManagementService>().GetTeamProject("ScrumProject");

            // Create a test case.
            ITestCase testCase = CreateTestCase(project, "My test case");

            // Create test plan.
            ITestPlan plan = CreateTestPlan(project, "My test plan");

            // Create test configuration. You can reuse this instead of creating a new config everytime.
            ITestConfiguration config = CreateTestConfiguration(project, string.Format("My test config {0}", DateTime.Now));

            // Create test points.
            IList<ITestPoint> testPoints = CreateTestPoints(project,
                                                            new List<ITestCase>(){testCase},
                                                            new IdAndName[] { new IdAndName(config.Id, config.Name) });

            // Create test run using test points.
            ITestRun run = CreateTestRun(project, plan, testPoints);

            // Query results from the run.
            ITestCaseResult result = run.QueryResults()[0];

            // Add step results.
            AddStepResults(testCase, result);

            // Mark few step results.

            // Add attachment to run, result, iteration, and a step


            // Fail the result.
            result.Outcome = TestOutcome.Failed;
            result.State = TestResultState.Completed;

            Console.WriteLine("Run {0} completed", run.Id);

        private static void AddAttachment(IAttachmentOwner attachmentOwner)
            var attachment = attachmentOwner.CreateAttachment("SampleAttachment.txt");

        private static void MarkStepResults(ITestCaseResult result)
            result.Iterations[1].Actions[0].Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;
            result.Iterations[1].Actions[1].Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;
            result.Iterations[1].Actions[2].Outcome = TestOutcome.Failed;

        private static void AddStepResults(ITestCase testCase, ITestCaseResult result)
            // Create an iteration result. This is needed to create step results.
            var iteration = result.CreateIteration(1);
            foreach (var action in testCase.Actions)
                var step = action as ITestStep;
                var stepResult = iteration.CreateStepResult(action.Id);

                // Add step results in iteration.


        private static ITestCase CreateTestCase(ITestManagementTeamProject project,
                                                string title)
            // Create a test case.
            ITestCase testCase = project.TestCases.Create();
            testCase.Title = title;

            // Add steps.
            AddStep(testCase, "Step 1", string.Empty);
            AddStep(testCase, "Step 2", string.Empty);
            AddStep(testCase, "Step 3", "Expected 1");
            return testCase;

        private static void AddStep(ITestCase testCase, string title, string expected)
            var testStep = testCase.CreateTestStep();
            testStep.Title = title;
            testStep.ExpectedResult = expected;

        private static ITestPlan CreateTestPlan(ITestManagementTeamProject project, string title)
            // Create a test plan.
            ITestPlan testPlan = project.TestPlans.Create();
            testPlan.Name = title;
            return testPlan;

        private static ITestConfiguration CreateTestConfiguration(ITestManagementTeamProject project, string title)
            ITestConfiguration configuration = project.TestConfigurations.Create();
            configuration.Name = title;
            configuration.Description = "DefaultConfig";
            configuration.Values.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Browser", "IE"));
            return configuration;

        public static IList<ITestPoint> CreateTestPoints(ITestManagementTeamProject project,
                                                         ITestPlan testPlan,
                                                         IList<ITestCase> testCases,
                                                         IList<IdAndName> testConfigs)
            // Create a static suite within the plan and add all the test cases.
            IStaticTestSuite testSuite = CreateTestSuite(project);


            testSuite.SetEntryConfigurations(testSuite.Entries, testConfigs);

            ITestPointCollection tpc = testPlan.QueryTestPoints("SELECT * FROM TestPoint WHERE SuiteId = " + testSuite.Id);
            return new List<ITestPoint>(tpc);

        private static IStaticTestSuite CreateTestSuite(ITestManagementTeamProject project)
            // Create a static test suite.
            IStaticTestSuite testSuite = project.TestSuites.CreateStatic();
            testSuite.Title = "Static Suite";
            return testSuite;

        private static ITestRun CreateTestRun(ITestManagementTeamProject project,
                                             ITestPlan plan,
                                             IList<ITestPoint> points)
            ITestRun run = plan.CreateTestRun(false);
            foreach (ITestPoint tp in points)
                run.AddTestPoint(tp, null);

            return run;

(Updated 10/24/2014)

Snippet #9 Create a test settings

ITestSettingsHelper testSettingsHelper = tcmTeamProject.TestSettings;
ITestSettings ts = testSettingsHelper.Create();
ts.IsAutomated = true;
ts.Name = "mysettings"
ts.AreaPath = projectName;

#Load the content of testSettings file
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
ts.Settings = xmldoc.DocumentElement;



  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2014
    We can get the test case id from Tfs_TestCaseIdstring tcId = TestContext.Properties["Tfs_TestCaseId"].ToString();How to capture Test Case Title that's current being run in the MTM in C# test method?

  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2014
    Murali, Apologies for the late reply. You have to query the title using the TFS APIs.

  • Anonymous
    November 07, 2014
    How do I create a new test configuration?

  • Anonymous
    November 26, 2014
    Thank you for your post! Very helpful. Could you please help me write script to update Notes of tes case in specific test run?TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(TfsTeamProjectCollection.GetFullyQualifiedUriForName(""));           ITestManagementService tms = tfs.GetService<ITestManagementService>();           ITestManagementTeamProject proj = tms.GetTeamProject("");           var results = proj.TestResults.Query(string.Format("SELECT * FROM TestResult WHERE TestRunId = 30504 and TestCaseId = 216674"));           foreach(ITestCaseResult result in results)           {               var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;           }               }

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2014
    Test case result and the test case work item are different entities. Can you elaborate a bit further, if you wish to update the test result notes (comments) or test case work item notes (summary/description)? If you want to update the test case result comments you can set the ITestResult.Comment Property (msdn.microsoft.com/.../microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.client.itestresult.comment.aspx)  in ITestResult itself. However, if you want to update the test case notes  you will have to access the test case work item and update the System.Description field. The test case work item ID is available in ITestCaseResult.TestCaseId Property. See here to find sample code to edit work items: msdn.microsoft.com/.../bb130323.aspx

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2015
    Hi I am trying to create a Query tree view based test suite under MTMWhen i run query all workitems shows up in Parent child relation in MTM, but the moment i save the query all the workitmes are placed in flat hierarchy and it does not maintain the parent child relation anymore.. with this the order of the test cases changes..Could you please let me know how to update query so that all tests related one product backlog item are displayed first and then the next one..Also please send me code snippet to retrive suite id's in a given test planThanksAli

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2015
    Ali,List of test cases in a test suite is a flat list. We support test suites that can be arranged hierarchically to organize test cases. For example, for your query regarding organising test cases per backlog item, I’d suggest you use requirement based suites so that all test cases that test a backlog item show up in an associated requirement based suite. Also, you can order test cases in a static test suite, but not requirement based suite or query based suite.

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2015
    How can I delete test steps from an existing test case.

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2015
    Hello, Any idea when this bug will be resolved ? // (If you have associated 1 test method with more than 1 test case, then it //   can return wrong results. Assumption is that 1 test method is mapped to 1 test case only) Thank you !

  • Anonymous
    October 07, 2015
    Shweta, use method testCase.Actions.Clear(); Then, of course, don't forget to save the test case: testcase.Save(); Cheers, Alex

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    How can create testpoint for individual test cases from the already existing configurations in the project