We want to start by thanking you for all the submissions you sent in for the SOA issue (to be released in September). The selection process was hard difficult with so many amazing proposals. We even had to postpone the announcement day for a week as we needed more time to review! The good news is that have more guest columns and for the very first time, some short videos of about 5 to 10 minutes in length. This month’s issue is devoted to User Experience (UX). Some architects consider this topic to be critical as it's considered strategic in terms of broaden the audience for software adoption, customer satisfaction and, as a desired consequence, company revenue. Some other architects consider that UX is a cross-cutting aspect that only UX specialists must deal with, so they must just focus on architecture definitions. These positions don't necessarily contradict each other, and the conclusion is that, while the architect is not directly responsible for the overall UX, there is certain background she must keep in mind as a stakeholder of the overall project. Sooner or later she will have to take decisions based on UX constraints. Just to mention a couple: RIA or plain HTML interface? What about allowing certain reports in a spreadsheet so the user can later massage the information to extract further results? We selected an assortment of updated resources of varying depth. As usual, we offer both MS and non-MS views. We hope you enjoy this input. Remember that you can always send us your opinions by emailing us to archjrnl\@microsoft.com. Sincerely, Diego Dagum Editor-in-chief
Analyzing how effectively a Website provides for a net positive user experience can often turn into a subjective affair, rife with opinion and short on objectivity.
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